Scavenging Ooze

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scavenging Ooze

Creature — Ooze

: Exile target card from a graveyard. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on this and you gain 1 life.

kamarupa on Dig Hard with a Vengeance

2 months ago

I guess you're just boned if your opponent exiles your graveyard? It's just so bloody easy, and, in my little play circle, so common - we all have at least a Scavenger Grounds in most our mainboards along with the usual stuff in our sideboards, too (Rest in Peace, Scavenging Ooze, etc, etc)

Kazierts on Elemental Storm

3 months ago

My bad about Terror of the Peaks. I could swear I saw you wrote on a comment that you had removed it.

As your deck is currently built, Enduring Vitality does almost nothing. The cheapest creature you have is Coiling Oracle. Dryad of the Ilysian Grove is still better. Yes, it does make Wandering Mind very slightly worse, but the entire decks just gets better. Again, you don't need to care about basic land types. Having all lands have basic land types just means they tap for all colors and, if you copy it, you get two additional land drops every turn. This highlights another things you should work on.

You seem really focusing on trying to maximise everyone single bit of synergy between cards and sometimes overlook the benefits other cards can bring to your deck. Marauding Raptor is debatle because it can kill your own creatures and copying it might no be the best. Instead, you focused on not having enough dinosaurs, which is the irrelevant part of the card. If you look at MTGtop8, you'll see thay it's used in some dinosaur decks, but quite a few other decks without dinosaurs also use it. Same goes for Intrepid Paleontologist. I have a Nethroi, Apex of Death without a single dinosaur. In that deck, it just works as a mana dork that's also graveyard hate. Think of it as Scavenging Ooze thar also generates mana.

Heroic Intervention is one of those cards that is good to have redundancy. If you copy it, then opponents will need to counter it twice to interact with your board.

Eilel on Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

4 months ago


Llanowar Elves

Elvish Mystic

Fyndhorn Elves

Incubation Druid

Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea

Quirion Ranger (commander untap)

Scryb Ranger (commander untap + flying en prod blue)

Entish Restoration

Patriar's Seal

Gaea's Touch

Fanatic of Rhonas

Awaken the Woods (mana sink)

Archdruid's Charm (ook removal)

Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma (ook trample enabler)

Nyx Lotus (late game super ramp wss)


Boseiju, Who Endures

Emergence Zone

Homeward Path

Oran-Rief, the Vastwood (ik vind niet super maar ik ken genoeg mensen die m dat wel vinden)

Temple of the False God

Myriad Landscape (niet te veel tap lands spelen maar denk dat deze wel kan)

Blighted Woodland

Card draw / advantage

Vivien, Monsters' Advocate (buiten de ability ook tutor op de -2)

Last March of the Ents

Lurking Predators

Monstrous Vortex

Tribute to the World Tree

Garruk's Uprising (ook trample enabler)

Battle Mammoth (creature en soort ward voor alle creatures)

Disciple of Freyalise  Flip (kan je als een landslot spelen, dus eigenlijk gratis include. als je niet nodig hebt als land heb je carddraw en lifegain)

Regal Force (creature)


Finale of Devastation (ook haste enabler)

Tooth and Nail

Weird Harvest

Natural Orderfoil

Green Sun's Twilight

Recursion / Graveyard

Bala Ged Recovery  Flip (ook een land)

Long Rest (kan elk type kaart terug pakken, mass recursion)

Eternal Witness


Concordant Crossroads (haste)

Surrak and Goreclaw (trample + haste)

Temur Sabertooth (combo kaart, alles met etb kan je opnieuw spelen, ook voor meer carddraw etc)

Ulvenwald Oddity  Flip (Trample + haste en +1/+1 enabler als die geflipt is)

Thousand-Year Elixir (geeft je commander soort van haste en kan untappen)


Scavenging Ooze (graveyard)

Rampaging Yao Guai (ook mana sink)

Beast Within (raakt practish alles)

Terastodon (super goed)

Collective Resistance

Khalni Ambush  Flip (fight spell die je als land kan spelen)

Bridgeworks Battle  Flip (fight spell die je ook als land kan spelen)

Kogla, the Titan Ape


Tyvar's Stand (of een mana sink)

Lightning Greaves (haste voor je commander met 0 equip)

Swiftfoot Boots


Goldvein Hydra (mana sink en eventueel super late game extra ramp)

Ochre Jelly (mana sink + trample + moeilijk vanaf te komen)

Silverback Elder (removal / card draw / lifegain)

Alternative wincons

Helix Pinnacle

Triumph of the Hordes (als je een teringlijer wilt zijn)

Niko9 on Is the only problem with …

7 months ago

World_Peace Scavenging Ooze is a perfect example! The lifegain isn't the best part of the card, and that's the best part of the lifegain.

And yep, 28 life for 1 does seem very good and also very legit high fiving : )

Icbrgr on Break out

10 months ago

With the playtesting I've been doing there are 3 main observations I've made so far.

  • a blind break out on turn 2+ with no other plays available feels very... "why not" ... it pseudo tutors into a card your already playing/want to see and give it haste... however it does feel bad hitting one drops like Phoenix Chick and Monastery Swiftspear; and so far I've never WANTED to just add a card in hand but the option is nice I guess.

  • Regardless of the turn burning tree emissary into break out feels good amd almost feels mandatory to play together. Whether its turn 2 and just populating the board and putting on pressure or after a board wipe to get back into the game amd finish it.

  • digging for specific creatures for certain situations like Scavenging Ooze or Cankerbloom can feel really strong.

UltimateRoxas40 on Countdown to Infinity [Counters Primer]

11 months ago

Crow_Umbra Yeah, that's always been a factor when building a Simic deck for me. Too many options kinda paralyzes my thoughts and deck building direction, which is why I decided to lean more towards The Millennium Calendar style shenanigans.

And thank you for the suggestions! I've got Ripples of Potential and Wave Goodbye from the Simic Ixalan precon, but I just haven't gotten around to opening it yet haha. I've never even heard of Ravenous Slime! It could be a contender for something like Scavenging Ooze. I'll look into that.

I thought about Mutational Advantage, but it feels very situational. I'd probably stick with Heroic Intervention for more of a catch-all defensive card.

Like I said, most of the deck was assembled with stuff I've had in my binders for a while. I'll work towards grabbing copies of those soon.

psionictemplar on Darkest Umbra Before the Dawnwaker

1 year ago

Personally, I think you could take this down to a pure Selesnya deck. As I see it, the red creatures do not reliably combo or add enough value on their own. I would substitute in cards like Weathered Wayfarer and Knight of the Reliquary to give you an additional way of interacting with opponents. Imagine searching up lands like Bojuka Bog at will. Or heck at the end of an opponents turn grabbing a Treetop Village and swinging for an extra 4 the next turn.). These changes could help your manabase be less painful as well. You could also have room in your sideboard for creatures like Scavenging Ooze or Chameleon Colossus if your up for it. I have a couple more ideas for later if you want to explore them, but this is where I would start myself. Also don't get too attached to the 3 mana or less rule for cosmic rebirth. It can be a trap.

jdogz32 on Sultai graveyard

1 year ago

Stitcher's Supplier is pretty much a staple in self mill decks.

Another one I see in alot of decks is Satyr Wayfinder helps keep lands coming and mills twice the cards as Sultai Skullkeeper

You have alot of lands. For a 60 card deck typically you won't go much higher than 24. You have 33.

You have cards in your deck that aren't modern legal. Brawn Sewer Nemesis Deathrite Shaman are not modern legal. Some substitutes that are legal are Wonder instead of brawn. Lord of Extinction over Sewer nemesis. Scavenging Ooze over deathrite shaman.

Lhurgoyf is only playable in a commander setting in my opinion. You can't count on your opponents graveyard being filled with creatures at all. I'd recommend Urborg Lhurgoyf as a direct upgrade. Has a self mill abilities and cost half as much Mana.

I'd take out most of your cards that cost 5 Mana. You have quite a few and i don't really see the purpose of Consuming Aberration also your deck is mostly creatures and lands so a Grisly Salvage will get you the same effect as Sultai Soothsayer I hope this helps.

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