Sylvan Safekeeper

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sylvan Safekeeper

Creature — Human Wizard

Sacrifice a land: Target creature you control gains shroud until end of turn. (It can't be the target of spells or abilities.)

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Favorite EDH Cards

3 months ago

I love seeing everyone's responses to this :). To me having pet cards you always try to work into a deck is a lot of the fun of deck building.

I've always really liked Spirit of the Night and Teeka's Dragon and find myself cramming them into decks whether or not they fit. They were just so impressive the first time I came across them and I've never lost that excitement for them.

I also have a few specific pieces of cardboard I'm fond of, like the Vesuvan Doppelganger my friend gave me and the Sylvan Safekeeper that I got signed by Olle Råde.

Ammonzy on Luminous Engine cEDH [Tayam, Lumious Enigma]

11 months ago


Yes, the undying loop requires haste

Nature's Chosen is used primarily on Tayam but really any white creature. You then use that enchanted creature to untap Gaea's Cradle for the most part, as Cradle is a core aspect of the deck.

Whenever you have a chance to tutor, your first targets should always be either Wall of Roots or Gaea's Cradle depending on your hand.

Another example of how powerful Gaea's Cradle is, theres a loop with Sylvan Safekeeper where you can replay Cradle for more and more mana as long as you have the counters to supply this loop, for example with Leyline of Abundance or Hexdrinker

Simerix on Mr Sandman, Man Me a Sand

1 year ago

Dud cards: Conclave Guildmage Conclave's Blessing Rallying Roar + a lot of the convoke cards

Why is Katilda, Dawnhart Prime in the deck?

I've seen Outlaws' Merriment flop a lot in Alex's deck

Consider conspire cards like Gleeful Sabotage and Wort, the Raidmother

Have you considered Plargg, Dean of Chaos  Flip Augusta would ball in this deck?

I always suggest a little bit of creature sacrifice in a deck like this. Here's some suggestions: Perilous Forays Martyr's Cause Goblin Bombardment Fanatical Devotion Evolutionary Leap Tooth and Claw Makeshift Munitions Barrage of Expendables. When you swing out, shit's gonna get killed so it's nice to make the most of your creatures. Plus these cards do great against board wipes.

Consider these land sacrifice cards: Sylvan Safekeeper Squirrel Wrangler Goblin Trenches Constant Mists Aura Fracture

Also consider adding anthems to drive the win home if you think you will struggle with winning.

Prosperous Partnership slaps and I suggest you reconsider it.

Additional card suggestions: Neyali, Suns' Vanguard Roar of Resistance Arasta of the Endless Web Intangible Virtue Divine Visitation Inspiring Leader Legion Loyalty

Last_Laugh on Sacrifice

1 year ago

Sylvan Safekeeper might help with protecting your commander. I run Yavimaya Hollow for this purpose in a lot of decks, but it ain't cheap.

Scepter of Celebration's obvious comparison is The Reaver Cleaver. I run both in my Prossh list personally.

Seize the Spotlight in any red deck with sac outlets will always draw 3, +3 treasures. I love this card so much lol.

I'm not sure you go wide enough with creatures, but both parts of Indulge / Excess have some potential here.

I run Prossh, but there's obvious similarities so few free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Prossh's Dastardly Bastard Children - Group Slug

Epicurus on How to Lose Friends & Alienate People

1 year ago

Realms Uncharted and Scapeshift are worth considering. Also, bounce lands might be fun (Gruul Turf, Boros Garrison, Selesnya Sanctuary). I'd replace the multiplayer lands with these.

Some more cards to consider:

Field of the Dead

Sylvan Safekeeper

Constant Mists

Titania, Protector of Argoth

Life from the Loam

PrismMTG on All-Star Commanders #78 - Green Tribal

1 year ago

Alright, so. Right off the bat, sorry for this being a bit late, I thought I was gonna get to it the other day, and then I worked two 13 hour shifts in a row. But, im here now, so lets get started.

I can see that you chose to go more of a landfall route as apposed to the stompy route that I did. Respectable, I like it. However, I think that this deck struggles with some of the same things that my deck does, which is getting creatures through to hit face. It's why I have such a high priority on trample effects. Cards like Rhonas's Monument or Aggressive Mammoth are big hitters in my deck just because Ashaya, Soul of the Wild is often already around a 20/20, giving her trample is what brings it together to make her significantly more terrifying. Giant Ankheg is a favorite of mine for this purpose, it gives so much value.

A few big beaters I'm surprised you don't have are Ghalta, Primal Hunger because, lets be honest, shes basically a 12/12 trampler for 2, or cards like Worldspine Wurm or Moldgraf Monstrosity. Big, hard hitting creatures that you can easily power out pretty quickly. I would also consider Blackblade Reforged as a card, as it effectively doubles Ashaya's power and turns a scarily large creature into something terrifying.

Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar is a card that I really like in my deck. She's basically as big as Ashaya, so she is a good beaters, seeing as how she has trample, but personally, I prefer her in the gy. There are a bunch of sneaky ways to protect your creatures with Ashaya. I see you already have Quirion Ranger, but I suggest Multani as well as Scryb Ranger. Instead of protecting your creatures with Sylvan Safekeeper and having to sacrifice something else to do it, why not just bounce them to your hand and fizzle the effect? Then you get to play them out again and get another etb/landfall trigger for whatever you have on board that cares about that. This also works better against board wipes, as shroud doesn't help with that.

For landfall effects, Rampaging Baloths or Tireless Tracker are some cards I would consider, as they either make basically infinite 4/4s or they give you clues, which, after playing this deck a lot, that card advantage is very necessary, you can absolutely run out of cards very quickly. That's why I run Ulvenwald Mysteries and Rishkar's Expertise in my Ashaya deck. Ulvenwald gives you consistent clues and a chump blocker to boot, and Rishkar's, combined with Ashaya, or Multani or whoever else, draws you like, 20 cards and then lets you put something onto the battlefield.

For ramp/land effects you can go in a ton of different directions, what you do doesn't matter much, as everything is effective imo. I personally run Bootleggers' Stash and Zendikar Resurgent because you can ramp into them very quickly and they can both give you insane amounts of extra mana. Other cards like Augur of Autumn or Karametra's Acolyte are both good utility/ramp cards, as well as Stone-Seeder Hierophant.

Now, I really just have a few questions. Why are you running Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth? Isn't everything already a forest? That pick, I'm afraid I just don't understand, could you explain what I'm missing? And if you're going for a devotion style deck, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Gaea's Cradle are both amazing lands. Granted, idk what your budget is and Gaea's Cradle isn't exactly cheap lmao. Another thing, why are you running 45 lands? I understand that there is a landfall theme, but that seems extreme even to me, most landfall decks I've seen run around 38. I would reduce your land count imo and invest those slots into artifacts and instants that either pair well with your deck, or that protect your creatures.

plakjekaas on So Dominaria

1 year ago

Living Twister can take your deserts back to hand to replay them, Ruin Ghost can flicker them, Crucible of Worlds/Ramunap Excavator/Splendid Reclamation+Sylvan Safekeeper to return them from graveyard, Ancient Greenwarden to make more tokens per desert drop. Hour of Promise finally to be used as intended.

Last_Laugh on Jetmir, Nexus of revels

2 years ago

Nice deck, I'd suggest more card draw and more ways to protect your board though.

Card Draw: Beast Whisperer and Sylvan Library both deserve spots and depending on how big your creatures reliably get, possibly The Great Henge.

Board Protection (combat): Dolmen Gate, Reconnaissance, and Iroas, God of Victory all allow you to swing all out without losing a single creature (and in the case of Recon, have everything untapped by the end of combat). Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist is also good for both offense and defense.

Board Protection: Luminous Broodmoth, Sylvan Safekeeper, Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Teferi's Protection, and Privileged Position will all help the resilience of this deck.

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