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Said on How Many Rat …...


I do not know the answer to your question as it is not an archetype I am familiar with, but I did notice your deck does not contain a Thrumming Stone. Considering each new instance from Ripple is cast, and thus results in a new Ripple, you can very quickly dump a significant number of Rat Colonies on the field for the cost of just one.

July 25, 2024 11:14 a.m.

Said on Is Staff of …...


StopShot - I second wallisface’s analysis and want to add an additional point.

There is an old saying - you should hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. A lot of your analysis is based on hoping for the best while writing off the worse case situation.

When evaluating a card, it is important to look at its floor - what the worst thing that could happen might be. For Temple Bell and similar cards, the floor is that you give your opponents something that stops you - a pretty disastrous floor that could cause you to lose the game.

You write that possibility off as “they might not use the cards against you” - but that is looking at the best case situations while ignoring the distinct chance it makes the game worse for you.

While one can imagine situations where Temple Bell might help you win, there are also lots of situations where it helps your opponent win. That makes it a bad card.

Instead of playing a card that might help someone else win, that card slot should go to something which always helps you win.

July 23, 2024 5:57 p.m.

It never was going to be revolutionary - that was all a marketing pitch. The software was an Android system… that worked great on phones, but had performance issues when used for something it was not designed for. The hardware was garbage, with the controller buttons getting stuck regularly. Because the system had no market share, developers did not waste their time making content for it - and a game system without many games is hardly useful.

Frankly, like many “revolutionary technology” products on Kickstarter, this product felt more like a scam than a real product. It did nothing new - and the old things it did, it did badly.

July 20, 2024 3:45 p.m. Edited.

Said on Is Staff of …...


DarkKiridon - Temple Bell is a bad card in Nekusar. The small amounts of incremental damage it provides are not enough to justify giving every opponent an additional card to stop your strategy. You are much better off running something like a Wheel, Counterspell, or removal.

July 20, 2024 3:06 p.m.

Said on Is Staff of …...


Archivist is a too slow a card. Imagine a casual game that ends on turn 8. You play archivist on turn 4, have to wait until turn 5 to use it, and only get 3 cards out of it. M

You would pretty much be better off with Finale of Revelation at that point -Finale would give give you two cards immediately, instead of three cards starting a whole turn later.

Now, I am not saying “throw Finale in e every deck.” The 4-mana and later point of the game can be critical to winning, and spending an entire turn to draw cards and do nothing else can put you a bit behind. Finale works best in a deck with a lot of ramp, where you can sink ten mana into it, get a bunch of cards, and untap five lands so you can immediately use some of those cards.

That is what I meant when I earlier said look at your deck and decide what the deck needs. If you have a deck where you can reliably cast Finale for X = 10+, go for it. But in a deck where it will just be casting if for 2-3? Find a different card that works with that specific deck.

July 20, 2024 9:31 a.m.

Said on Is Staff of …...


Temple Bell does have an additional cost - giving your opponents cards. That additional cost of giving your opponents resources is often far more expensive than something like mana or life.

Personally, I would run neither. Temple Bell is bad, Staff of Corruption is not much better (unless you have a way to really take advantage of proliferate). Instead of looking for one card you can universally add to a lot of your decks, use the slot currently occupied by Temple Bell to add something specifically designed to improve that individual deck.

July 17, 2024 10:17 p.m.

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