Firemind's Foresight

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Firemind's Foresight


Search your library for an instant card with converted mana cost 3, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then repeat this process for instant cards with converted mana costs 2 and 1. Then shuffle your library.

Azoth2099 on Izzet Vadrik Fireball-slinger

1 year ago


Hey dude!

This Commander is so underrated, a strong contender for the best in Izzet imo, good choice.

Having built and playtested the crap out of this one already, I'd recommend running Firemind's Foresight! Even if you're not using it as a 1-card wincon - which I recommend - it's still great value. Recursion spells Past in Flames, Mystic Retrieval, Mizzix's Mastery & Finale of Promise also pull a lot of weight. Buyback cards like Capsize & Reiterate are very strong here as well. Other Buyback cards that normally see no play like Spell Burst, Clockspinning & Seething Anger suddenly become pretty decent!

Equipment like Conqueror's Flail & Commander's Plate are also even better than they usually are with this Commander. Clout of the Dominus too!

Baral, Chief of Compliance could reasonably join the party as well imo!

SirFowler on "Happy Little Accidental Murders"

1 year ago

I like the deck. I have been wanting to make an Anhelo deck, but I just have so many decks already that I don't know if I'll have room for another. (Not like that's stopped me before though)

You already have Talrand, The Sky Summoner, but more effects like Metallurgic Summonings, Saruman, the White Hand, Chrome Host Seedshark, and Baral and Kari Zev would be handy. I also feel like a couple of magecraft triggers such as Archmage Emeritus, Deekah, Fractal Theorist, or, if you're willing to pay a little more, Storm-Kiln Artist would be good. Role Reversal is nice because it could steal any permanent, not just creatures if you're willing to get rid of some of your stuff. Cryptic Pursuit seems perfect hear since casting instants and sorceries creates a 2/2 for casualty, but also, when you sacrifice it, if it was an instant or sorcery, you get another card! A 3 for 1 seems like a pretty good deal. Also, your mana fixing needs a little work. The signets (Arcane Signet, Rakdos Signet, Dimir Signet, and Izzet Signet) are really cheap, so I would replace those for the 3 mana rocks. Creating colorless mana is pretty detrimental, especially if you're trying to cast spells with multiple mana symbols.

Some stuff I would replace. Blood Tyrant is too bulky since it doesn't benefit from casting/copying spells. Imminent Doom is a little too situational for my liking. There are times when you might not have the right cmc to trigger the doom. Theater of Horrors isn't really that great because it's really mana intensive for the payoff. Prince of Thralls is just too pricey for the curve. Prismari Pledgemage is just a 3/3 for 2, but doesn't do much anything else. Soul Seizer  Flip is too clunky, when you could just do Control Magic for 1 less and is an immediate payoff. Firemind's Foresight. I like this card, but it's just a little pricey for my liking. Elder Mastery. Again, a little too pricey for the payoff. Sedris, the Traitor King is really only good in a more creature heavy build with a mill subtheme. Since you only have 15 creatures, it doesn't seem worth it.

These are just a few of my opinions on the deck. Hope any of this helps.

Madcookie on Archmage's Arm Day

2 years ago

Good stuff! Also as a fellow Vadrik player I can recommend Reality Spasm. Who needs Reset when this baby is less than a dollar and also fetchable with Firemind's Foresight. Also with enough Vadrik discount Reiterate goes near infinite with Frantic Search letting you cycle thru your deck for a finisher and usually netting some 30 mana left over for stuff.

Lastly I'll suggest 2 cards that go infinite with Reiterate: Explosive Welcome and Seismic Spike. Fair warning, playing the second card will likely accumulate unusual amount of salt, so play at your own risk and if anyone asks you didn't hear it from me wink.


Pedrodamus on Flameshadow Conjuring ETB Interaction

2 years ago

Well, i guess even if countered the spell would get exiled and wouldn't have been there for the clone to see when it etbs. I had a way to clone it again though and was able to cast a Firemind's Foresight off it

Sheld on I cast at thee

2 years ago

Hey! You've given a suggestion on one of my decks, so I've thought I could return the favor. :)

I'm not sure how casual/competitive this deck is aimed to be, so I will give suggestions for both.

For a more competitive deck, I'd suggest:

The first three help you create disgusting solitaire turns while the last one may be the easiest win with Mizzix there is.

For a more casual deck, I'd suggest:

General card suggestions:

Mizzix's Mastery, Epic Experiment, Chaos Warp, Commit / Memory, Volcanic Vision, Invert / Invent, Prophetic Bolt, Frantic Search, Pore Over the Pages, Rewind, Solve the Equation and once again Bonus Round (this card is seriously good)

Also, I invite you to have a look at my old Mizzix deck and/or my up-to-date Zaffai deck for some inspiration.

I'm sorry for the long comment in case you didn't wish for suggestions. Just wanted to help. :^)

enpc on Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

3 years ago

I think Mizzix is healthy where she currently is. The main line that she specifically enables is the Firemind's Foresight into a one mana draw spell (like Brainstorm or Whispers of the Muse)/Lightning Bolt, Reset/Reality Spasm/Dramatic Reversal and Reiterate. The issue with the line however is that to actually get the combo working, you either need ot play a bunch of midrange spells (and while Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time help, most of your other midrange spells will still be 4-6 mana) which means that he deck heavily leans on Mizzix and gets shut down if you lose access to her.

And all the other lines in the deck can be run in any other Izzet list, meaning that you can't count them towards Mizzx's competitive level. Additionally, Mizzix encourages you to run more expensive spells in the list which is counterintuitive to cEDH in general.

I think that Fringe competitive is a healthy spot for her given all of the above and so doesn't warrant moving.

Gallagher on Illuna, Apex of Omniscience

3 years ago

Super sweet deck. I had the idea to do a Illuna + Omniscience deck, googled it, and found your list. I've got a couple suggestions though.

  1. I think you could use more incidental token production to give you mutate targets. Cards like Lazotep Plating, Emergent Sequence, Growth Spasm, Alrund's Epiphany or Stolen by the Fae could be great ways to create tokens for you to mutate onto, outside of man lands or GSZing for Dryad Arbor or Crop Rotating for Khalni Garden. The more expensive man lands like Lumbering Falls, Wandering Fumarole and Raging Ravine feel especially clunky here as 10 mana to activate them plus mutate is pretty steep. Another angle could be adding a Dwarven Mine, and maybe a Sheltered Thicket and second basic mountain to go along with it, so that your Mire, Mesa, Tarn and Foothills can produce a creature token as well. Kher Keep could be good for this too as it's a repeatable effect.

  2. It seems to me that you don't have enough ways to deterministically win once you get the Omniscience down. Intuition, Gamble and Mystical Tutor + a cantrip, seem like your only ways to reliably find Ignite Memories, and Intuition only gets into your graveyard. You definitely need at least 2 Regrowth / Reclaim effects so that your Intuition always gets you what you want. Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Mystic Retrieval, and Experimental Overload (since it can make a token too) are all cool options there. Playing those cards to support Intuition also allows you to play Gifts Ungiven and put together similar packages with it. Probably the best card to use to go off with Omniscience is Petals of Insight since it makes the storm count infinitely large and finds you your Ignite Memories all in one card. You could use cards like Solve the Equation or even Eerie Procession to find the Petals since it's an arcane spell. There's also Merchant Scroll which doesn't get you to the sorcery Petals directly, but it can find Firemind's Foresight, which then finds Intuition along with maybe some interaction. Brainstorm, Ponder, Preordain, Faithless Looting and Frantic Search all seem fine here as they're useful both before and after you get your Omni down. Spells like Time Twister and Time Spiral seem less good though, as there's a fair chance you could fizzle after casting them even with an Omniscience out. Enter the Infinite, Praetor's Counsel, Insurrection, Volcanic Vision, or Mnemonic Deluge also work as finishers if you want to do something bigger and splashier with Omniscience out.

  3. Lastly, Sea Gate Restoration  Flip, Valakut Awakening  Flip, and Silundi Vision  Flip all could be sensible additions to the mana base that double as ways to start go off with Omni. Not to mention Bala Ged Recovery that I mentioned before as part of the Intuition/Gifts package. Once you start playing any number of those spell lands, it probably then becomes a good idea to include a Gruul Turf or similar land to open up the line of Crop Rotating into a bounce land to return a spell land to hand. Once you're on this land package, Hour of Promise starts to look pretty appealing, as it can find bounce + spell land to start and Omniscience chain, or any number of various creature lands if you need something to mutate onto.

Guerric on Mizzix puts the "X" in Excellence!

3 years ago
Impulse OUT Deflecting Swat IN

Contentious Plan Sort of replaced Impulse as my two-mana card for early counters. The value of Deflecting Swat can hardly be overstated, as it provides early protection for Mizzix while being relevant all game long.

Aetherspouts OUT Introduction to Annihilation IN

Spouts is such a conditional card, and we have plenty of board wipes when we count or kill-the-table x-spells. Intro is great in that its free permanent removal for us much of the time.

Overwhelming Intellect OUT Dramatic Reversal IN

A counterspell that can only counter a creature spell is underwhelming, and we added swat. I can't believe Dramatic Reversal hadn't been added earlier. It plays into our combo with Reiterate , and allows us to fetch the whole combo with Firemind's Foresight . A true must include!

Fall of the Titans OUT Expropriate IN

Fall was always our worst x-spell, and we have more than enough in the deck. For a replacement win con its far better to just take another turn and steal everyone's best thing. The greatest thing about this card is that its so cheap to cast with Mizzix!

Spring / Mind OUT Archmage Emeritus IN

Spring is great but sorcery speed and a one-off. Archmage will draw us cards the whole game. We're up to three whole creatures in this deck now!

Howl of the Horde OUT Solve the Equation IN

I've got plenty of copy dorks here, so another tutor is great, especially one that will usually cost me just two blue mana!

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