Silverblade Paladin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Silverblade Paladin

Creature — Human Knight

Soulbond (You may pair this creature with another unpaired creature when either enters the battlefield. They remain paired for as long as you control both of them.)

As long as Silverblade Paladin is paired with another creature, both creatures have double strike.

Apoptosis on Gear Up!

2 months ago

Specific changes. All of these changes optimize card draw, tutoring, protection to board state, create synergies and infinite combos, and optimization to allow instant speed responses.

OUT: Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist (thought this would be awesome, disappointed in performance) Assemble the Players (sub-optimal card draw) Aurelia's Fury Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus (land drops have not been a problem and by the time I draw it, I needed something else) Brimaz, King of Oreskos (love this guy, but had to cut) Chained to the Rocks Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip (obtained better equipment) Fellwar Stone Hixus, Prison Warden (never happy when I had this in hand because you need to let the damage land, plus you fail to build board state when waiting to draw a punch) Illusionist's Bracers (I realized there was little in this deck that this could help) Kemba, Kha Enduring (I want the option of where the equipment goes) Kjeldoran Outpost (did help create a chump blocker and spend unused mana, but I didn't like losing the land) Lapse of Certainty (replaced with better options, but I love this card) Lightning Helix Path of Mettle  Flip (never had good results) Prophetic Flamespeaker (under-performed) Puresteel Paladin (tough cut) Purphoros, God of the Forge (under-performed) Rogue's Passage Sea Gate Wreckage Silverblade Paladin (love this guy, tough cut) Sram, Senior Edificer (very tough and recent cut for Leonin Shikari and Merry, who are just better but I may put back in) Sword of the Animist (land drops have not been a problem and by the time I draw it, I needed something else) Wingmate Roc (love it but under-performed)

In: Esper Sentinel (card draw) Leonin Shikari (instant speed equiping is amazing) Merry, Esquire of Rohan (card draw) Enlightened Tutor (great for combos/synergies) Sigarda's Aid (so great) Pyrohemia (this card is a beast with Iroas! Even without Iroas must people don't have easy ways to deal with enchantments and this is a wraith on a stick. I've added it to all of my red decks and it's cousin (Pestilence) to my black decks in a slot I would normally hold for a wraith) Teferi's Protection (protect the board state) Excalibur, Sword of Eden Fighter Class (tutor!) Angelic Skirmisher (lifelink to stretch game and facilitates infinite combos) Splendor Mare (put it on Reckoner or Spitemare, give them indestructable, and gain infinite life, or move it to pyrohemia with nesting grounds to get massive amounts of life as you flamethrower the whole table!!) Mask of Avacyn (better option then shroud from boots, you need to be able to dynamically react/voltron) Mob Rule (this just finishes games) Smothering Tithe (ramp) Sunforger (some say you must build around this, I say you use this as a key tutor for when you need an instant) Nesting Grounds Spitemare The One Ring (card draw, duh) Minas Tirith (card draw) Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion (value engine, mana dump) Phyrexian Vindicator (beefy flier, helps get Iroas online, and difficult to remove) War of the Last Alliance (tutor) Hall of Heliod's Generosity (bring back pyrohemia and flamethrower the world all over again!!) Mask of Memory (card draw) Boromir, Warden of the Tower (protect board state)

Quickspell on ‘Tis But a Scratch!

1 year ago

Maybe Crashing Drawbridge to give your creatures haste, and Entomb and Buried Alive to Reanimate your most powerful Knights. You could Secret Salvage a Nazgûl to search your library for the other eight.

Fireshrieker for your Commander, and definitely Silverblade Paladin. But you could also consider just going for Sakashima the Impostor and similar copycats to double down on your commander’s abilities.

lhetrick13 on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago

wallisface - You have a point about Silverblade Paladin. He replaced Kinsbaile Cavalier based on your suggestion that Kinsbaile Cavalier was lackluster for a 4 CMC. I will play with taking him out and replacing him and although I do like Mirran Crusader for his excellent states and double protection, I have lost most all my ability to gain life with this deck so was thinking maybe swapping Silverblade Paladin for Fiendslayer Paladin to get some lifelink back into the deck. Taking out Knights' Charge, Smitten Swordmaster, and Knight of Meadowgrain make every life point count!

Good point about the lands. I updated them with a recent change when I added back in the Wilt-Leaf elves and Knight of the Reliquary but did not look at them again after their removal. I will take a look at the lands again based on your suggestions and see if I can get something to better suit my current needs.

Thanks again!

wallisface on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago


If it were me, i’d be going:

I’m not convinced Steward of Valeron will be particularly helpful. A 2-mana mana-dork is a bit clumsy, and if your opponent is trying to slow you down, bolting this turn-2 could put you irreversibly behind

wallisface on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago

Its been a long time since i’ve read this list, and it looks like its come a really long and positive way! Congrats on the improvements. My current thoughts are:

  • I’m personally really not sold on either Selesnya Charm or Silverblade Paladin. The first card just feels to janky and “meh”, while the second feels like a very steep mana cost for a relatively average ability - if you can run Mirran Crusader instead, you should be.

  • It feels like you want to be hitting 3 mana asap, and reach 4 mana in a timely fashion. You need at least 23 lands imo to reliably achieve this. Using anything lower than this feels like there’ll be too many games where the deck loses to itself.

lhetrick13 on Neverending Knights: Haakon Knight Tribal

2 years ago


First off, I love the deck as I am trying to make something very similar so it was interesting to see another person's thoughts on the same concept. My only criticism would be seems odd to only have a single Knight of Autumn with the only lands that can cast it being Cavern of Souls. Maybe drop that or play with the lands to add in a bit more of a green splash and a few more Knight of Autumns to make it worth it.

In terms of suggestions, you are running four Aether Vials so I would recommend dropping Silverblade Paladin for Kinsbaile Cavalier. For one extra mana ALL knights you control would have doublestrike compared to only two.

Otherwise, really like the look of the deck. I might actually learn from you and add Damn and Discerning Taste into my version.

Tzefick on Shivers, Finicky Fennec

3 years ago

I see the change you've made seshiro_of_the_orochi - however the wording probably needs some changes. Right now it basically says for each card revealed; draw 2, discard 1, put a +1/+1 counter on Shivers. I doubt that was what you wanted. You probably want to word it like this:

"If you do, draw two cards, then discard a card. For each card revealed this way put a +1/+1 counter on Shivers."

I think this version grows the Fox a bit too fast for any format. The trigger itself is also a net +1 card draw and a filter. Even in Commander if you play this turn 2, turn 3 you reveal 5x lands/other 0 MV cards and hit an opponent for 7 Commander damage. This would quickly eliminate players and white has access to a few double strike enablers like Silverblade Paladin and Duelist's Heritage and Battle Mastery and a few temporary enablers.

I think the point was to make this a control Commander, but this reads a lot more like an aggro Voltron Commander. With built in card advantage and filtering, you can run a very low curve decklist that enables some hefty buffs on this Fox and the Fox is cheap, so removal is not that effective. You could consider to have it put a counter on for every two cards revealed. Although that would really make it difficult to stack some counters on it. You could also change it from +1/+1 counters to a specific counter, like a "frost counter" so you can utilize it for the controlling aspect, but not pump up the creature.

Have you put any thought into the information drawback I mentioned? Right now you can continue to reveal the same two lands to draw 2, discard 1 and grow Shivers and there's little to no drawback for the controller but a lot of benefits. And if you have more lands, you might as well reveal them to grow the whiskers even more. All for the cost of 2 mana. That's a bit much if you ask me.

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