Fated Return

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fated Return


Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. It gains indestructible. If it's your turn, scry 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)

legendofa on Anowon ***Need feedback please!***

4 months ago

Welcome to the club, DadCommander!

I'm neither a mill expert nor a Commander expert, but let's see what kind of advice I can offer. I think Traumatize is the most useful sideboard card here. It's a huge chunk of milling, and commbined with Bruvac the Grandiloquent it can take a player out of the game on the spot. For a suggestion that's not in the sideboard, either Duskmantle Guildmage or Bloodchief Ascension can mill all opponents out and win the game with Mindcrank.

But right now, you're three cards over the maximum. The deck also has a pretty heavy mana curve, so I recommend putting in a few more lands. My first thoughts for cuts are Scourge of Fleets (reliant on islands, lots of cards with similar effects, high mana cost), Spinal Embrace (good combat trick, but clashes with all the bounce and destroy effects, high mana cost), Latchkey Faerie (doesn't do enough for its cost, in my opinion), In Garruk's Wake (very high mana cost, and has several redundancies), and Marsh Flitter (four mana for a 1/1 flier is very expensive, you can pump it four times max, and the two Goblins in the deck are more useful for their abilities than as sacrifice fodder). That's five cut cards, bringing you down to 98. Add two lands, one of them can be the sideboard Tainted Isle, and this will be smoother and more reliable.

There are a few different themes here. There's mill, Rogues, bounce, and reanimator theft. Most of your higher-cost cards look like they're there to take opponents' graveyard cards, which is good support for mill, but you can probably trim down the number you have here. Geth, Lord of the Vault will also help combine the mill and reanimator--I would replace Fated Return with Geth.

Gidgetimer on Take Control

5 months ago

I'd start with one of the 2 Flicker of Fate seeings as you can only run 1 in Commander :)

Your mana curve is a bit high too, so I'd look at one of the 7 mana cards to cut. Probably Fated Return since you can do the same thing for much less mana. Though I just noticed that you aren't running any of Reanimate, Animate Dead, or Necromancy and the price of the deck is pretty low, so this may be a budget deck and the "same thing for much less mana" argument may not be a good one.

legendofa on 2 card 6 cmc or …

1 year ago

Fated Return and Ready / Willing are good for creatures. Professor Onyx, Thousand-Year Storm, and Arcane Bombardment work very well together if you have a critical mass of instants and sorceries.

multimedia on Budget Sneak Attack Precon Upgrade

2 years ago

Hey, good start, well done upgrading the precon on a budget. For your first deck you have good card sense already. Most of my card suggestions to consider are $1 or less each. Some overall advice is to consider lowing the mana curve which will reduce the avg. CMC of your deck which is currently high at 3.4. By lowing the mana curve then you can potentially play more Rogues quicker to have more of a board presence when you cast Anowon.

There's an infinite opponent mill combo with Mindcrank. Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank + effect to make each opponent mill a card. For three mana this combo makes all your opponents mill the rest of their libraries and each opponent loses life equal to the amount of cards they had left in their libraries.

Consider a few more one drop Rogues who have evasion to help them to do combat damage to a player?

By adding more one drop Rogues then you have more chances to potentially control more Rogues before you cast Anowon. Spells that only cost one mana are great in Commander letting you more easily cast more than one spell a turn or cast a spell on your turn and leave up lands/mana for instant opponent interaction.

Some other one drops to consider:

Anowon with Rogues is all about attacking. Consider more effects to take advantage of attacking and doing combat damage to opponents?

  • Krydle of Baldur's Gate: Rogue with combat damage to player trigger, also repeatable to make Anowon, itself or another creature you control unblockable, for two mana.
  • Hoard Robber: Rogue who can create repeatable ramp with treasures.
  • Reconnaissance Mission: draw a card for each creature who does combat damage to a player.
  • Key to the City: repeatable unblockable by discarding a card and it can be repeatable draw once on your turn for two mana.
  • Zephyr Boots
  • Curiosity
  • Sigil of Sleep

Anowon lacks evasion and with base 2/4 stats it could be difficult for him to do combat damage to a player. By adding more cards that can repeatedly give him or other creatures you control evasion or unblockable then he can do more combat damage to opponents.

Some budget land upgrades replacing some basic lands to consider:

  • Secluded Courtyard: new card from NEO set, it will most likely come down in price. Another tribal land that ETB untapped and bonus is you can use mana from it to activate an ability of a tribal creature.
  • Choked Estuary: another Dimir dual land that can ETB untapped if you also have in your hand an Island or Swamp land to reveal.
  • Path of Ancestry: ETB tapped Dimir land, but worth it for tribal since any Rogue you cast with it you scry 1.
  • Access Tunnel: another land that can make a creature unblockable.

Some cuts to consider are first some lands to add more one drop Rogues? 38 lands is high, by cutting two lands for a couple of one drops won't effect consistency of drawing lands that much while the one drops can give you more.

Some other cards to consider cutting in order: Dimir Locket, Didn't Say Please, Fractured Sanity, Fated Return, Rise from the Grave, Murder, Ogre Slumlord, Master Thief, Lazav, Dimir Mastermind, Adaptive Automaton.

If you're interested in any of these suggestions then let me know which ones and I offer more advice. Good luck with your deck.

dritchie on Vampiric death

2 years ago

You could also add Mindcrank because it goes infinite once Bloodchief Ascension is active, I’d remove Fated Return as its mana intensive you could add Sanguine Blood + Exquisite Blood as another infinite combo

kei_kugiyama on Reanimation spells

2 years ago

i think you're missing Fated Return?

Orange+ on Pinball Wizard

2 years ago

Hey, PlutoniumWedding. Thanks for you suggestions :)

Great to know about interactions between Emergent Ultimatum and Fated Return. Details like that are so easy to miss (for me atleast). I'm still hoping combos like fetching something together with Spelltwine and casting it twice is gonna work (?).

The burn category comment is noted. 10 damage isn't necessarily any good. But for me, it's still a fun effect to have available. And as I'm reliant on sub optimal wincons, it's nice to have something to finish off a player. I also really wanted to play Searing Wind for jank reasons.

I'm pretty sure this deck is gonna stay creatureless, just for the hell of it. I don't have any creatureless decks, and the point of this deck was to be able play big funky stuff. I just like the idea of being able to play big janky sorceries that I would never otherwise have been able to play.

I'm probably not gonna change anything to add commander protection either. I hope this deck will be (somewhat) functional even if Golos, Tireless Pilgrim is destroyed every time I cast him. Because I only play large spells, that means I will still have access to plenty of big effects on hand even if I can't activate Golos. This due to the fact that I will probably only cast one thing per turn in such a scenario, and thus naturally sustain a big hand.

So atleast until I need to make improvements (in the case of sub par performance in my play group), I'm not adding any permanent spells to keep the "sorcery tribal" feel, and I'm not adding any spells with CMC less than 5 for the "big stuff" feel.

For the rest of the card suggestions, they are waaay out of my budget. As you may have noticed, this deck is now at a affordable 80$. And I will try to keep it at more or less this price.

Anyways, it is always nice to get feedback, and you have provided plenty! I will definitely keep your suggestions in mind in case I feel the need to make changes

PlutoniumWedding on Pinball Wizard

2 years ago


Golos really embodies Timmy edh in that sense of 'I don't care what I'm casting as long as it's big and flashy!', doesn't he? :D

I have a few ideas and comments, in no particular order.

Expropriate seems like it would be one of the big ones for a bit more pay-to-win oomph.

I think Field of the Dead is amazing in Golos decks, since your five colour edh land base is unlikely to contain many duplicate names. It's not the wincon it apparently was in... Historic? But it generates a very steady stream of chump blockers. It's apparently still like $10, though.

Emergent Ultimatuming up a board wipe and Fated Return sadly only works if Golos for some reason is already in the graveyard, since you cast the two spells immediately and will need to choose targets for Fated Return before the wipe resolves. You can of course get some other big thing that's died during the course of the game.

The flat damage spells (Sorin's Vengeance, Searing Wind) seem weak - they only impact the game if someone is already at 10 or less life, and even then only if they're currently the threat. I'd look to those if you need to make cuts for higher quality cards.

Rise of the Dark Realms and Clone Legion are a few ways to get instant boards. Both work very well if you can sneak in an Eternal Witness (or Archaeomancer) as they can recur the little creature for infinite fuel, even though you're of course unlikely to cast either more than once per turn.

Omniscience is a great way to get all the fat spells in your hand to actually be useful. It's wonderful if you get it off of Golos, but perfectly OK to hard cast before emptying your hand of bombs.

I know you're mostly going for instants and sorceries - is there a reason for this? You don't have to have one, but there are a lot of nice permanent bombs that fit the Golos playstyle, like Etali, Primal Storm, Debtors' Knell, Worldspine Wurm and Mind's Dilation. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is a boardwipe that spares Golos and sticks around as a nuisance and possibly even a long-term threat.

Another great card with Golos is Illusionist's Bracers. Twice the madness.

Given the deck's reliance on Golos himself, I'd think it almost mad not to run some protection, such as Lightning Greaves, Darksteel Plate, Swiftfoot Boots, Hammer of Nazahn etc. Counterspells would be an option, but it's so sad to flip them with Golos...

Since Golos ramps on ETB, flicker cards like Teleportation Circle, Soulherder, Conjurer's Closet and Thassa, Deep-Dwelling can each get you one free land every turn, not limited to basics. Running all of them is probably... A different deck. One or two might be nice.

If you do go with that approach, you have lots of options, like Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Cabal Coffers for lots of mana, The World Tree, Cascading Cataracts and Crystal Quarry for fixing, or utility lands like Maze of Ith and Mystifying Maze. Since these are lands that are perfectly fine to draw on their own, this takes up a lot less deck space than it might initially seem like.

I hope I've given you some ideas at least!

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