Sengir Autocrat

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sengir Autocrat

Creature — Human

When Sengir Autocrat enters the battlefield, put three 0/1 black Serf creature tokens into play.

When Sengir Autocrat leaves the battlefield, remove all Serf tokens from the game.

DreadKhan on Unparalleled Cognitive Dissonance

2 months ago

No Reassembling Skeleton? What about something like Sengir Autocrat, make a bunch of bodies to generate maximum triggers? Gixian Puppeteer seems like a good fit. I feel like Dreadhorde Invasion might be good with your Commander, as long as you sacrifice the token you get a fresh one on your upkeep, this is a relatively affordable alternative to Bitterblossom. If you like the Underworld Dreams effect, perhaps Fate Unraveler, though it's not exactly budget at this point and will surely go down in price if it sees reprint, so maybe keep an eye on it? I feel like your deck would benefit from anything that prevents life gain, stuff like Grima Wormtongue and/or Knight of Dusk's Shadow might keep opponents from running away from your damage/life loss effects, and Plague Drone actually punishes opponents for trying to gain life.

FourDoughnut on Blood Bending - Awaken the Avatar

8 months ago

Nice deck! I started brewing AtBA almost immediately after seeing it spoiled and have been working on the deck making improvements/changes over time, and it is easily my favourite deck at the moment. One thing that I do differently with mine is focus more on low cost creatures that make tokens on ETB, things like Weaponcraft Enthusiast & Sengir Autocrat ideally as they make 2-3 tokens to get that first or second Blood Avatar cast, You're Confronted by Robbers is great also because it's an instant, Waylay is the cheapest way to make 3 tokens on your turn. Because of this I also run all the good reanimator spells, and since that includes Animate Dead I also run Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward, which on it's own is also good, especially if you run a lot of mana rocks. I chose not to run Worldgorger Dragon for the infinite mana combo as it isn't good on its own, where Abdel Adrian is. Since you run Fury Storm I would consider running Storm-Kiln Artist for the combo potential, as he is also good for ramping off of instants/sorceries and synergizes with the toke doublers (get Mondrak out of the sideboard and into the 99). It also combos with Chain of Smog for infinite mana if you're into that (I'm not). Academy Rector is awesome for cheating in Anointed Procession if you're about to make tokens or City on Fire if you already have Blood Avatar(s). Roaming Throne from Lost Caverns of Ixilan is also good for the same reasons Isshin is, but it has Ward 2 and is colourless. I also run most of the lower cost extra combat cards to try to maximize the attack triggers, Goblin Goliath has been an (expensive) all-star. Any planeswalker with + ability that make tokens are also great.

There are so many different things you could focus on with this deck I find it hard just to narrow it down to the gameplan you're after, which is one of the things I love about it. The one thing my deck is lacking now is Lifelink, I'm looking at Teysa Karlov because vigilance is great too, but I don't focus too much on death triggers, so Whip of Erebos may take the spot.

Excited to see future updates on this! Will post my decklist eventually and link it here, interested to see your comments.

DreadKhan on Princess and the frog (Disney adaption)

1 year ago

Not sure if Sengir Autocrat would help out/fit in, it's an evil rich person who comes with several tokens you can sacrifice. I think there is a similar vibe for Ogre Slumlord, both of those feel like rich town folk that are exploiters, and both provide you with fodder to sacrifice.

Not sure what kind of decks you face, but if they don't play as many creatures as you then Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is a Thalia that's depicted as a person of colour. Thalia is really good vs decks that rely on non-creature spells, but if your group is all creature aggro then she's just a 2/1 with nice art.

Are you playing 1v1? Rhystic Tutor is a really bad card if you play against more than 1 opponent because it's so rare for nobody to have held up mana, and it's a sorcery so you can only use it on your own turn. If you have any cards that are 'good' in the graveyard then I'd replace Rhystic with Jarad's Orders or Final Parting, Orders has a voodoo feel, Parting is a bit tougher, but it's a really good card fwiw, especially if you're on a budget. If you need an on-theme card that likes being in your graveyard I think Skyclave Shade seems a decent fit, it could easily be an underworld spirit that just keeps coming back, like the ones serving Shadow Man/Dr Facilier.

With your Commander having Deathtouch (and you running Vault of the Archangel) I wonder if some Trample sources would work? I like Brawn an awful lot, and your Commander can sacrifice it, if your opponent blocks a creature with Deathtouch and Trample you only need to deal 1 damage to destroy each blocking creature, so the rest goes through. It doesn't have much story connection I can think of, but Scavenged Brawler is pretty good with your Commander, none of the keywords overlap, and your Commander with Vigilance and Trample is really scary.

It's a bit clunky but Kothophed, Soul Hoarder is a pretty strong card if you expect your opponent to lose creatures regularly, with your Commander you will be killing a lot of creatures, so you'll draw some cards I expect. Kothophed could represent those dark powers who hold Shadow Man's debt? Kothophed offers lots of power, but it comes at a price.

Sleepysherlock on Spell-Slinging Mardu Copies

1 year ago

Lot of my suggestions are leaning into tokens because Blood Avatar clearly wants that, and if i can find a spell that makes tokens than Extus will be happy too. Thats my idea.

Big Score, Unexpected Windfall, Blood for Bones, Rakdos Charm, Fiery Confluence, Crackle with Power, Storm King's Thunder, Bonus Round, Sram's Expertise, Electrodominance, Jaya Ballard, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Assemble the Legion, Secure the Wastes, Call the Coppercoats, Fury Storm, Ashnod's Altar, Prosperous Partnership, Divine Visitation

Let's take a short break here, because you need better creatures. Creatures that have VALUE as you recast them over and over, maybe even discard outlets. I hate to say it (and i'm not going to list them) but Aristocrat creatures are ideal here because they are cheap, and gain life which can then be used to cast wild stuff like Bolas's Citadel.

Dragonmaster Outcast, Viscera Seer, Cathar Commando, Leonin Relic-Warder, Mondrak, Glory Dominus, Lagomos, Hand of Hatred, Pitiless Plunderer, Mahadi, Emporium Master, Woe Strider, Ophiomancer, Mayhem Devil, Children of Korlis, Insolent Neonate, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Sengir Autocrat, Syr Konrad, the Grim, Sun Titan

Also if this just ins't the direction you wanna go thats ight

Asgeren on Chains of Shadow, Chains of Love

1 year ago

Nice list! I like the new phyrexian includes. Sengir Autocrat is very good with chainer getting 4 for 4 makes for some lovely combos <3

kingmic0 on Chain me Daddy

1 year ago

Thanks Asgeren

I looked at yours and love the theme. Probably going to switch Baleful Mastery for Faceless Butcher. Repeatable creature exile sounds fantastic. I've been building this deck towards really explosive turns and discard effects to slow down the table. Sengir Autocrat is a great way to get sac fodder and will probably replace on of the higher cost cards in the deck.

BPWyndon on Braids, Arisen Nightmare

1 year ago

Cut Suggestions=

  • Ichor Wellspring, great rate for drawing but you have plenty of draw spells + commander.
  • Gravecrawler, Nether Traitor, Bloodghast, Endless Cockroaches since you are adding a level of recursion into the deck, these guys are obsolete, since we would rather have cards that have ETB or dies triggers. We can re-evaluate if you are having problems finding creatures to sac.
  • Darkness, hopefully with your lifegain this card would be dead.
  • Dauthi Voidwalker, while an awesome card it doesn't really fit the mold, and we need to make cuts.
  • Swiftfoot Boots, I would find out how often your commander gets hated off the board before deciding if you need this.
  • Demonic Pact, I love the fact that you can get around the negative of this card, but it is slow and we need to cut cards.
  • Weatherlight Compleated, slow.

Add Suggestions=

Edit= - Bolas's Citadel can also be considered card draw.

Asgeren on Nosferatu: the 100th Anniversary

1 year ago

I always get reminded of the Count when I see the old Sengir Autocrat - such great art

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