Hoarder's Greed

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hoarder's Greed


You lose 2 life and draw two cards, then clash with an opponent. If you win, repeat this process. (Each clashing player reveals the top card of his or her library, then puts that card on the top or bottom. A player wins if his or her card had a higher converted mana cost.)

PaulMuadDib on Judge tower

11 months ago

I pulled a few from manaless dredge because they can be confusing.
Narcomoeba -- This is a good one to watch for with the mill effects you have
Salvage Titan -- recurrence from graveyard, could easily be missed
Vengevine -- another classic recurrence from graveyard
Prized Amalgam -- could be easy to miss it leaving graveyard with these other graveyard creatures
Sword of the Meek -- ditto

Raging River -- confusing attack enchantment
Launch the Fleet -- strive targeting effect
Well of Knowledge -- conditional effect plus card draw
Night Soil -- this one exiles the two creatures as a cost, might be worth weirdness
Hoarder's Greed -- choice + draw cards
Vodalian Illusionist -- phasing
Shimmering Efreet -- more phasing
Chandra, Pyromaster -- I noticed you didn't add any planeswalkers, here's a random suggestion
Yawgmoth's Will -- more recurrence from graveyard
Balduvian Shaman -- turns a white enchantment to colorshift and add cumulative upkeep
Tombstone Stairwell -- creates creatures to aid in confusing rules
Panglacial Wurm -- classic judge's tower card, once you search a library you have to cast it
Hexdrinker -- slightly confusing level up ability plus possible "protection from everything" ability

KingRamz on

7 years ago

Well of Lost Dreams is solid card draw in a lifegain deck. Angelheart Vial is actually not great, but it at least fits the theme. Necropotence might be good here, since you've got ways to kill it and ways to gain more life so you don't end up locked out of drawing cards. I don't see a lot of ways to take advantage of your graveyard, so Skeletal Scrying is a solid option. And there's several other one-shot card-drawing spells in black you could take advantage of - Night's Whisper, Ambition's Cost, Ancient Craving, Hoarder's Greed.

This isn't exactly card draw, but Whip of Erebos is awesome with your commander and it might be worth an include because of that. If you let Obzedat go to the graveyard when it dies, you can just Whip it back on your turn. At the end of the turn, as long as you stack Obzedat's exile trigger on top of Whip's, you'll get your Obzedat back like normal. Whip won't interfere with Obzedat's exile trigger. If you do go this route, you probably want to make sure to have a few more ways to get Obzedat out of your graveyard, whether it's exile or Raise Dead or reanimation. Nezumi Graverobber is a classic Commander card and could be sweet.

How about some creature cuts? I'd cut:

  • Serra Avatar because you have no way to give it evasion, so it's just going to get chumped by Squirrels
  • High Priest of Penance because you don't have ways to abuse it, so it's just a really awkward Vindicate that often won't work
  • Treasury Thrull because casting a six-mana 4/4 feels so bad and even if it lives a round so it can attack, it's very likely to get blocked by something that will kill it
  • Hokori, Dust Drinker because this deck is full of 5-, 6- and 7-drops and it doesn't have a lot of artifact mana or Seedborn Muse or Sword of Feast and Famine to make the effect less symmetrical. Against decks with more ramp or a lower curve, Hokori is a liability.

hoardofnotions on Budget

7 years ago

Slaughter - seems good with extort stuff

Esper Panorama - more fetch lands!

Righteous Cause, Patron of the Kitsune - life gain off anyone attacking

Consuming Vapors - kill spell and life gain

Well of Lost Dreams - card draw!

Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant lots of life gain

Disciple of Bolas - do this with a big Sunscorch Regent then draw into Aetherflux Reservoir to kill somebody lol

maybe more lose life draw cards nonsense like Sign in Blood, Ambition's Cost, Ancient Craving, Bloodgift Demon, Corpse Augur, Hoarder's Greed, Night's Whisper, Promise of Power, Wretched Confluence

I hope you get to enjoy the fun of finding hidden gems in all the cards you have sitting around! Let me know if you want to debate any cards!!!

Yanu on

9 years ago

Hello there,Personally I would cut


From artifacts I'd toss:

  • Thought Vessel - Reliquary Tower also does this, no need to duplicate
  • Golgari Signet - If you have green, there's always something better than a signet

What should be instantly binned: (Get the pun?:D)

What is this sorcery?:

Now, for the replacements:

Dredge fun! Golgari Grave-Troll, Stinkweed Imp and especially Life from the Loam are all strong options that have synergy with Meren :)

Sac outlets: Nothing more fun than Sadistic Hypnotist and Attrition. If you want draw, you can use Greater Good and Disciple of Bolas

What I love about B/G decks, is the powerful package that Crop Rotation brings in: Mortuary Mire for returning a creature in a pinch, Glacial Chasm for protection, Blighted Fen for an edict, Bojuka Bog for instant graveyard purge to that pesky Mer... reanimator player and some other options.

And If you didn't fall asleep, don't forget the staples:

Tooth and Nail for instawins, Solemn Simulacrum for a birthing pod chain element and good value, Cauldron of Souls because in this deck, it's gonna be disgusting. Another good pod target would be Phyrexian Delver.

Remember to keep a few options for each CMC in the pod chain.

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