Scythe Specter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scythe Specter

Creature — Specter


Whenever Scythe Specter deals combat damage to a player, each opponent discards a card. Each player who discarded a card with the highest converted mana cost among cards discarded this way loses life equal to that converted mana cost.

SufferFromEDHD on Tinybones, The Pickpocket

10 months ago

I agree with your assessment 100%. I liked this spoiler and am optimistic MH3 will be full of EDH goodies.

Noggin Whack tribal Hymn.

Unmask Grief #2.

Tourach, Dread Cantor potential upgrade to one of your common 2 drops.

Mindslicer full bins.

Hypnotic Specter and/or Scythe Specter fill the bin up in style.

SufferFromEDHD on Gangsta's Paradise - Henzie "Toolbox" Torre

2 years ago

High Market and/or Phyrexian Tower more sac effects.

Volrath's Stronghold recursion.

Deathrite Shaman quality mana dork.

Archon of Cruelty and Rune-Scarred Demon are quality etb.

Scythe Specter big effect.

Sneak Attack Henzie #2

I your deck. I'm gonna dig thru my collection and build one of my own.

Idoneity on Tinybones the card thief

4 years ago

Ah, I have piloted a mono-black discard deck for quite the number of years. I have Chainer, Dementia Master at the helm myself, as he is a rather powerful card when everyone's hands are empty, thus he reigns unanswered. Therefrom, a great amount of methods may be used to win.

Tinybones is less of a finisher itself, more so a value engine. As such, I would recommend possessing a lower curve to take advantage of the card draw and more potent finishers within the deck to hent for victory. Also, having card draw outside of the commander would grant a better backup plan. A discard deck's goal is to empty each opponent's hand and win by going unthreatened. If no players have cards to discard, Tinybones cannot provide draw.

The changes I would make are more instants so you kill things once they resolve as opposed to waiting a full turn, swifter discard in the early game to make your commander more effective, stronger finishers for the sake of ending the game betime, and just cutting some cards.

So, first, there are some things I would remove.

  1. Murderous Compulsion may go with the discard theme, but it's conditional removal at sorcery-speed.
  2. Bad Deal is ironically a bad deal, as it is six mana for two cards gone.
  3. Assassin's Strike is just egregious. A six-mana sorcery to kill one thing and they discard but one card. Begone.
  4. Unnerve is fine but not great. Being a one time effect at four mana, I dislike it, though Xantcha is a great character in the art.
  5. Haunting Hymn is six mana, which is far too late for discard effects to be effective. You want discard early, as it makes it far more difficult for decks to catch their footing.
  6. I have the same reason for Tasigur's Cruelty.
  7. Cabal Conditioning has an identical reason.
  8. I have a shortlist for this category, being creatures without long-game value; Burglar Rat, Liliana's Reaver, and Banshee of the Dread Choir have discard stapled to them, but don't do much else whilst lacking much in terms of evasion for Larceny.
  9. Scythe Specter is slow and other cards just do its job better, and Herald of Anguish is slow and lacks fodder for its second ability.
  10. Necrogen Spellbomb is just crap. Two mana for one card from a single player's hand is awful. Don't play this.
  11. Awaken the Erstwhile neglects the game plan of having more cards than your opponents whilst lacking the option of going back. I'd just add a stronger finisher.

Alright. With that out of the way, I may suggest other cards.

So, early game discard. Mind Rake and Delirium Skeins are each great, for they take card from every player in the first few turns of the game.

Let's add some better kill spells: Snuff Out, Victim of Night, Go for the Throat, Hero's Downfall, Drag to the Underworld, and Murderous Rider.

Wraths are a cruciality for slower strategies such as this, for aggressive strategies such as Alesha or Tymna. You should add any of Massacre Girl, Damnation, or Massacre Wurm.

Upon card draw, you have none outside of the Trinket Thief, Rankle, and Geth's Grimoire. I'd add any of Phyrexian Arena, Sign in Blood, Underworld Connections, and Dread Presence. Necropotence may seem as if it negates the strategy, but it is always worth it.

Lightning Greaves just seem great.

Dark Ritual and Cabal Ritual allow for turn one Pit or Mists, easily providing much value with your commander on turn two.

Expedition Map allows you to assemble your land combos with Cabal Coffers and Urborg. Always nice.

Nirkana Revenant is an option for the sake of late-game ramp, giving much for Torment of Hailfire.

Now, for the finishers I have many. Do note that these are meant to be played when people haven't any cards in hand, hence lacking answers for these once on the field. Sheoldred, the Whispering One grants value from each player's bin whiles eating at their board. Abhorrent Overlord offers a swarm of flyers to end the game. Grave Titan is much the same. Archfiend of Despair goes well with Tinybones's second ability. Though I am not too fond of it, Archfiend of Spite offers much. Geth, Lord of the Vault hents the opponent's graveyards to swarm the board. Kokusho, the Evening Star is a massive threat that harms upon death. Kothophed allows for a quite a bit of card draw. Lord of the Void is always fun. Lastly, Gray Merchant of Asphodel does so much every time it hits the field.

Of course, I'd add more ramp and reanimation. Mind Stone, Arcane Signet, Charcoal Diamond, and Lake of the Dead are great for ramp. Animate Dead, Reanimate, and Dread Return are fine ways to get stuff from anyone's yard, save for the Return.

That shall be all from me. Do enjoy your day!

multimedia on Nicol Bolas, Lord of Discard

4 years ago

Hey, I agree Nicol Bolas can be devastating repeatable discard in multiplayer Commander. It's a more powerful Grixis Commander then Crosis.

No matter the Commander choice here's some budget cards $2 or less each to consider adding. Several of these suggestions are in the maybeboard. When you're playing a high CMC Commander then more low CMC ramp helps.

Crosis has flying and most Specters also have flying which makes Dragon Tempest a two drop haste enabler for the majority of your creatures. Consider cutting the other Dragons and high CMC creatures for more Specters or creature that can give you more value?

Whispering Madness is a wheel and it can be repeatable with cipher which can be powerful with flying creatures. Read the Bones, Painful Truths, Brainstorm are mana efficient draw spells. In multiplayer Commander the versatility of Mirrormade is great, especially on a budget. With all the discard from multiple opponents The Eldest Reborn can do a lot and have many targets to choose from to reanimate.

Mask of Memory and Mask of Riddles is low CMC equipment that can be repeatable draw with flying creatures. Sunken Hollow, Dragonskull Summit, Grixis Panorama, Ash Barrens are lands to consider adding.

Cards to consider cutting:

  • Hideous Visage
  • Slate Street Ruffian
  • Fill with Fright
  • Traveler's Amulet
  • Phantasmal Dragon
  • Territorial Hellkite
  • Boltwing Marauder
  • Hypersonic Dragon
  • Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
  • Arcanis the Omnipotent
  • Moltensteel Dragon
  • Tyrant's Familiar
  • Gruesome Deformity
  • Fear
  • Foresee
  • Ambition's Cost
  • Mind Rot

Good luck with your deck.

bradtheimpaler13 on

5 years ago

You could probably cut Barrier of Bones for the shortfang. And probably cut the Scythe Specter for Rankle!!

MokraMrkva on

5 years ago

You have some very cool budget ideas. In this deck maybe Rakdos, Lord of Riots , Dreadbore , Vicious Rumors and Fell Specter (if you would go more towards discard theme), Plaguecrafter , Furnace of Rath , Scythe Specter , The Eldest Reborn .

Doomdragon271 on Waste Not, Want not.

5 years ago


Attrition Free sac outlets are better.

Buried Alive Significantly reduced need for creature tutors.

Chainer, Dementia Master Liliana is more focused towards the discard aspect I want.

Curse of Disturbance With fewer creatures comes less value out of this cycle of curses

Entomb Less need for creature tutors.

Fellwar Stone Lower curve means that I want to be using mana more efficiently, as opposed to tapping out on 2 to ramp.

Fleshbag Marauder Less powerful than Plaguecrafter

Gray Merchant of Asphodel less overall devotion with the reduced creature count

Lightning Greaves Fewer creatures to protect in this version

Scythe Specter Too slow for this type of effect, the idea is to get rid of all opponent's hands as fast as possible and to keep them empty.

Stitcher's Supplier Less graveyard focus now, I dont need the self mill as much.

Victimize There just aren't enough good targets for this spell to be useful.


1 x Swamp & Terrain Generator Upping the overall land count by 2

Liliana Vess More Discard, yay, also, more tutors.

Animate Dead the replacement for victimize, grabs one very important creature.

Altar of the Brood Part of an infinite combo with Gravecrawler

Razaketh, the Foulblooded More tutors!

Initiates of the Ebon Hand Part of another infinite combo with Gravecrawler + Reassembling Skeleton

Sensei's Divining Top Card selection is great.

Bad Moon , Still on the fence about this one, Bloodflow Connoisseur might be the pick here.

Phyrexian Altar More infinite combos with Gravecrawler

Phyrexian Arena More consistent card draw.

Vampiric Tutor And even more tutors.

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