Elvish Harbinger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elvish Harbinger

Creature — Elf Druid

When Elvish Harbinger enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an Elf card, reveal it, then shuffle your library and put that card on top of it.

: Add one mana of any colour.

Balaam__ on Alf

3 months ago

Elves of Deep Shadow might help mana fixing faster than Elvish Harbinger and cheaper than fetches or duals. Elvish Harbinger does have its uses though.

multimedia on Lathril, blade of the elves

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far upgrading the precon.

Some Elf upgrades to consider:

Copperhorn Scout pairs well with Immaculate Magistrate or Timberwatch Elf to have a repeatable untap effect to make Lathril huge when you attack with Elves. With Immaculate since the counters stay on the creature then can keep Scout and Lathril huge. Fauna Shaman repeatable tutor effect can be useful with Elves that are not impactful enough in the game to tutor for a more impactful creature. Fauna brings a toolbox effect with Elves since she can get any creature and untap effects work really well with her to chain tutor.

Elvish Harbinger and Circle of Dreams Druid are much more price then the Elves you could cut for them, but they're among the better Elves in the tribe. Circle is another mass mana combo Elf, it's Gaea's Cradle effect and Harbinger is an Elf tutor that's also a mana Elf who can make black mana. Elvish Guidance isn't an Elf, but it's another mass mana effect and after enchanting a Forest pair with Arbor Elf.

Some nonElf upgrades to consider:

Staff of Domination is most powerful artifact with Elves since it can make infinite green mana with any of the mass mana Elves (Priest, Archdruid, Circle, Marwyn, etc.) if they can make at least 5 mana. Infinite green is then paid into Staff to draw as much of your deck as you want to find Ezuri wincon or to get at least 10 Elves in your control. Lathril's tap 10 Elves to make each opponent lose 10 life can be a wincon with Staff since Staff can infinite untap Lathril and 10 Elves.

Cultist of the Absolute is busted with Lathril for only 1 mana. Without any other boost to p/t it makes Lathril a 5/6 flying/deathtouch/menace threat. The combination of having menace and deathtouch makes combat a nightmare for opponent. Lathril provides the creature sac fodder that's needed to fuel Absolute. Patriarch's Bidding is mass reanimation of Elves for 5 mana.

Door of Destinies isn't a good anthem effect card since it doesn't pump anything without casting an Elf the same turn you play it meaning need more than 4 mana to get any value at all. For 4 mana you can do much better if an anthem effect is what you want.

Some land upgrades to consider:

Over a couple of turns Rogue's Passage alone with Lathril can build you an Elf army, that's pretty good for a land. Twilight Mire for 1 green mana can make BB and that's helpful when green mana is much more plentiful than black mana, but black mana is also important.

Woodland Chasm is another Golgari dual land that Verdant or Wood to get. Blooming Marsh will rarely ETB untapped making it much worse land then it appears especially for it's price. Fast lands are better in formats where you can play 4x of them for consistency of having them the first three turns of a game. Fast lands are overpriced dual lands in Commander.

Good luck with your deck.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Elvish Dinomancy

1 year ago

That's...pretty insane. Maybe add in some Elvish Harbingers?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Maturing Phoenix

Creature - Phoenix

: ~ becomes 3/3 and gains flying.

: If ~ has flying, it becomes 5/5 and gains menace, "If ~ would leave the battlefield, it phases out instead." and "Whenever ~ phases in, put a +1/+1 counter on it".

: If ~ has Menace, it deals 7 damage to each creature you don't control and each opponent.


Create a Harbinger for an underused tribe (compare Elvish Harbinger, Treefolk Harbinger etc).

Vessiliana on Golgaris spiked-ear hordes

2 years ago

Have you considered Elvish Harbinger? I find the on-tribe tutor to be useful in my own Elf tribal deck. Also, I noticed Mana Reflection in your maybeboard, and I highly recommend it! Elves make so much mana of themselves that doubling it just wins games!

And just for thematic fun, have you thought about Gilt-Leaf Palace?

magicbike on green machine

2 years ago

so i made a little change in my deck put some board wipes in some times when its going slow you need a reset In Garruk's WakeDeadly TempestElvish Dreadlord

some small changes

always handy to get cards with Wirewood Symbiote its good with Shaman of the Pack or Skemfar Shadowsage or Elvish Harbinger or Farhaven Elf

en i bought for card drawVampiric Rites

123456789101112131415161718 on Marwyn Elf Stampede

2 years ago

Obvious upvote Elfball decks have a super special place in my heart, so I always love to see them on here. I agree with what Guerric says, you need to cut non elf synergistic cards for more elves. Wirewood herald, omnath, yew spirit, and magus of the order are the first cards that come to mind. throw in more elvish lords and elves that tap for mana.

Marwyn is a super powerful commander, but I feel like you are too reliant on her with this deck. There are several cards in here that only truly synergize with marwyn, which makes the deck a bit less consistent. Marwyn is definitely a kill on sight commander, and so if you use your pump effects on her and she gets killed, your opponents are getting significantly more value than you are.

My biggest suggestion is to cut a bunch of artifacts, enchantments, instants, and sorceries, that only synergize with marwyn, or that have better effects found in elves. druids deliverance, ring of kalonia, blackblade reforged, garruk, gauntlet of power, even nissa, are cards i'd take out, and throw in more elves. Circle of Dreams Druid, Dwynen's Elite, Elvish Harbinger, Heritage Druid, Copperhorn Scout, Elvish Mystic, Llanowar Elves and Wirewood Channeler, are all good choices for elves to slot in.

Finally, I think when you add more rampy elves, and cut some of the cards mentioned above, you should cut back on some lands, maybe go down to 30 or 29 depending on how you find the deck functioning. Mono green decks in general shouldn't run more than 31 unless its landfall, but elf decks especially should have sub 30.

I hope you find these suggestions helpful, and if you need any inspiration, Ezuri's Exuberant Elfball Extravaganza is my version of elfball. Any questions you have I'd love to answer as well!

MagicMarc on Lathril elf token swarm commander

2 years ago

There are a couple of really nice cards that you might want to consider for this deck; Wirewood Lodge which lets you untap an elf for . Another is Wirewood Symbiote which is amazing if you have elves with ETB abilities besides untapping an elf. If you do decide to include the Wirewood Symbiote in the deck then I would also suggest Elvish Harbinger. Combined with the symbiote you get a repeatable Elf tutor engine along with their other abilities. Take a look and see if you want to include them.

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