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Noyan Dar - Ascendancy-less Roiling

Commander / EDH*


I've recently had the pleasure of playing a standard Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper Jeskai Ascendancy deck that I'm loving and it compelled me look into him for EDH. I've only come up with some conceptual things that I'd possibly like to include in the final list so I'll list them here in hopes that they're either included in the final build or at least commented on.

I can't figure out the spoiler text stuff so please accept this pile of text.


I think that some sort of stax/unfun build would be best for this. Stax seems to be a good thing to do in EDH if you want to win in a competitive environment (alongside infinite combos, but that's coming next). I think there could be some stax elements in here but it's difficult to have some of the usual tools like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben-like effects since we're mostly non-permanent, or possibly even anything with a The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale effect. It wouldn't be too bad if we only have a few animated creatures and since we should have more lands out than others. Personally I believe that unless I know I can get way ahead of people and just have a few dedicated 'pay for my dudes' lands then I wouldn't want to run this. Some form of pillow fort may work though in both slowing the table down and allowing ourselves a victory. In that case, Starfield of Nyx would also be another, and somehow strangely similar, means of victory. Maybe more so only in 1v1 with a pillow fort, but this is why I'm still looking into it. I'm also still looking into how we can use one-sided stax effects. Maybe Back to Basics wouldn't be too bad depending on how we build. Alongside this, as degenerate of control as we can possibly play is how I think this deck should be built. Anything that is one-sided also helps, like Grand Abolisher or Grand Arbiter Augustin IV for example.


Vigean Graftmage actually can do some awesome stuff. With either enough devotion to blue or artifacts, an animated Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx or Tolarian Academy respectively can produce infinite mana, and can then feed into making infinite white with the former or an animated Serra's Sanctum. Having Intruder Alarm can also lead to some good stuff. With Meloku the Clouded Mirror and Walking Atlas you can generate infinite Meloku the Clouded Mirror tokens, mana (assuming you have an animated land), and landfall triggers with anything to include Admonition Angel , Roil Elemental, Emeria Angel , Hedron Crab (with a victory more likely with the latter two), or either of the on-color retreats (Retreat to Coralhelm Retreat to Emeria ). Likewise, having Intruder Alarm with an animated Forbidden Orchard is infinite mana by itself. Each of these pieces are also good in the deck on their own, which makes them even better.

Of course there's always more classic infinite combos with Deadeye Navigator paired with Palinchron, Peregrine Drake, Cloud of Faeries, etc. They can even net us mana during a turn with the number of multi-mana-producing lands we could have. Even slightly less original, we can use Archaeomancer or Mnemonic Wall with any of Deadeye Navigator's buddies (Cloud of Faeries would have to target two lands that collectively produce three mana to break-even/four mana to get infinite mana) with Ghostly Flicker for infinite mana, infinite storm, and infinitely large lands. This combo can also benefit from Tidespout Tyrant if we want to have our opponents not have a board instead/also. Of course there's also any number of infinite turns combos we can run as well.

It is a massive shame that we can't just have other colors in the deck because Jeskai Ascendancy would be fantastic in here. In any case, I'm attempting to replicate its effect that it has alongside our commander. Isochron Scepter is a pretty good starting point, especially when spells like To Arms! and Roar of the Kha exist. Eye of the Storm helps here a little bit too but I don't like giving my opponents anything except a hard time so this doesn't fit in with what I'd want to do. If we were to be able to animate Isochron Scepter with Intruder Alarm out with something like March of the Machines then it would be good but that's a bit too cheesy and convoluted. Something almost equally as cheesy yet also useful is a leveled-up Echo Mage and Turnabout which produces infinite mana and makes our creatures infinitely large. We can have a slight wizard theme here and use Sigil Tracer , assuming we can produce more than 3 mana from animated lands, to make infinite mana with any of our 'untap all creatures' spells.


Having Emeria Shepherd and Burnished Hart can help speed through getting lands from your deck assuming you can get at least one Plains each time. While I haven't explored it as of yet, Amulet of Vigor would at least help in this instance as well as others I'm sure. An animated Terrain Generator can also be useful for powering out more landfall triggers or just accelerating in general. While I normally think this sort of thing is too cute for EDH, if we were to have a cost-reducing effect like Jace's Sanctum and any of the spells that untap enough lands to pay for itself like Rewind, Snap, etc. then that would allow us to gain mana, gain a creature/make a creature bigger, and have some effect on the game state. If we are ever actually behind on lands, having Land Tax out can help. This is especially helpful if we have Scroll Rack because we can just pitch those lands back to the top of our deck, get three new cards, and re-search again next turn.


Let me know what you think I'd love for this deck to be viable!


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Revision 2 See all

(9 years ago)

+1 Austere Command main
+1 Capsize main
+1 Commander's Sphere main
+1 Cyclonic Rift main
+1 Deep Analysis main
+1 Enlightened Tutor main
+1 Expedition Mapfoil main
+1 Fact or Fiction main
+8 Island main
+1 Merchant Scroll main
+1 Muddle the Mixture main
+1 Mystical Tutor main
+1 Pact of Negation main
+2 Plains main
+1 Ponder main
+1 Preordain main
+1 Return to Dust main
+1 Sapphire Medallion main
+1 Swan Song main
+1 Telling Time main
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Drake 2/2 U, Emblem Narset Transcendent, Illusion 1/1 U w/ Flying, Monk 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 C
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