High Priest of Penance

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

High Priest of Penance

Creature — Human Cleric

Whenever High Priest of Penance is dealt damage, you may destroy target nonland permanent.

wallisface on Divinity of Pride or Starseer …

4 months ago

DemonDragonJ just as food-for-thought and/or inspiration, if I were making low-budget Deathbringer Liege deck, it’d look something like this:

You’d probably want 2-3 lands being either Shambling Vent or Restless Fortress as I imagine these games going very grindily and more threats being needed

Apollo_Paladin on

1 year ago

I have an older deck that runs off a very similar theme using many of these same cards. One thing I can see possibly adding in here is a couple copies of Midnight Charm. While its utility in most decks is quite limited, I've found it immensely helpful to be able to self-trigger High Priest of Penance by damaging it at instant speed.

I love the High Priests, but they find themselves frequent targets for destruction and/or bounce-type spells rather than being dealt damage. The charms let you pull value out of them much more frequently (even in response to being destroyed/exiled), and with Edge of the Divinity (which I also run in mine) they don't even die from the damage.

And, for what it's worth, the other 2 modes besides dealing damage on Midnight Charm aren't the worst when you have no High Priests in play, especially the tap ability which can nix a haste creature from attacking or prevent certain abilities from being used.

Either way cheers, welcome back to M:tG, and good luck! +1

Here is a link to one of my similar-themed decks should you want to look over some other picks: Exile Everything! (Triple Teysas)

griffstick on If you could run any …

1 year ago

1: Crypt Ghast is my #1 choice, because I love mono black.

2: Ankle Shanker is a must for me. I want that deathtouch vigilance firststrike deck soo bad.

3: Bloodlord of Vaasgoth, I love Vampires.

4: Bloodline Keeper  Flip... same

5: Arena Rector, monowhite super friends.

6: Consecrated Sphinx draw cards

7: Demon of Death's Gate would be super fun to cheat out without cmdr tax over and over again.

8: Lord of the Void would be fun plus demons are a favorite tribe of mine

9: High Priest of Penance, indestructible combos, control the board and pillow fort up

10: Sunblast Angel. A board wipe in the command zone that makes your opponents think twice about attacking.

_Moonie_ on Possible Regenerate Use?

1 year ago

I'm still a little cloudy on some of the mechanics of Magic and regenerate is one of them I'm somewhat unfamiliar with. But I recall one of my first decks that I built when I was first introduced was Orzhov using the Exquisite Blood Sanguine Bond combo, but I also used High Priest of Penance and Skeletal Grimace

Is that used correctly? Would it work to activate his ability or would the regenerate block any damage from going through keeping it from being activated?

_Moonie_ on Orzhov Infinite Extort

3 years ago

Have a very similar deck I'm planning on posting. One trick I'm planning on adding is using High Priest of Penance along with Skeletal Grimace to allow him to take damage to activate his ability, but have that damage removed through the regeneration. So Skeletal Grimace could be something you could consider adding

multimedia on Subjective Reality Upgrade

3 years ago

Hey, nice upgrades of the precon and keeping the overall deck price under $100 is impressive.

Arcane Signet is a budget staple of Commander that you should strongly consider adding in place of Sphere of the Suns . The deathtouch theme looks out of place/used as filler from the all the other cards that show me that you do have good card sense on a budget. The deathtouch theme isn't needed here as it's not giving bonus interaction with Aminatou's blink or draw/put card on top of library.

Some creatures with deathtouch are good such as Baleful Strix and Gonti, Lord of Luxury , but these cards are good not because they have deathtouch instead because they do something when they enter the battlefield (ETB) which blinking them gives you more value. The deathtouch is a nice bonus, but it's not needed.

The card spots that are being used by Mardu Hateblade , Alchemist's Gift , Coat with Venom , High Priest of Penance , Tidehollow Strix and Gifted Aetherborn could be replaced with more permanents that have interaction with Aminatou, blink or cards with miracle.

Felidar Guardian + Aminatou is a combo to infinite blink Guardian and Aminatou since when you blink Aminatou with Guardian a new object of Aminatou ETB which lets you use it's -1 loyalty ability again to blink Guardian who then again blinks Aminatou and repeat. If you add Oath of Teferi then each time you -1 loyalty Aminatou you can do it again thus you can blink two permanents with each Aminatou. The first being any other permanent you control which can be a win condition and the second is Guardian and repeat.

Other good interactions with Aminatou + Felidar Guardian + Oath of Teferi :

If interested I offer more advice including some budget land upgrades. Would you like more help? Good luck with your deck.

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