Spiteful Blow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spiteful Blow


Destroy target creature and target land.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 months ago

Had a minute to comb through the Theros block legendofa, here’s what I found. A couple definites, a bunch of probably-not’s. I checked against your list, but ignore any duplicates I missed.


Read the Bones

Mortal's Ardor

Searing Blood

Possibles, but probably not:

Polis Crusher I think it’s intended to be 1st person for effect, but no hands or any visible body parts.

Satyr Piper maybe we’re looking through the eyes of one of the spearholders, but probably not.

Staunch-Hearted Warrior is definitely FPP, but no hands, only shadow.

Viper's Kiss I think the angle is too far from what could be a potential FPP.

Witches' Eye could be 1st person, but the angle is pretty wide.

Kragma Butcher I don’t think we’re seeing this from the perspective of those people at the bottom, but I’m not 100%.

Dictate of Erebos is potentially FPP, but which agonized fellow reflected in his eyes are we seeing this from? I’m skeptical.

Font of Return since I don’t know the game lore and I’m rusty on actual Hellenistic mythology, I don’t know if we’re seeing the reflection of the Minotaur type monster through his own eyes, or if he’s actually trapped in the bowl.

Spiteful Blow I’m in favor of this one. I think it’s a perspective that is entirely possible, as if the giant is on one knee smashing his fist down in front of him and watching himself do it. The angle is odd though, so up to you.

Supply-Line Cranes maybe we’re looking from the viewpoint of one of those hands, but doubtful.

That’s what I found. If you’re tired of getting these posts, just let me know. I don’t mind, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome, ha

Vasseer on

8 years ago

In your sideboard Grip of Desolation is strictly better than Spiteful Blow, Scalding Tongs fits with the theme of tiny pings for having low cards. Withering Boon would acquire some salt as would Imp's Mischief.

Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully on Zurgo Helmsmasher suggestions!

8 years ago

Magebane Armor, Lightning Greaves,Spectra Ward, Assault Suit allows you to make allies and to prevent sacrifice effects, any white protection from x, tutors like Stoneforge Mystic or any of the swords would be nice for a Tron deck. I also enjoy the versatility of Demolish, Ajani Vengeant, Rancid Earth, Roiling Terrain, Shivan Harvest, Spiteful Blow, also Tenza, Godo's Maul is an excellent card.

heyguy on

9 years ago

Looks pretty solid, and I totally understand wanting to play only cards you have. I was just giving you suggestions for the future if you ever want to upgrade the deck. Still, I do see some cards that I just think aren't very good in the list. This time I'll give you my reasoning for why I think they should be cut:

Aegis Angel - 6 mana is really expensive for this effect. This gives Alesha indestructible, but the angel itself isn't even indestructible, and it's a creature, the easiest type of permanent to remove in the game.

Angel of Finality - Honestly, I could go either way on this one. It's a great card with a strong effect for sure. I just don't like that you can't recur it with Alesha because of the 3 power. But it wouldn't be the end of the world to leave it in.

Bane of Bala Ged - This is an underwhelming card to me. Yes, you can get it back with Karmic Guide, but that is one card in your deck and you have zero creature tutors. It's also really easy for your opponents to get rid of.

Flickerwisp - I guess I just still don't understand what you're trying to do with this guy. A one-time flicker effect that you can't flash in or recur with Alesha just seems really weak in EDH.

Generator Servant - Again, not quite sure what exactly this guy is doing for you.

Silent Sentinel - 7 mana is a ton, and this thing doesn't even do anything until the turn after you play it. And what it does isn't even that strong either.

Tyrant of Discord - It's a big body with a fun effect, which is what EDH is about, but it's not really what Alesha's about in my opinion. Where is the synergy?

Diplomacy of the Wastes - Targeted discard is not good in EDH unless you can recur it and shred someone's hand. Plus Meren probably wants the card in the graveyard anyway. This is just a bad card all around.

Mizzix's Mastery - Awesome card. Awesome. Card. But not in this deck. I'm just not seeing enough instants and sorcereys to make this worth it.

Nightsnare - This card is terrible. Worse than Diplomacy of the Wastes. Generally stuff that gives your opponent a choice is bad because they will obviously always choose the most favorable thing for them.

Purge the Profane - This is even worse than Nightsnare. Awful card.

Sheer Drop - This is just really narrow, crappy removal.

Spiteful Blow - This card is really good - in limited. It's too expensive for constructed. Grip of Desolation is strictly better and you probably have one laying around if you opened any Battle for Zendikar. But don't run it cause it's still bad.

Channel Harm - This card is straight up bad. Costs way too much for what it does.

Riot Control - Kinda like a cheaper Channel Harm. Still bad, possibly worse cause life gain is pretty irrelevant in EDH unless you're paying life for stuff, i.e. Toxic Deluge, Greed, Bitter Revelation, etc.

Cards from your previous list that you should put back in to replace these cuts:

Archetype of Finality - I'm sure you know how first strike and deathtouch work together, but in case you don't, this will make Alesha almost impossible to block. She will deal her damage before the blocker, which kills it before it is able to damage her.

Azorius Arrester - Rendering a commander useless every turn seems pretty good.

Cartel Aristocrat - This thing is a house. Do not underestimate the power of a free sac outlet. You'll see what I mean once you play a few more games with this deck. And the great thing about this sac outlet is that it protects itself.

Disciple of Phenax - This thing is way better than the one-time discard spells you have in there now. It's repeatable.

Dragonscale General - This guy can turn a small creature into a HUGE threat very quickly.

Marsh Flitter - Tokens are very good in Alesha.

Phyrexian Revoker - Pithing Needle on a stick. This is a great card that you made me realize I should probably put in my Alesha build.

Ponyback Brigade - Tokens, tokens, tokens. This guy can get you 5 power on the board for 2 mana turn after turn. I love this card in my deck.

Tymaret, the Murder King - Another sac outlet, and a good one at that. Don't underestimate his value.

Voracious Null - Yet another sac outlet. You're gonna want to pack this deck full of them. This one is good because it becomes a threat pretty quickly. Reminds me of a more tame Flesh Carver, who I used to run and had no complaints with.

Zulaport Cutthroat - With all the tokens you'll be making and sacrificing, this guy will put in more work than you think.

Fated Retribution - Boardwipe is always good in EDH, especially at instant speed.

Silence the Believers - Dude this is PREMIUM EDH removal. Trust me. Do not cut this.

Dictate of Erebos - Where do I even begin? This card is absurdly powerful in a deck like this. It makes blocks very tricky for your opponents because if your creatures die, so do theirs. And you can flash it in when they least expect it! And let me paint this dream scenario in your mind. Your battlefield: Alesha, Cartel Aristocrat, Dictate of Erebos. Ponyback Brigade in your graveyard. Swing Alesha, activate her ability, bring back Ponyback Brigade and get 3 goblins. At end of turn, sac Ponyback Brigade and all the goblins and each opponent has to sac 4 creatures. Rinse and repeat. How do you beat that? Throw in Zulaport Cutthroat and it gets even more bonkers. Absolutely find a place for this card. It is too good not to run.

Outpost Siege - This is a great card that can either give you an extra card each turn or act as another Zulaport Cutthroat.

Hero's Blade - Way better than Armory of Iroas. Immediately makes Alesha incredibly difficult to block and can equip itself for free when she enters.

If you make these changes, this deck will be a force to be reckoned with. And if you don't want to cut everything I suggested, at the very least, find a place for Archetype of Finality, Cartel Aristocrat, Silence the Believers and Dictate of Erebos. Hope this helps!

zeronovember on Kothophed, Soul Hoarder edh

9 years ago

I run Spiteful Blow instead of Grip of Desolation, because it triggers Kothophed's ability twice.

cannibalfood on

9 years ago

I'm trying to use cards I already own. Karmic Guide can get a Creature out of grave and back to battlefield like Bane of Bala Ged and do it again when brought back. My original idea was to try using Havoc Festival and flicker it in at my end step to apply to opponents upkeep, or use Dictate of the Twin Gods only on my turn, but that would apply to opponents sources too. I have ways of exiling Graves with Agent of Erebos, Angel of Finality or if opponents discard (Karmic Guide+Tyrant of Discord) I could use Necromantic Summons, Fated Return, Shadowfeed and Beckon Apparition.

Ghastly Conscription can/could be used mid-game after opponents have searched for lands and play/recur Balustrade Spy hoping to yield more creatures. (If my teammates commander is in grave (Ezuri, Claw of Progress) I could Necromantic Summons or Fated Return on it and get the counters from the 2 power, if things resolve)

Most original creatures were human to trigger Xathrid Necromancer when sac'd and Cavalry Pegasus to provide flying when attacking but got removed trying to get to 99 w/ lands, there's 10 left and all recurrable w/ ETB effects. When it comes to protecting Alesha I can Gift of Immortality, Holy Mantle and I can Totem-Guide Hartebeest to Tudor (yeah it's a 6 drop, but it's a 2 power and I own it so...)

The first cards to get the cut were any with costly mana abilitys as I need at least 2 untapped mana before each combat, the only mana abilitys left are: Shadows of the Past, Flameshadow Conjuring, Purify the Grave, Twinflame, Mizzix's Mastery. I'm not really planning on using awaken on Sheer Drop & Ruinous Path. Creatures with mana abilitys are Karmic Guide (not an issue), Reckless Reveler, Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip, Flamewake Phoenix (not an issue).

This is where I'm at with it and still have to remove some...

Planeswalker:Ob Nixilis Reignited, Gideon, Battle-Forged

Enchantments:Iroas, God of Victory, Shadows of the Past, Cathars' Crusade, Oblivion Ring, Flameshadow Conjuring,Holy Mantle, Banishing Light, Gift of Immortality

Instants:Hallowed Moonlight, Riot Control, Fated Return, Shadowfeed, Channel Harm, Purify the Grave, Beckon Apparition

Sorcerys: Twinflame, Necromantic Summons, Mizzix's Mastery, Sheer Drop, Ghastly Conscription, Ruinous Path, Spiteful Blow, Nightsnare, Diplomacy of the Wastes, Purge the Profane

Artifacts:Orbs of Warding, Orzhov Keyrune, Sol Ring, War Horn, Boros Keyrune, Armory of Iroas

Creatures:Karmic Guide, Xathrid Necromancer, Mardu Woe-Reaper, Thraben Doomsayer, Tyrant of Discord, Keening Apparition, Marsh Flitter, Reckless Reveler, Butcher of the Horde, Generator Servant, Nantuko Husk, Iroas's Champion, Silent Sentinel (still makes me think of Havoc Festival and Dictate of the Twin Gods destroying it with Keening Apparition or others.) Cavalry Pegasus, Drana, Liberator of Malakir, Flamewake Phoenix, Resolute Blademaster, Evangel of Heliod, Agent of Erebos, Totem-Guide Hartebeest, Fiend Hunter, Aegis Angel, Angel of Finality, Azorius Justiciar, War Priest of Thune, Viashino Firstblade, Balustrade Spy, Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip, Flickerwisp, Bane of Bala Ged

heyguy on

9 years ago

Just to get the deck ready to play tomorrow, here's what I would do:


  1. Aegis Angel

  2. Angel of Finality

  3. Archfiend of Depravity

  4. Bane of Bala Ged

  5. Blazing Hellhound

  6. Corpse Blockade

  7. Flamerush Rider

  8. Flamewake Phoenix

  9. Flickerwisp

  10. Grim Guardian

  11. Rotfeaster Maggot

  12. Silent Sentinel

  13. Stonecloaker

  14. Tyrant of Discord

  15. Wojek Halberdiers

  16. Channel Harm

  17. Collateral Damage

  18. Riot Control

  19. Unholy Hunger

  20. Dictate of the Twin Gods

  21. Havoc Festival

  22. Shadows of the Past

  23. Starfield of Nyx

  24. Armory of Iroas

  25. Grafted Exoskeleton

  26. Orbs of Warding

  27. Auramancer

  28. Totem-Guide Hartebeest

  29. Mizzix's Mastery

  30. Sheer Drop

  31. Tormented Thoughts

  32. Spiteful Blow

  33. Purge the Profane

  34. Nightsnare

  35. Dawn to Dusk

  36. Diplomacy of the Wastes

  37. War Priest of Thune

  38. Shadowfeed

  39. Hallowed Moonlight

Additions: 36 lands

Beyond that, here are things you need more of in the deck moving forward:

1) More ways to get creatures into your graveyard, i.e. Returned Centaur, Altar of Dementia, Moonlight Bargain, Faithless Looting, Buried Alive.

2) More sac outlets, i.e. Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Attrition, Dimir House Guard, Goblin Bombardment, High Market.

3) More spot removal attached to creatures, i.e. Bone Shredder, Big Game Hunter, Faceless Butcher, Duplicant.

4) More ways to protect your commander, i.e. Palisade Giant, Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Darksteel Plate, Whispersilk Cloak, Mother of Runes.

5) More win cons, i.e. Master of Cruelties, Priest of the Blood Rite.

Other amazing cards you should find room for:

Agent of Erebos

Avalanche Riders

Leonin Relic-Warder

Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip


Solemn Simulacrum

Stoneforge Mystic

Tidehollow Sculler



Elspeth, Sun's Champion

General Suggestions:

Since you'll be playing against Meren, try to replace effects that remove one single thing the graveyard with graveyard hosers like the aformentioned Agent of Erebos or stuff like Relic of Progenitus, etc.

Try to replace your cards that get rid of just artifacts or just enchantments with cards that kill both artifacts and enchantments like the previously mentioned Leonin Relic-Warder or Return to Dust, Orim's Thunder or Fate Forgotten. Or better yet, replace them with things that just get rid of permanents like Utter End, Chaos Warp, Necrotic Sliver or Vindicate.

Don't play any creatures with power greater than 2 unless they are really good.

Get some more mana rocks in there. Chromatic Lantern and the signets (Orzhov Signet, Boros Signet, Rakdos Signet) are great.

If you want to protect your own graveyard, try Aegis of the Gods and/or True Believer.

Hope all this helps! I love playing with Alesha and I think you will too!

akatalin on Mom's Dragons

9 years ago

Maybe replace

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