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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
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Oathbreaker | Legal |
Oldschool 93/94 | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Untapped creatures you control get +0/+2.

FormOverFunction on Get in line- it’s a …
2 years ago
Everyone loves Bureaucracy! I finally got this one sleeved up - please let me know if you have some bureaucratic favorites that I haven’t included. I have a stack of cards that I had to cut, but I may have missed some somewhere. I had initially intended to have Castle and Fortified Area and a bunch of walls, but the walls never had good enough themes for my liking. Things like Wall of Light and Angelic Wall are just too fantastical for the bureaucratic feel I was shooting for. Alabaster Wall and Steel Wall were the only two that really stuck. Anyways, let me know if you have any recommendations! The Carrier Pigeons are probably demanding a second chance at making the cut lol.
FormOverFunction on Council of 4 group hug
2 years ago
This thread hasn’t sparked my interest in making a “Stuffy Old Nobiltity” deck. If you have empty slots towards the end I would recommend filling in some flavor cards, like Castle and Aysen Bureaucrats. Buuuuut that’s coming from someone who doesn’t win a whole lot, so YMMV ;p
FormOverFunction on What are your hopes / …
3 years ago
I’m super glad that people who liked the first kamigawa get to go back, but I’m sitting that one out. That set is pretty much in the middle of when I left magic. It bothers me, because there are a lot of cool cards and interesting characters (I’m assuming) but that era isn’t really my thing. I think it comes down to my getting into magic when most of the game was just a bunch of weird, seemingly unrelated things that you (a planeswalker) discovered on your journeys (like Pentagram of the Ages, Goblins of the Flarg, Castle) and had to sort of cobble together on your own. When weatherlight came around I had the (probably unreasonable) feeling that I was being railroaded into playing magic in accordance to a movie I hadn’t seen... which left a pretty bad taste in my mouth. In a weak defense of myself, this was before everything about all the characters and plots and whatnot were posted on an internet, and unless you were really interested in seeking that stuff out, it literally did not exist. All you had was the flavor text on the cards as hints about things that happened (could be recently, could be LONG ago like the Brothers War). It still makes me sad, because there’s a lot of good stuff there... it just isn’t for me. To reiterate: I dislike it when folks bad mouth things that they don’t like in a way that infers that the thing is genuinely bad or wrong. I don’t want this post to come across that way. What I do want is to share my experience so that I don’t seem unreasonable, and also to help figure out why on earth there are magic cards that I somehow don’t like. It’s very strange.
Coward_Token on
Arcades Defender
4 years ago
Builder's Blessing & Castle are cute but they need vigilance support to even be somewhat worth it ,and that's a bit underwhelming from CMC 4 cards
carpecanum on
Just another marc and his walls
4 years ago
Castle, Sight of the Scalelords for toughness
I have an unfinished Arcades deck (working title "Arcades" go figure). It works pretty well if you want to look at it.
Epicurus on Card creation challenge
4 years ago
I just read the rules for phasing, and apparently a phasing creature never changes zones (i.e. they aren't entering or leaving the battlefield, but rather just simply phasing in or out of existence, which is a whole other thing entirely). Because of this, Chronosynclastic Hellion's text should read:
Whenever ~ enters the battlefield or phases in ...
Whenever ~ leaves the battlefield or phases out...
Also, in a Jeskai deck with flicker effects and Glorious Anthem or Castle, or just any deck that gives all your creatures a toughness boost, this guy would be sick.
Sorry for the interruption. Continue.