Helix Pinnacle

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Helix Pinnacle



(X): Put X tower counters on Helix Pinnacle.

At the beginning of your upkeep, if there are 100 or more tower counters on Helix Pinnacle, you win the game.

Ferth on Fog Draw EDH

9 months ago

I got to play a bunch this weekend! The deck performed well I've updated the list to match what I've currently got, my local shop was missing some singles.

Generous Gift moved back to the maybeboard but only cause I couldn't buy it this weekend.

I found that the deck worked quite well but I obviously couldn't close out games. I had a few scenarios where Selvala, Explorer Returned could repeat pretty much forever thanks to Sword of the Paruns or Umbral Mantle and Smothering Tithe + 4 players in the game. Flipping my commander till deck out was too painful to ever actually do so games ended with scooping.

The take away is that I need to be able to end games just to save everybody's sanity. More things like Felidar Sovereign and Psychosis Crawler are needed. Helix Pinnacle is a meme and I'll basically never pull it off. So here is the maybe board for actually finishing games.

Viseling Storm Seeker Black Vise Iron Maiden Sword of War and Peace

Some other cards that look interesting to me are Credit Voucher to help me find the above win conditions and Champions of Minas Tirith as another tax. I found that the deck was excellent at filling everybody's hands as expected.

Ferth on Fog Draw EDH

11 months ago

Thanks KayneMarco. I thought that might be the case with Batwing Brume. I asked a buddy while finding fog cards and was told it was ok. Shoulda googled.

I like the Norn's Annex effect. I didn't think to look for more. Cutting out a fog or two and some of the less important effects like Temple Bell and Helix Pinnacle for more taxes sounds like a good plan.

Ferth on Fog Draw EDH

11 months ago

I took out some of the four cost fogs and some less interesting cards to add

Banishing Light,Darksteel Mutation,Oblivion Ring,Beast Within,Generous Gift,Palace Jailer

Jailer may not be the best choice but being the monarch should be easy while I'm foggy and I have Protector of the Crown

Thinking I'll never realistically get Helix Pinnacle to go off so I should just swap it for Illusionist's Bracers to put on Seeker of Skybreak

legendofa on I need help coming up …

1 year ago

Rhonas the Indomitable's combat restriction and activated ability strongly support a stompy-style deck. I'm not trying to dissuade you from building the deck you want, but I do suggest at least considering other indestructible options like Anara, Wolvid Familiar + a partner, Nylea, Keen-Eyed, or Toski, Bearer of Secrets, each of which offers a different dynamic in addition to indestructibility. Neyith of the Dire Hunt can be played as mono-green if you want to lean into the fight angle, and Kogla, the Titan Ape is another potential commander there.

TurboFog can be built in mono-green. Aside from the Fog effects like Moment's Peace, Sunstone, and Tangle, cards like Arboria, Elephant Grass, Silent Arbiter, and Crawlspace restrict attacking options. Orbs of Warding and Witchbane Orb offer more protection. Heroic Intervention should be a given if you have access to one, and there's a good number of instants that grant single-target protection. You're going to want to draw heavily, so look at artifact-based draw, top-deck searching like Commune with the Gods or Vessel of Nascency, and Sylvan Library, Harmonize, and Greater Good.

Green's win conditions are heavily based around creatures and attacking, and that's only gotten more true in recent years. Helix Pinnacle works as an alternate win con for a slower game, and artifact combos are always applicable.

CrazyDanPsycho on Zaxara, the (Hopefully) Awesome

1 year ago

I have procured a foil Helix Pinnacle that I would like to slot in, but I wouldn't know what to take out for it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :-)

Apollo_Paladin on Budget-ish legacy elves

2 years ago

I should probably also specify that my only complaint with Gelatinous Genesis in an infinite mana deck is that, without Haste, you still leave yourself vulnerable to any multitude of Boardwipe effects (which are just so common now it's silly almost) plus stuff like Legion's End, Declaration in Stone, and spells along that line as well.

The only reason Helix Pinnacle makes the cut for me despite not winning that SAME turn is that it has Shroud making it almost impossible to do anything about. This method also allows you to save any attackers for blocking until your Turn comes back around, and stops anything like Settle the Wreckage from hampering your win plans. I've found boardwipe (or specific creaturewipe) cards to be the main vulnerability with my elf build, so structuring your strategy to have "outs" for these should the need arise is what really ramped up the reliability of winning game after game for me. If your opponent can just toss 1 card from a Sideboard into their build and shut you down, then it's not reliable (at least to my standards) in most cases.

Elves have so many different ways that they can win, that it makes sense to build a deck up with multiple win conditions to provide you with options. There's just too many "good" Elf selections available for there to be one "End All - Be All" build. The best you can hope for is to include some curveballs for the deck's most common major threats.


Apollo_Paladin on Budget-ish legacy elves

2 years ago

Overall, I like it! Few observations:

My personal experience with Elf builds (particularly in Legacy format) is that nowadays there a SO many decent elves to choose from that no "one build" really has it all, and a deck's viability tends to depend a lot on the playgroup it's being used with.

Anymore, the "infinite combo" approach with Staff of Domination takes FAR too long to set up in my opinion (plus, artifact destruction isn't nearly as 'niche' as it used to be), and you can easily (and more quickly) win the game without it. (I actually removed the one Staff of Domination I own from my elf deck as it kept winning before it could really get moving). I can see it still being viable in, say, Commander format -- but nowadays there are SO many ways to deal with an artifact threat, that I don't feel it's anywhere NEAR as strong as it used to be (let's remember after all, 20 or so damage is all you're really looking to achieve in a lot of games). Bottom line, you're eating up 8 card slots in order to pull off an infinite combo, so unless that's your ONLY win condition (which here, it is not) I personally find it to be a waste.

So you don't think I'm just being negative, one possible thing to add which might help with this would be to swap your 4x Snakeskin Veil for 4x Tamiyo's Safekeeping. True it doesn't add a counter, but Tamiyo's Indestructible effect will: A) Protect a creature from a Boardwipe effect (which mere Hexproof won't do), and also B) Can be used to target ANY permanent, not just a creature (so, perhaps saving your Staff of Domination or Umbral Mantle from some artifact hate). This would help ensure that you are in fact getting that combo off when you happen to have the cards (no tutoring effects either makes pulling it off especially difficult game after game).

Another thing I see right off the bat is how many "tap for mana" elves you have. I don't see Umbral Mantle being valuable here except for your 'infinite combo staff maneuver'. Me personally, I favor things like Vitalize, because it'll hit everything you've got rather than just one creature, and I would also add in some form of Card Draw -- because all the mana in the world won't help you with an empty hand if your opponent has board control.

Again, if the infinite Staff combo is REALLY something you're sold on, then yeah maybe keep the Umbral Mantle, but it's such an old combo now that I find it far too easy for opponents to disrupt in one way or another. I also don't see any X-cost stuff in here (except for the Gelatinous Genesis copies, which I'd drop for something better honestly) -- X-cost stuff is really what makes the Infinite Staff combo shine in my opinion. If you're going that route you'd want Helix Pinnacle (for a next-turn win with Infinite Mana), Tribal Unity (should you want to do a big Elf Attack with all that mana, Stream of Life (if you're doing a teams game and want to heal your teammate) -- stuff like that, to really put down a power play when you finally hit infinite mana. In any case, if you end up wanting to stick with the Staff, put some more X-cost stuff in so that "infinite mana" is more than just a novelty and can essentially end the game for you.

I appreciate the vote of confidence in my elf builds, so I'll assume you've already seen my Legacy Elf build -- but here's a link again in case you want to review some more options. It's basically a deck that COULD have gone infinite mana, but didn't because it genuinely doesn't need it to win. The Card Draw just gets nuts, and I've regularly had turns where I'm playing out 4 or 5 Elves.

See my Elf Build: Tae'rin Terror (Elf Zerg) for more thoughts/suggestions along this line.

You've clearly got some seriously solid cards going on here now though, so any critique anyone can offer isn't really going to be along the lines of "This is just outright bad" and more of "This is slightly more efficient and reliable". I wish you luck, and +1 on your build!

Balaam__ on Incredible budget combo elves

2 years ago

I think Helix Pinnacle works better with the old Devoted Druid + Vizier of Remedies combo

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