Scourge of Fleets

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scourge of Fleets

Creature — Kraken

When Scourge of Fleets enters the battlefield, return each creature your opponents control with toughness X or less to its owner's hand, where X is the number of Islands you control.

legendofa on Anowon ***Need feedback please!***

4 months ago

Welcome to the club, DadCommander!

I'm neither a mill expert nor a Commander expert, but let's see what kind of advice I can offer. I think Traumatize is the most useful sideboard card here. It's a huge chunk of milling, and commbined with Bruvac the Grandiloquent it can take a player out of the game on the spot. For a suggestion that's not in the sideboard, either Duskmantle Guildmage or Bloodchief Ascension can mill all opponents out and win the game with Mindcrank.

But right now, you're three cards over the maximum. The deck also has a pretty heavy mana curve, so I recommend putting in a few more lands. My first thoughts for cuts are Scourge of Fleets (reliant on islands, lots of cards with similar effects, high mana cost), Spinal Embrace (good combat trick, but clashes with all the bounce and destroy effects, high mana cost), Latchkey Faerie (doesn't do enough for its cost, in my opinion), In Garruk's Wake (very high mana cost, and has several redundancies), and Marsh Flitter (four mana for a 1/1 flier is very expensive, you can pump it four times max, and the two Goblins in the deck are more useful for their abilities than as sacrifice fodder). That's five cut cards, bringing you down to 98. Add two lands, one of them can be the sideboard Tainted Isle, and this will be smoother and more reliable.

There are a few different themes here. There's mill, Rogues, bounce, and reanimator theft. Most of your higher-cost cards look like they're there to take opponents' graveyard cards, which is good support for mill, but you can probably trim down the number you have here. Geth, Lord of the Vault will also help combine the mill and reanimator--I would replace Fated Return with Geth.

Feeziks on Mono Blue Bouncers

10 months ago

Diluvian Primordial and Scourge of Fleets could be easy cuts, Agent of Treachery is a potential win-con if the infinite turns combo gets started. The Magic Mirror could probably be cut too, I have yet to see it perform well in my play testing.

Tutors would be nice, I hadn't really looked into the options for them yet. Cloudstone Curio sounds good, another way to get the infinite mana combo started, or get additional card draws / recur from graveyard. Thanks for the advice!

aladinnsane on Al-o'-War-a

10 months ago

Love an etb deck, looks fun! A couple creature you might wanna consider would be Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep and Scourge of Fleets. Nice board wipes although they're pretty mana intensive. Could also consider Oracle of Tragedy for some card draw or recursion and Jace's Mindseeker is nice for stealing some of your opponents spells.

Gidgetimer on My pre made deck needs …

1 year ago

Without info on a budget it is a bit hard to suggest upgrades. However; as said before you need to lower your mana curve and focus the deck on either landfall or beaters. I would also cut 6 of the lands to go down to 38 and add in much more ramp. Cutting:

6 lands


Elder Deep-Fiend

Verdant Sun's Avatar

Meteor Golem

Sphinx of Uthuun

Scourge of Fleets


would give you 13 free spots. If you filled those spots with 1 and 2 CMC ramp and cheap removal your games would go much smoother. Personally I'd go with 8 ramp and 5 removal, and here is where what your budget is will matter for choices.


Birds of Paradise

Elvish Visionary


Fyndhorn Elves

Llanowar Elves


Wild Growth

Arcane Signet

Devoted Druid

Lotus Cobra

Talisman of Curiosity


Beast Within


Cyclonic Rift

Rapid Hybridization



Brazen Borrower


Divide by Zero


TheBl0b on Cthulhu Fhtagn

2 years ago

Hello! Thank you so much for commenting and sorry for the delay of my answer!

Jackfrost23, I have been considering Hullbreaker Horror. However, since the deck does not interact during the first 3-4 turns, I really need the first sea monster I cheat into play to be either 1) Hard to deal with (Shroud, Hexproof) or 2) Have an immediate impact on the board (Stormtide Leviathan, for example, prevents my opponent from attacking). I am also considering Gyruda, Doom of Depths, Icebreaker Kraken, Rot-Tide Gargantua and Scourge of Fleets for their ETB effect. However, I feel like Hullbreaker Horror would be too slow before using its ability.

wallisface, it would indeed be a fantastic card! A question I have a hard time answering though is "How many?" and "What do I take out?" Any ideas?

Epicurus on Satoru Umezawa, the green ninja

2 years ago

A couple evasion creatures that I like to use with Ninjutsu are Soulsworn Spirit and Fogwalker, because of their reusable ETB triggers on top of being unlockable (or, at least hard to block, in the case of Fogwalker).

As for your big creatures, the Eldrazi are all awesome just for having big bodies, but remember that you don't get the "as you cast" triggers when you use Ninjutsu to cheat them onto the battlefield, nor would their attack triggers activate (i.e. Annihilator). So I would limit how many of them you use down to just Kozilek, the Great Distortion, because it has a good activated ability. I'd replace the others with creatures that either have ETB triggers or damage triggers.

I have a running list of creatures I'd like to use for Satoru, but I don't want to name off a million cards. The highlights, though, are:

And even that is a long list, so I apologize. Obviously, Palinchron would be great, even without the combo(s), but you already mentioned that.


Samothrace on Higure, the Still Here

2 years ago

Update: I have removed most of the infinite combos from the deck due to new house rules in my playgroup. While this deck was never scary fast it is very very reliable, with a creature tutor on the commander. To keep things centered on combat, I have removed Deadeye Navigator and Great Whale as well as Peregrine Drake.

I have swapped in Thada Adel, Acquisitor and Scourge of Fleets for Higure targets.

I have also put in a Drift of Phantasms as a means of tutoring for Arcane Adaptation

sigio91 on Discovering the Aeons

2 years ago

Little update: -1 Scourge of Fleets (little impact once on board) -1 Artisan of Kozilek (The deck doesn't need grave recursion for creatures) -1 Memory Lapse -1 Disallow


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