Keening Apparition

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Keening Apparition

Creature — Spirit

Sacrifice Keening Apparition: Destroy target enchantment.

lagotripha on Help me plzzzz

6 years ago

Ok, this deck has a simple problem. Rather than building win-cons, you've filled a lot of card slots with big, game-ending spells. I'm seeing four combos and big creatures.

The issue with doing this can be explained pretty quickly- Combo cards are effectively blank until you get both parts of them, and high mana cost cards are blank until you can cast them. Most of the game is how you get to your big stuff, rather than staring at them in your hand and wishing you could use them, so that should be reflected on how much of your deck is 'I win if I cast this' compared to 'I need to survive to cast this'.

This basically means that this deck consists of Predator Ooze, Heritage Druid Noble Hierarch Essence Warden and Champion of Lambholt, but your hands will only have one or two of them at most. In modern, most decks will have two removal spells and a way of winning by turn five, so you will lose against most decks unless you get very lucky.

There are some simple solutions to this. This genreally means reducing the number of combo cards while increasing your ways to make sure that they arent 'blank'. Tutors, pseudo tutors, making sure your combos are good without both halves.

You don't want to be attacking enough for Dense Canopy to reliably provide value, so its normally blank- you can replace it. Similarly, Spring Cleaning/Primeval Light takes a long time to be useful, while something like (Felidar Cub/Keening Apparition/Kami of Ancient Law or in particular Qasali Pridemage or Thrashing Brontodon can be bears and destroy all the important stuff the turn evening resolves- its still basically a wipe, its just useful prior to being a wipe.

Your only black cards are Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood. They end the game, but without four of each (and Vizkopa Guildmage) it is difficult for them to be in your hand and to reliably cast them. Spells like Zealous Persecution Mortify or Anguished Unmaking could play well with different gamplans but you should cut both of them, and focus more on two colours, as the mana is a lot easier to provide (as cards you can't cast are basically blank).

So, when you are looking at a card in this deck or to add to this deck, think through several things. 'How does it help me' 'When does it help me' and 'when don't I want it'. This means finding versatile cards which can destroy enchantments but are also creatures or have multiple modes (hello Austere Command/Primal Command). Try to pick cards that don't just help with one of your gamplans, but all your gameplans. Similarly. if a gamplan just isn't working out, consider cutting it for more support, or cutting something else to support it more.

I really reccomend focussing on 1 drops that help generate mana/life, and 5 drops that have a big impact the moment they are played (Thragtusk, Painful Quandary) etc. A set of 2/3 mana cards that form your combos or can search your library for them (Idyllic Tutor, Lost Auramancers etc) and a smaller number of wincons. Foccusing in on what you want to do really helps you with picking cards that help you get there.

Sgtpopnfreash on Tana and Tymna Blood Pod - Primer

6 years ago

Hey guys thoughts on replacing Caustic Caterpillar with Keening Apparition? I have loved it and i think the card gets overlooked often in CEDH because its not green.

kingjust1ce on Green White Control Casual Help

7 years ago

Im looking to build a Green white control Casual deck to counter my friends red black Vampires deck. he likes to get +1/+1 counters out on his Rakish Heir, then he will use other vampires to help get more +1 counters and so on. right now my deck isnt complete, but here is what i have so far.

4xTowering Indrik 4xCommencement of Festivities
4xImpeccable Timing 2xArrest 2xcard:Takedown 2xFragmentize 1xSandblast 1xKeening Apparition 1xConsulate Skygate 1xShredding Winds 1xAerial Predation11xForest 11xPlains

im not sure what else to add to this deck as of now because i dont know what a good win condition would be. any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Would Mono White Angels work?

zretrareo27 on What to remove, Red White …

7 years ago

I think I'm going to remove Sunforger, as much as I like it as a card, I don't want to rework my deck to work around it. Here's what I've so far come up with as outliers in my deck.

Avarice Amulet is expensive. I need a good draw card to replace it, maybe an artifact? Suggestions welcome. Boros sucks for draw. Same with Inheritance. It's good in theory, but when I get done playing a creature, and casting Threaten and activating Fling on Brion Stoutarm I'm likely to be out of mana.

Taj-Nar Swordsmith is essentially a 5 mana to find Skullclamp. Feel like it's wasted space.

Yosei, the Morning Star A generally awesome card, but it's death effect doesn't make a huge impact most of the time, even if I'm tapping their lands etc.

Heart-Piercer Manticore is very cool, but there's no reason for him to be in here if I am already sac'ing creatures to Brion Stoutarm.

Kami of Ancient Law is probably unneeded and would be better used for ramp. Thinking about removing Keening Apparition and Reckless Reveler as well, but am afraid of not having enough removal.

Patolea on Judgment Day: Avacyn the Purifier EDH [PRIMER]

7 years ago

Why not change Silverchase Fox for Felidar Cub or Ronom Unicorn or Kami of Ancient Law or Keening Apparition ? I know they don't exile but you can use asap and they don't require mana.

Why do you use Quicksmith Rebel?

Very nice deck!!!

Emzed on Iroas, God of Victory

8 years ago

Hey, your list looks fun and well tuned. I have some ideas for you though: Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip is a powerful 1-drop creature that you might want to find room for. War Priest of Thune looks better than Keening Apparition to me. Your mana could benefit from Chrome Mox, Tarnished Citadel and Inspiring Vantage. And since you want to build and then maintain a fast advantage on board, effects like Blood Moon or Winter Orb can help you a lot by slowing everyone down for a while.

libraryjoy on HitHimHard...AndAgainAndAgainAndAgain

8 years ago

Card draw is the #1 most difficult thing in Boros. Here are a few possibilities:

Temple Bell - Also benefits your opponents

Diviner's Wand - You won't have wizards, but you can pay 4 and draw a card.

Humble Defector - Benefits all your opponents unless you can get Homeward Path on the battlefield.

Boros Cluestone or Commander's Sphere with Sun Titan or Emeria Shepherd

Here's a link to my main boros deck: Heavenly Fire from the Vault I use Deathrender plus enchantment/artifact destruction creatures like Keening Apparition and Reckless Reveler to cheat big angels into play. It's an option, and that engine is pretty cheap.

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