Tourach, Dread Cantor
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tourach, Dread Cantor

Legendary Creature — Human Cleric

Kicker (You may pay an additional as you cast this spell.)

Protection from white ((Remember the acronym debt.) This creature can't be damaged, enchanted, equipped, blocked or targeted by anything white. Anything white attached to this immediately falls off.)

Whenever an opponent discards a card, put a +1/+1 counter on this.

When this enters the battlefield, if this was kicked, target opponent discards two cards at random.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Jovial Evil
Phyrexian Slayer
Glistening Deluge
Phyrexian Bloodstock

legendofa on Hot Wheels

4 months ago

The most and best wheel cards are in and , so you need at least one of those colors, and preferably both. Xyris, the Writhing Storm and

Breaking it down, wheeling has four key parts: you discard, you draw, opponents discard, and opponents draw. This is a very simple, slightly curated list of commander options that care about at least one of these.

"Whenever you draw"

"Whenever you discard"

"Whenever an opponent draws"

"Whenever an opponent discards"

Some side options are reanimator, since you're going to be filling graveyards fast, and spellslinger, since most of the straightforward options are instants and sorceries.

SufferFromEDHD on Tinybones, The Pickpocket

5 months ago

I agree with your assessment 100%. I liked this spoiler and am optimistic MH3 will be full of EDH goodies.

Noggin Whack tribal Hymn.

Unmask Grief #2.

Tourach, Dread Cantor potential upgrade to one of your common 2 drops.

Mindslicer full bins.

Hypnotic Specter and/or Scythe Specter fill the bin up in style.

legendofa on Reinvented wheel

5 months ago

xipee808 The flash does help a lot. And I might be underestimating it. But I will suggest, like you mention, running the full playset is probably too much. Hullbreacher cuts into the mill plan (but I see the Laboratory Maniac in the sideboard) and the draw-damage pressure. I think I see where you're coming from, but just to be sure, could you explain the intended use step by step?

What I see is:

You're in a good spot now, you have resources and your opponent should be on the defense. A lot of those resources rely on your opponent having a reasonably discardable hand, though, so I assume you want to swing with Tourach and/or feed an Exsanguinate and end the game quickly.

I have to admit, I have more experience with pure discard than with wheels, so I might just need to see it in action, but I see Hullbreacher being a 1- or 2-of at most as a finisher, and not as part of the control plan.

How do you get your opponents to discard without them drawing for more than one turn, if you can "wheel and gain from Liliana's Caress and other enchantments"? Once they discard, their hand is empty, and Breacher stops them from significantly refilling their hand.

Still, this is a solid looking deck, so nice work! Have you been able to use it in live matches a lot?

wallisface on

7 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • don’t include either of those sideboard cards into your deck, they’re bad.

  • Profane Tutor is much better than both Grim Tutor and Diabolic Tutor. I’d just run the Profane Tutor and ditch both of these other tutors entirely in favour of more early game interaction (killspells).

  • your land count of 28 seems good, especially as Cabal Coffers ”isn’t a land” and won’t be helping you at-all until you have 3 other lands in play anyway. However, you could replace some swamps with Troll of Khazad-dum, as they can act both as land-fetches early game, and large creatures late game.

  • if you’re planning on making big mana, Tainted Adversary is going to be a lot more useful than Gifted Aetherborn.

  • you never want to be paying more than 2 mana for a killspell. In that vein i’d recommend either Infernal Grasp, Bloodchief's Thirst, or Sheoldred's Edict instead of Murder.

  • I don’t think Hypnotic Specter is very useful - a lot of decks will already be empty handed by their own play-patterns before this thing swings. I’d swap it for one of the before-mentioned killspells (or Damnation),… if you really want a creature, maybe something like Tourach, Dread Cantor.

I think the biggest hurdle to this deck is that while you’re probably going to be able to play a land every turn, that’s still pretty slow ramp-wise, so you should be investing a lot more resources into ensuring you can slow the game down in those early turns (by killing your opponents threats) so that you can reliably do stuff with your big spells in the late game.

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • 20 lands feels really low for a deck running Smallpox, that also needs 3 mana reliably, and ideally 4 mana for Tourach, Dread Cantor. Personally, i'd go up to 24 lands, and then run a playset of Raven's Crime so that you can still make use of any excess lands you might draw later in the game. (i'd drop the Hypnotic Specter for those extra lands, as the card just validates your opponents killspells too much)

  • I'd suggest running the full playset of Smallpox as it can just prove soo valuable for messing with your opponent, particularly if you're on the draw (which 8rack decks often want to be).

  • I'd ditch Megrim in place of some kind of killspell. between Shrieking Affliction, The Rack, and Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage you already have enough ways to punish an empty hand - and the opponent might not even have any cards in hand to discard after turn 3 anyway. You also want to be able to killspell the opponents board to force them into having to play more cards and get lower on resources. I think Fatal Push would be a lot more useful than Megrim here.

  • Duress can be really problematic in that it might not find a card to discard. I'd suggest running 3x Blackmail instead, and then 1 copy of Bontu's Last Reckoning. Blackmail is a lot stronger in that it will at least be guaranteed to force a discard, and the single copy of Bontu's Last Reckoning can come in clutch for getting out of gross situations (though I don't think you want to be running more than 1 copy because drawing 2 in a game is probably not helpful)

Syr_Francis on Orzhov's Purulent Plague!

1 year ago

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this Basics of this Deck! Any thoughts on updating this to a Post-MH2 Modern Deck?

Mishra's Factory to replace the Mutavaults?

Vindicate because it's freakin' Vindicate (can't argue with that reasoning!)

Bloodchief's Thirst is an option!

Fracture for the Sideboard!

A Tourach, Dread Cantor or 2 might be neat!

Also, not sure if it's playable or would find a spot in here, but the new The Raven Man has me intrigued... & if he's making more Token creatures, Bone Shards & Village Rites might be solid too!

There's also the Urza's Saga "Saga Pox" route... but I think I like what you're already doing more than Saga's.

I love Rack/Pox stuff & have been debating what style of the deck to build for Modern & this just feels super neat, fun, & semi-unique! Cheers!

wallisface on (HELP) monoblack removal casual need …

1 year ago

My suggestion would be to play 23 lands, and only 4 cards costing 4 mana, with everything else below this cost.

As far as other solid removal/control cards, consider: Fatal Push, Smallpox, and maybe March of Wretched Sorrow. Black control generally excels at removing threats before they're on the battlefield, so stuff like Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize are also pretty great.

Good mono-black creatures to consider include: Dauthi Voidwalker, Tourach, Dread Cantor, Murderous Rider, and Gatekeeper of Malakir - i'd suggest just keeping your Phyrexian Obliterator and then removing your other creatures for a selection of these.

It sounds like you're trying to play your deck as an attrition/value-engine gameplan. A good approach for that would be to try and mirror card-counts of "The Rock" decks (which is a Green-Black attrition/value-engine deck). They run around 23 lands, 15-16 creatures, 5-7 hand-removal cards, and 14-17 killspells. In your case you probably want to lean-higher on the hand-removal cards (so, 7-8) because being monoblack means you don't have many good options for removing noncreature permanents once they're in play (so better to remove them before they get into play)

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