Blizzard Specter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blizzard Specter

Snow Creature — Specter


Whenever Blizzard Specter deals combat damage to a player, choose one — That player returns a permanent he or she controls to its owner's hand; or that player discards a card.

theGentlemanSeal on Devoted to two Gods

3 years ago

Great deck!

Helm of the Ghastlord would be a great addition to beef up all your blue/black creatures. Also, Oona's Gatewarden is an easy fit in here. Some more dimir fundamentals would be Baleful Strix, Cemetery Puca, Dimir Guildmage, or Dimir Guildmage.

In terms of finisher cards, you could add: Gyruda, Doom of Depths, Wrexial, the Risen Deep, Dragonlord Silumgar, Silumgar, the Drifting Death, Ghastlord of Fugue, Blizzard Specter, Dire Undercurrents,

A version of the deck will a mill wincon could also make use of Ashiok, Dream Render, Phenax, God of Deception, Lurking Informant, Nemesis of Reason, Psychic Drain, Mind Grind, Nightveil Specter, and the many more mill focused cards from across blue and black.

A deck that leans more into flash could use Slitherwisp.

Overall, I quite like and want to see it down the line!

DemonDragonJ on Diabolical Machinations

3 years ago

I have replaced Szadek, Lord of Secrets with Blizzard Specter , which lowered this deck's average converted mana cost from 4.66 to 4.61, which is a good thing, since this deck still has the higher mana curve out of all my decks.

DemonDragonJ on Mind Over Matter

3 years ago

I have replaced Dromar, the Banisher _ with Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign , because, as much as I wish to have all ten primordial dragons in my decks, Dromar is highly situational, because he hurts his controller three-fifths of the time.

I have replaced Mindleech Mass with Blizzard Specter , mainly because the specter has a lower mana cost than does the mass.

I have replaced Szadek, Lord of Secrets with Nemesis of Reason , because, while it is great that Szadek grows more powerful with each attack, milling my opponents' cards is not a central strategy of this deck, so I cannot afford to pay Szadek's high mana cost.

These three changes together reduced this deck's average converted mana cost from 4.24 to 4.13, which is very nice.

DemonDragonJ on Which Card Should Replace Mindleech …

3 years ago

I have a copy of Mindleech Mass in my black/white/blue EDH deck, and I now realize that that card is simply far too expensive for me to be able to reliably cast it, so I am planning to replace it with another card, and my choices are Blizzard Specter , Nightveil Specter , Duskmantle Seer , or Nemesis of Reason .

What does everyone else say about this subject? Which card should I put in the deck in place of Mindleech Mass ?

aholder7 on Is my pet card good

4 years ago

even in modern, CA doesn't really fit mill decks as they usually go all out for the mill kill. CA doesn't have evasion of any kind either which really hinders him. if you want to make a deck that allows them to do well, i'd suggest a dimir control deck with lots of cheap hand disruption and counter spells with a few nice finishers with this as one. your discard spells are no longer blanks against empty enemy hands because of the mill option. admittedly there are probably better options but i feel that he is more reasonable in this build than a straight mill deck.

vague list assuming you want budget.

4x Raven's Crime

2x Harsh Scrutiny

2x Duress

4x Mana Leak

2x Negate

4x Drown in the Loch

4x Merfolk Secretkeeper

3x Blizzard Specter

3x Consuming Aberration

24x land

that leaves a few cards to add and you can fill them out to fit your style

Heavy into mill 4x Mind Funeral 4x Maddening Cacophony

more dudes on the field 4x Thing in the Ice  Flip 4x Aegis Turtle

bigger spells are cooler 4x Devastation Tide 4x Set Adrift

if you didn't want this to be budget obviously add snapcasters and fetches and feel free to add more cards like Remand.

tacolover25 on Let it Snow mark 2

4 years ago

What about splashing black for Blizzard Specter? 1x Mouth of Ronom for extra removal on a land. Perhaps Squall Drifter in order to get your attackers through or tap down the opponents' threats?

HorseTribalLord on Snow is cold | Budget snow tribal

4 years ago

Lamplighter thanks for the tip, I definitely considered keeping it only two colors, but blue and green are essential for the deck and just keeping it those colors essentially makes it the original snow day deck. the reason I added black was mainly because of the fantastic removal that comes with Dead of Winter, its pretty much a three mana one sided board wipe, and additionally black offers cards like Rime Transfusion which makes the equipped creature essentially unblock-able, and Blizzard Specter which is just a good value card with its ability to bounce things, (it also just happens to pair nicely with Rime Transfusion by guaranteeing the fact that it deals damage to the player). So I see where cutting it down to two colors would make it more reliable mana wise, but with the Arcum's Astrolabe's and the Glacial Revelation's I just don't really see a mana screw happening, also by cutting out black I lose quite a few good cards, so I just feel that I get more overall value by keeping it at the three color

multimedia on Nicol Bolas, Lord of Discard

4 years ago

Hey, I agree Nicol Bolas can be devastating repeatable discard in multiplayer Commander. It's a more powerful Grixis Commander then Crosis.

No matter the Commander choice here's some budget cards $2 or less each to consider adding. Several of these suggestions are in the maybeboard. When you're playing a high CMC Commander then more low CMC ramp helps.

Crosis has flying and most Specters also have flying which makes Dragon Tempest a two drop haste enabler for the majority of your creatures. Consider cutting the other Dragons and high CMC creatures for more Specters or creature that can give you more value?

Whispering Madness is a wheel and it can be repeatable with cipher which can be powerful with flying creatures. Read the Bones, Painful Truths, Brainstorm are mana efficient draw spells. In multiplayer Commander the versatility of Mirrormade is great, especially on a budget. With all the discard from multiple opponents The Eldest Reborn can do a lot and have many targets to choose from to reanimate.

Mask of Memory and Mask of Riddles is low CMC equipment that can be repeatable draw with flying creatures. Sunken Hollow, Dragonskull Summit, Grixis Panorama, Ash Barrens are lands to consider adding.

Cards to consider cutting:

  • Hideous Visage
  • Slate Street Ruffian
  • Fill with Fright
  • Traveler's Amulet
  • Phantasmal Dragon
  • Territorial Hellkite
  • Boltwing Marauder
  • Hypersonic Dragon
  • Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
  • Arcanis the Omnipotent
  • Moltensteel Dragon
  • Tyrant's Familiar
  • Gruesome Deformity
  • Fear
  • Foresee
  • Ambition's Cost
  • Mind Rot

Good luck with your deck.

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