Destiny Spinner

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Destiny Spinner

Enchantment Creature — Human

Creature and enchantment spells you control can't be countered.

: Target land you control becomes an X/X Elemental creature with trample and haste until end of turn, where X is the number of enchantments you control. It's still a land.

Coward_Token on How Are Red, Black, and …

1 month ago

Also I'm surprised mono-red has no permanents with "spells you control can't be countered.", e.g. Destiny Spinner. Would make sense for instants & sorceries.

Azoth2099 on Uril, the Aura Menace

6 months ago

Umbra Mystic, Greater Auramancy, Destiny Spinner & Moon-Blessed Cleric could be worth considering! Other stuff like Druid's Call & Mark of Sakiko as well.

Azoth2099 on Slingin' Counters

6 months ago

Hmmm...okay here are my recs I guess:

Allosaurus Shepherd, Destiny Spinner, Vexing Shusher, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Veil of Summer, Silence, Orim's Chant, Abeyance, Bone Sabres, Conqueror's Flail, Gamble, Worldly Tutor, Enlightened Tutor, Defiler of Vigor, Bloom Tender...I highkey have a lot more, but I'll stop here for now. Let me know how these are sounding to you!

Azoth2099 on Jungle Rot

6 months ago

This has got to be one of the most underrated commanders! Have you considered Allosaurus Shepherd, or it's more economically feasible cousin Destiny Spinner? Fauna Shaman should probably join the party as well. If money isn't an object for you (or if your pod is pro-proxy!) Survival of the Fittest is essential here. Some other staples like Veil of Summer, Autumn's Veil, Heroic Intervention, Worldly Tutor, Chord of Calling, Eldritch Evolution, Natural Order, Green Sun's Zenith, Summoner's Pact & Asceticism will make things more consistent and adaptable.

Good luck refining this one, I'm sure it will end up incredibly powerful!

Gidgetimer on Pattern Recognition #296 - Enchanté

10 months ago

I feel like you skipped over a whole slew of the development of Enchantress as an archetype and therefore presented it as being a deck in search of a win con before Theros. It has always been tier 2 jank in legacy, but it was powerful enough to take occasional large tournament wins.

You mentioned Urza's block and mention the two cards with "Enchantress" in their name but not Serra's Sanctum or Replenish. The latter two actually make it into competitive eternal decks and Yavimaya Enchantress does not.

The Sanctum in particular is extremely important to the way the deck developed. The plan in many eternal enchantress decks is legitimately to hardcast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. This still takes until turn 5 or 6 and is durdly as hell for the format, but all that mana from the Sanctum makes it a legitimate plan. Alternatively the win condition in many others is to plop down a Sigil of the Empty Throne and go wide with 4/4 angels. I even have a friend who ran Words of War as a wincon, again greatly aided by the Sanctum.

The "dig to the combo" you mention that is actually played is Helm/RIP and is the third commonly played wincon. And I'm not sure I agree with the assessment that it defies expectations, or should be abandoned in favor of playing blue. At its heart Enchantress as an archetype is GWx control and the wincon can be almost anything.

Wincons from Theros were never even added to eternal Enchantress, they kept the old wincons and added at most a few Eidolon of Blossoms and a few Doomwake Giant. The return to Theros did give us Destiny Spinner who is a wincon that is run. MH2 also had a large impact on eternal Enchantress by adding Sythis, Harvest's Hand and Sanctum Weaver.

This isn't to say that there haven't been strong enchantments coming out recently. Or that it isn't nice that they are supporting the archetype to an extent that a standard deck can be made out of it. It is just that if one wants to talk about the evolution of the archetype it should be done primarily in the context of competitive eternal formats where it will remain unchanged until a card changes the archetype. With mentions of rotating and casual formats to show the archetype across the whole of Magic.

KablamoBoom on Falco Spara and all the Saga's

11 months ago

Your commander specifies removing counters from creatures, not permanents, and not Sagas. In order for any of these ideas to work you need things like Destiny Spinner, Dance of the Manse, Starfield of Nyx, Opalescence.

jdogz32 on Enchantment

11 months ago

Your deck is way too heavy, and you have alot of 1s and 2s of cards.

For starters I'd take out

Doomwake Giant - he's a weak boardwipe at best but with as heavy as this deck is you won't have enough Enchantments to kill anything of real value

Pharika, God of Affliction It won't be a creature most games and it's 5 Mana for himself and 1 Enchantment token

Eidolon of Blossoms its just too much Mana. In modern games can be over as soon as turn 4 and you won't have time to get any value out of him. I'd add more copies of Sythis, Harvest's Hand it's much cheaper and much easier to get more value.

Underworld Coinsmith just doesn't have enough time to utilize him to give you enough value. This is what I'd take out for starters. Now I'd move these cards to your sideboard as they aren't needed/used every game. Destiny Spinner Seal of Primordium

Now I'd add more of these cards that are already in your deck Sythis, Harvest's Hand Herald of the Pantheon and Sanctum Weaver this should help make this more consistent. I hope this helps.

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