Deep-Sea Terror

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Deep-Sea Terror

Creature — Serpent

Deep-Sea Terror can't attack unless there are seven or more cards in your graveyard.

Ravenrose on Under the sea, please don't kill me!

6 years ago

This deck is bursting with flavour and I love it. You might also want to consider Vortex Elemental as a 1 drop and good defence. I find that people leave me alone for a while when Charybdis (my nickname for it because it bears resemblance to the mythical whirlpool monster) is on the field. Entrancing Melody refers to Sirens, which are also creatures of the deep in Greek mythology. Plus give a nod to mermaids as well. Serpent of the Endless Sea is not only flavour but is an arguable adaptation of Jormungandr. Thassa's Ire and Thassa's Devourer link to the sea god you are playing already so ... I thought these might fit in too. Deep-Sea Terror and Jokulmorder might also be worthy of consideration. I hope these have helped a little!

Chiberia on

7 years ago

Definitely take out Failed Inspection Traumatic Visions Marang River Prowler Aether Meltdown Rod of Ruin Millstone Slayer's Cleaver Soul Separator Lens of Clarity Pacification Array Tome Scour Winged Sliver Windrider Patrol Sliver Construct Skyline Predator Shifting Sliver Hinterland Drake Monastery Flock Kheru Spellsnatcher Deep-Sea Terror Diffusion Sliver Mystical Teachings

I know thats a lot but most of those cards are just straight bad for commander, and the slivers only benefit each other and theres just not enough of them, replace those and I have a few more suggestions

Serum Visions Cephalid Constable Chasm Skulker (def get Skulker) Deadeye Navigator Delver of Secrets  Flip Disciple of the Ring Djinn of Wishes Contingency Plan and Niblis of Frost are just a few more that are pretty good

CaptainSpauldingsFriedChicken on Tentacles? We all know where this is going

8 years ago

Optimator I see what you mean about Quest for Ula's Temple it does seem to be rather a pain to hit the required number of creatures. Omniscience is in there for the free casting of spells and freeing up of mana but after looking at the cards I notice theres not many cards that rely on free floating mana. Scourge of Fleets I read wrong. I read it as "return each creature (not just your opponent) to their owners hand" this is what happens when you build decks at 1:00 in the morning. I've never had much luck with Tromokratis but I see why you're recommending to remove Deep-Sea Terror and Hammerhead Shark as one requires cards in the graveyard and the other is not very useful.

Optimator on Tentacles? We all know where this is going

8 years ago

Quest for Ula's Temple is not going to be worth the slot with so few creatures triggering it. Even with some top-deck manipulation or proliferate/counter stuff it might not cut it. I've definitely won games with it but it's rare that it pops off. I like it in my current deck but it has a double-use as devotion for Thassa. I used to have it in a fairly creature-focused Braids, Conjurer Adept deck and it never really seemed to pull it's weight. Minus-points for not working on whales and squid, which a few of the better fatties happen to be.

Cyclonic Rift and Wash Out are two staples you shouldn't be without. Maybe drop Omniscience and a counterspell.

Scourge of Fleets and Tromokratis are amazing; run them. Drop Deep-Sea Terror and Hammerhead Shark.

darleen on Slow and Painful.

8 years ago


darleen on Slow and Painful.

8 years ago

First things first, your mana base needs help. This deck needs about 13 more lands. Generally you want any type of deck to be about 40% land. It can vary depending on Somewhere between 34-40 lands should be fine. I have 38 lands in my EDH deck with a 5 mana costing Commander. Based on the cards currently in your deck, you will need more blue sources than white. Here is a site that lists all the lands available for your Commanders colors

You will also benefit from more mana producing artifact aka mana rocks. They will help you ramp into more mana faster as well as provide both colors of mana from one source, for the most part. There is a mana rock section in the link above, but here are a few of the better options:

Azorius Signet, Commander's Sphere, Talisman of Progress, Thought Vessel, Thran Dynamo, Gilded Lotus, Sword of the Animist (doesnt produce mana, but it lets you fetch land), Weathered Wayfarer (allows you to fetch land), Knight of the White Orchid (allows you to fetch land), Solemn Simulacrum (allows you to fetch land)

Now, lets go over the decks synergy with its Commanders abilities. Protecting your Commander once its on the battlefield is important but luckily Dragonlord Ojutai has Hexproof, but only when he is untapped though, so giving him Vigilance becomes an important element of the deck. Also, to insure you will benefit from his last ability, making Dragonlord Ojutai Unblackable is also helpful. These are all options that could help:

VIGILANCE - Always Watching , Sword of Vengeance, Angelic Field Marshal, Avarice Amulet, Mammoth Umbra, Vow of Duty, Ajani Steadfast, Akroma's Memorial, Concerted Effort, Daybreak Coronet, Accorder's Shield, Auramancer's Guise, Avacyn's Collar, Haunted Cloak,Iona's Blessing, Serra's Blessing, Serra's Embrace, Shield of the Righteous, Asha's Favor, Marked by Honor, Triclopean Sight, True-Faith Censer, Vigilance

UNBLOCKABLE - Cloak of Mists, Holy Mantle, Invisibility, Spirit Mantle, Steel of the Godhead, Traveler's Cloak, Unquestioned Authority, Spectra Ward, Infiltrator's Magemark, Godsend, Chitinous Cloak, Flickering Ward, Prowler's Helm, Rogue's Passage, Trailblazer's Boots, Tricks of the Trade

Once you add some artifact equipments and/or enchantments, you will need a way to make sure you can get them onto the battlefield each game. You can do that by using the following cards to fetch them from your deck:

Enlightened Tutor, Open the Armory, Steelshaper's Gift, Fabricate, Heliod's Pilgrim, Drift of Phantasms, Muddle the Mixture, Dizzy Spell, Ring of Three Wishes, Tamiyo's Journal, Auramancer, Hana, Ship's navigator, Academy Ruins, Buried Ruin, Stonehewer Giant, Mystical Tutor

Regarding your removal spells, I would suggest adding some cards with Exile effects and spells that can target/effect more than one creature/permanent. These are just a few examples:

AEtherize, Boomerang, Condemn, Cyclonic Rift, Disenchant, Oblivion Ring, Path to Exile, Return to Dust, Supreme Verdict, Swords to Plowshares, Unsummon, Vapor Snag, Wrath of God, Banishing Light, Damping Matrix, End Hostilities, Oblivion Ring, Grasp of Fate, Quarantine Field, Unstable Obelisk, Valorous Stance, Descend upon the Sinful, Evacuation, Fate Forgotten, Reality Shift, Detention Sphere, Phyrexian Rebirth, Rout

To make room for more lands and some of the cards I suggested, youre going to have to remove some spells. These are the ones I dont think have much synergy with your Commander:

Archaeomancer, Aven Surveyor, Benthic Infiltrator, Clockwork Vorrac, Deep-Sea Terror, Doomed Traveler, Expedition Raptor, Hisoka's Guard, Kor Cartographer, Niblis of the Breath, Noble Templar, Phantom General, Pristine Skywise, Prodigal Sorcerer, Sandsteppe Outcast, Skaab Goliath, Thraben Inspector, Bewilder,Fleeting Distraction, Ojutai's Breath, Ojutai's Command, Pressure Point,Rakshasa's Disdain, Refocus, Sift Through Sands, Twiddle, Twitch, Tidal Surge, Jeskai Runemark, Fleetfeather Sandals, Lightning Greaves, Vessel of Endless Rest

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