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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Duel Commander | Legal |
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Historic Brawl | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Zealous Persecution
Until end of turn, creatures you control get +1/+1 and creatures your opponents control get -1/-1.
Skysurfer on
3 years ago
Zealous Persecution is also not a bad card to make use of your tokens and trade good/kill opponent
zapyourtumor on V.2 You're fuckin with my (God)head!
3 years ago
Vampiric Tutor isn't legal
Zealous Persecution is Profit / Loss but way better
Night of Souls' Betrayal kills all your opponents creatures and keeps them dead for only 4 mana while not killing your creatures (does put GoA in bolt range, though)
zapyourtumor on White Therefore Superior
3 years ago
Maybe consider splashing B?
Gives you access to Lingering Souls, Bitterblossom (synergizes with Timely Reinforcements), Zealous Persecution, Sorin, Solemn Visitor
If you stay mono white: Raise the Alarm, Venerated Loxodon
VampRamped on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)
3 years ago
Very Nice Aggro Edgar Markov list especially for a deck that is your first foray into commander. The Main problem I see you running into with this deck is that it is very soft to board wipes, and you will almost certainly lose the game if one resolves. I would recommend including Teferi's Protection , Flawless Maneuver , Boros Charm , Make a Stand , Unbreakable Formation , and Patriarch's Bidding . While these cards are skillful to utilize and require an understanding of your opponent's decks to know when to leave up mana to utilize them you will find you will be grateful to have them and win more often because of them.
Necropotence is an insanely strong card advantage engine especially in Edgar Markov that I would highly recommend as it allows the deck to continue to have the steam it needs going into midgame and mid-late game. In fact, when I am going for the aggressive strategy in my own deck it is the first card I tutor for if I can. Champion of Dusk , Pact of the Serpent , and Stinging Study are almost as good and serves the same purpose.
Stromkirk Condemned Is a pretty strong lord that most games you should have the land to pitch to it to boost your board, especially if you include some of the card advantage I recommended.
Reconnaissance Is also an amazing card for an aggressive strategy as it essentially gives all your creatures vigilance and you can remove any unfavorable blocks in combat.
For cards to remove to play them I will suggest cutting cards in different area's that I think have their advantages but probably benefit your decks aggro plan the least
Zealous Persecution and Vampiric Fury are not very necessary for yours deck. If you have not seen it already in time you will find that your anthem affects lords Shared Animosity , and Sanctum Seeker will be more than sufficient to win the game. Additionally, the card is quite soft to fog effects which are not too uncommon in commanders.
Anointed Procession is simply a card that is too slow for what an aggressive Edgar Markov deck wants to be doing and is much more suited to midrange aristocrat lists. Spending 4 mana for an effect that does not do anything is too slow and you would much rather want to be playing things like Sanctum Seeker , Vampire Nocturnus , and Bloodline Keeper Flip
Abrade , Dismember , and Nameless Inversion have two main problems. For one when you are playing an aggressive Edgar Markov deck you are committing to winning the early mid-game so spending the time you need to kill your opponents interacting with their board states is not doing you any favors. Secondly, as an aggro deck the only permanents that are outright going to stop you are Magus of the Tabernacle , Windborn Muse , Propaganda , Ghostly Prison , Collective Restraint , Sphere of Safety , and Humility so if your going to play removal spells in your aggro deck the spell at a minimum should target enchantments though creatures as well can be valuable.
Obelisk of Urd Is ok but is probably to expensive on mana and you would rather be punching with creatures than using them to convoke this spell out.
Bloodcrazed Paladin is really only good when there is a board wipe and that is the last thing you want to happen to your board so would not recommend playing a creature that's only strength is to give you a measly benefit in the worst-case scenario.
Bloodthrone Vampire is not very good in aggro since you want to have as many creatures around as possible for all of your tribal payoffs and since your deck is not particularly geared towards and Edgar Markov Aristocrats Strat.
Stoneforge Mystic and Steelshaper's Gift help you get Skullclamp but you probably don't want to be looking for that card too hard especially if you play Necropotence , or Champion of Dusk as I recommended as you don't have to sacrifice your board state to get card advantage when a wide board state is exactly what you are looking for. Additionally, you are not playing too many sacrifice effects anyway so when you play a lord it effectively turns off your Skullclamp .
Those would be my additions and removals for your removals but your the one who gets to play the deck so make adjustments to suit your playgroup and what you want to get out of the deck. Feel free to check out my own Edgar Markov Deck A Vampire Storm *Primer*, not the exact same strategy as your deck, but you may find some useful advice in my section on my mindset of how I play Edgar Markov aggressively. Would be happy to hear your thoughts on my suggestions as well as what you think of my own deck.
zapyourtumor on B/W Token Control
3 years ago
I'd suggest Damn over Wrath of God . The BB is hard but you also have Ashiok, Dream Render in your sideboard so... Fetid Heath could help mana fixing for those cards and Procession.
Hour of Reckoning is another good wrath for this deck.
Zealous Persecution claps enemy 1 toughness creatures while buffing all your dudes.
Kukkakaali on Tuhmeliinit Cube
3 years ago
Version 2.5. No more oyster: - Jaya's Greeting + Young Pyromancer - Chandra's Pyreling + Risk Factor - Chandra's Spitfire + Heartfire Immolator - Spelleater Wolverine + Warlord's Fury
- Aven Eternal + Blink of an Eye - Giant Oyster + Talrand's Invocation - No Escape + Vapor Snag - Witching Well + Mistral Singer - Of One Mind + Peek
Version 2.6. Kaldheim and Strixhaven boosters: - Colossus Hammer + Access Tunnel - Camaraderie + Fall of the Impostor - Cliffhaven Kitesail + Hall of Oracles
- Kin-Tree Invocation + Binding the Old Gods - Boneyard Lurker + Infuse with Vitality - Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner + Moritte of the Frost - Incubation / Incongruity + Quandrix Cultivator - Spellheart Chimera + Prismari Command - Final Payment + Humiliate - Zealous Persecution + Killian, Ink Duelist - Kaya, Bane of the Dead + Closing Statement
- Parhelion Patrol + Glorious Protector - Oppressive Rays + Doomskar - Pouncing Lynx + Codespell Cleric - Inspiring Captain + Leonin Lightscribe
- Concentrate + Behold the Multiverse - Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor + Saw It Coming
- Fleshbag Marauder + Brackish Trudge - Blight-Breath Catoblepas + Sheoldred, Whispering One - Audacious Thief + Unwilling Ingredient - Hagra Constrictor + Tergrid, God of Fright Flip - Blood Beckoning + Go Blank - Murder + Poison the Cup - Lazotep Reaver + Umbral Juke - Herald of the Dreadhorde + Feed the Serpent
- Inordinate Rage + Infuriate - Heightened Reflexes + Claim the Firstborn - Furious Rise + Tormentor's Helm - Syr Carah, the Bold + Breakneck Berserker - Fire Servant + Rune of Speed
- Ranger's Guile + Snakeskin Veil - Reclaim the Wastes + Big Play - Scute Mob + Dragonsguard Elite - Loathsome Chimera + Regrowth
MagicMarc on Spreading Algae Deck
4 years ago
The real problem, like Flooremoji pointed out, is that you cannot force them to tap their land unless you add more cards. To stall your game plan, they just need to not tap the land enchanted with Spreading Algae. Once you start losing more card slots just to make it work then it starts looking like a bad combo.
Instead, try something like Kormus Bell + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cower in Fear. You can replace Cower in Fear with a lot of other cards like Doomwake Giant, Ethereal Absolution, Festering March, Profit / Loss, Make Obsolete, Plague Mare, Zealous Persecution and even Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.
Though, I am guessing, a deck built like this wouldn't be popular with the people you play with.
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