Mind Rake

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mind Rake


Target player discards two cards.

Overload (You may cast this spell for its overload cost. If you do, change its text by replacing all instances of "target" with "each".)

Delphen7 on Tinybones Leaves You with Nothing

2 years ago

Have you tried Mind Rake? It is a one shot effect, but 2 mana for 8 discards is fun

Chasmolinker on Modern Suicide Black

3 years ago

Se7enfoot Thanks for the suggestions. I like Mind Rake however the goal is to attack with the creatures not so much to fill the yard. Persist could be interesting with Grief though… I’ll keep that one in mind

Se7enfoot on Modern Suicide Black

3 years ago

If you want to put more creatures in the graveyard faster, you could add Mind Rake or Unmarked Grave, or just bring back the beefy goodness with Persist

TheVectornaut on Mono black sacrifice control deck

3 years ago

The biggest potential weakness I see in this deck is that there's a sort of "cost void" between your 1-drops and your big demons, and the biggest threats in the deck may not be the most mana efficient. For instance, I'd probably run Desecration Demon or Demon of Catastrophes in a sacrifice deck instead of Goremand . I imagine he's a pet card for you though, so maybe you could lean more into the reanimator angle to cheat him in quickly. Most modern versions seem to be running Goryo's Vengeance into Griselbrand and praetors still, but I tend to prefer the budget alternatives. Some additions to Blood for Bones and Gravewaker are repeated activation creatures like Hell's Caretaker and Whisper, Blood Liturgist . Unburial Rites is also fairly popular if you don't mind splashing white. For the discard, staples include Thoughtseize , Collective Brutality , Ransack the Lab , and Mind Rake . For sacrifice synergy, I think Smallpox and Sinister Concoction could be options too. I'm also a big fan of creatures that mill for this role such as Stitcher's Supplier (which helps to play the very useful Gravecrawler ) or the green Satyr Wayfinder and all its Mulch brethren. Reanimator lets you play other big threats too, some of which could be Razaketh, the Foulblooded , Eater of Hope , or Xathrid Demon to stick with the demon theme. Another card I see as being pretty expensive here is Soul Foundry . The aforementioned Hell's Caretaker can usually produce a similar result without the 1 mana tax every turn. Furthermore, the tokens it creates could interfere with Grim Haruspex , a card draw engine I usually prefer to Dark Prophecy (or maybe Harvester of Souls if I'm feeling spicy.) There is some downside in cutting noncreature permanents for their creature counterparts, so choose the option that is being hit by removal the least in your meta. If creature hate is a problem, maybe a Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos could dissuade your opponents.

7thZombieman on Discard Nitro

4 years ago

Mindcrank + Bloodchief Ascension / Leyline of the Void + Helm of Obedience / Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Cinderhaze Wretch These are some solid combos for discard tribal, and usually a quick closeout for a game.

I'd leave the Painful Quandary in and opt out Oppression. Every time I've played Oppression, its fucked me in the long run. Library of Leng is better than Anvil of Bogardan in my opinion, since it only applies to you. Definitely include that Sangromancer, crazy value in a discard deck. Mind Rake > Mind Rot just cause of the overload cost. Some cards to think about adding in Imp's Mischief, Rankle, Master of Pranks, Syphon Mind, Mind Twist, Archfiend of Ifnir, Banshee of the Dread Choir. Good lookin deck though! Hope these suggestions can help you out

Idoneity on Rankle's Discard Fest!

4 years ago

And I already love the deck, for you did the very best thing a brewer can do: Keyword "discard" and search therefrom.

I have a discard deck of my own, you see, and thence I may be able to tell some cards. It is also my oldest deck, and it is here if you so wish to see it.

Thereupon, I have quite the meiny of suggestions:

Ramp would be best for such a mana-hungry complot, withal I would like to recommend a seldomly known card. Ahem. SOL RING?! It's too powerful to ignore, and thence I would most see to its inclusion. Charcoal Diamond is splendid, Mind Stone does quite a bit, Worn Powerstone is slow but leastway worth a mention. K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth does much for any black-based strategy, anent all of the resource life offers.

Now, Mindslicer is most meritorious, for it may be sacrificed to dear Rankle whiles doing the job in one turn.

More efficient discard! Delirium Skeins and Mind Rake are each quite effective, whereupon Hymn to Tourach is as good as it gets.

Terror is a little restrictive. I've much enjoyed Murderous Rider and Hero's Downfall. Snuff Out catches people off-guard.

It is important to be ahead on cards whiles playing a discard deck, so I would try Necropotence. It may exile those discarded, but the amount it draws is ayont worth an inclusion. Greed and Erebos are also fine. Castle Locthwain is essentially a free inclusion, where at Sign in Blood should be here, too.

There are a few cards I trow to be lacking:

Beacon of Unrest is quite costly for its effect, and the renowned Animate Dead is oft just better. Any graveyard, three less to cast, all the like.

Mind Slash is one with which I have tested. What exactly are you sacrificing? You haven't much in terms of fodder, not much to reanimation, and thus it is almost certes a dead card most of the time.

Liliana's Reaver and Guiltfeeder are so slow! Try actual threats that murder quickly, or prioritize wraths and board control.

Curse of Fool's Wisdom doesn't do anything, thereupon it is slow to slaughter and expensive to cast.

May fortune betide and may your opponents be hagridden.

zAzen7977 on TINY PUNISHER - Discard/Stax cEDH [MH3 Update]

4 years ago

Thank you casual_competitive and stinkybot!

I recommend the following changes to make this build more budget-friendly:

Chains of Mephistopheles -> Mind Rake or Imp's Mischief

Mana Crypt -> Lotus Petal or Arcane Signet

Imperial Seal -> Insidious Dreams

Vampiric Tutor -> Diabolic Tutor

Liliana of the Veil -> Syphon Mind

Thoughtseize -> Mire's Toll

Also, you can take out the 5 fetchlands for 5 Swamps.

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