Breath of Darigaaz

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Breath of Darigaaz


Kicker (You may pay an additional as you cast this spell.)

Breath of Darigaaz deals 1 damage to each creature without flying and each player. If this spell was kicked, it deals 4 damage to each creature without flying and each player instead.

NTakamura on Sacrifice card effect in red …

2 years ago

I am fine tuning my Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge deck to be a sacrifice deck where I sacrifice my own creatures to get treasures. I also have some sweeping burn spell to get more creatures like Fault Line and Breath of Darigaaz. So then it got me thinking are there cards in red or colorless that makes other player sacrifice creature/ Permanents? Some example I have so far are Goblin Assassin and Crack the Earth. If want to see the decklist to better see what I have going on here is the list.

Greedy Dragon

Spell_Slam on Chandra Tribal (Everyone's Here!)

4 years ago

The Chain Veil is not just for Liliana! You could make great use of it here.

Gamble is a pretty decent tutor. Most of the time.

Crawlspace seems pretty important for saving you and your Chandras from being overwhelmed. There's also Smoke that can be pretty effective.

Why play Twist Allegiance when you could play Insurrection for just 1 more mana and win the game?

Braid of Fire doesn't do very much for you. The mana disappears after your Upkeep phase, so you can only use it for instants and activated abilities. You have a few uses, but overall it seems pretty limited.

You could use a lot more board wipes. Earthquake, Breath of Darigaaz, Fault Line, Rolling Earthquake, Starstorm, Subterranean Tremors, Blasphemous Act... Take your pick! These also play well with damage doublers and Repercussion. I would take out some of your targeted removal for it. Even Lightning Bolt doesn't stack well in multiplayer.

There's definitely better card draw out there than Wild Guess. If you don't want to shill out for Wheel of Fortune, there are fine subsitutes out there. There's also Outpost Siege, Bedlam Reveler or if you want to stay cheap, there's also Light Up the Stage.

Teecane on Atarka

5 years ago

You should def get rid of Crucible of the Spirit Dragon, it's real bad bro :(. Also Savage Twister is not bad but I feel like you could get more asymmetrical effects like Breath of Darigaaz, Mizzium Mortars, Bonfire of the Damned.

I feel like you might enjoy some ETB damage enchantments like Impact Tremors, Pandemonium, etc, or some red wheel effects, to make sure you draw enough. In general though, I've learned a lot from your synergy and your card choices seem very apt for a budget deck. Your mana seems pretty balanced too. Nice deck!

Suns_Champion on Ain't no Hallar back girl

5 years ago

Okay buddy here we go!

I think we need to fix a lot of things here. Ramp is an easy fix, we'll get some more instant/sorceries that get lands because they are safest. Then we'll work on getting more counters on Hallar in more efficient ways. We'll also swap out some of your kicker spells for other kicker spells that do better things.

Cards to look at:

Cards to maybe cut

So with all that I hope you're mana will be more consistant and your draw will be more powerful, then you'll be able to dump more counters on Hallar and snipe some wins. If not, your kicker spells will have more impact because they'll draw or remove or ramp. Focus on the 2cmc ramp cards, then swap out the kicker spells, then get those draw cards in there.

Here's a Deck you can also look at

Kyle's Budget Hallar-Kicker in the Dick(er)

Brynx on Torbran, Thane of Incremental Damage

5 years ago


Thanks for the suggestions. Volcanic Fallout is currently on my list of cards to try to fit into the deck. Electrickery seems underwhelming in comparison.

Magebane Armor would make a good combo with Pariah's Shield . Other than that I don't often have issues with Torbran dying to my own sweepers, due to his effect's asymmetrical nature. Pyrohemia and Breath of Darigaaz are the only two of my own spells that I can remember killing Torbran.

Tempt with Vengeance and Repercussion would both be effective inclusions to the deck, but they are out of it's price range.

I experimented with Flame Fusillade while I was first putting the deck together, and I wasn't impressed. If the deck was more focused on making lots of tokens, I could see it working.

discipleofgary73 on Come On Baby Light My Fire

5 years ago

Okay, I love the flavor of the deck. I think the damage aspect could still be improved, but I also think it's very hard to focus. So, I apologize for throwing all of these options at you: Gratuitous Violence , Fireblast , Curse of Bloodletting , Seething Song , Mordant Dragon (I think this would stack), Claws of Valakut , Jaws of Stone , Breath of Darigaaz , Cosmotronic Wave , Ashling the Pilgrim , Embercleave , Heartless Hidetsugu , Koth of the Hammer .
As for cuts, I (without thinking very much and just reacting to a first read through) am leaning towards: impact tremors, stolen strategy, vicious shadows, war's toll ( I don't think this will stack with mana barbs and burning earth, but I could be totally wrong), red elemental blast, sarkhan the masterless, and ugin the ineffible.

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