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Wilson, Refine Grizzly Voltron

Commander / EDH Enchant Equip Mono-Green Voltron


This is a Voltron deck using Wilson, Refined Grizzly as the commander and the background Raised by Giants. With Wilson unable to be countered and his ward 2 makes him really hard to get of the battlefield, and with his vigilance, reach, and trample abilities boosting him up will make him an amazing attacker and defender.

Card Combos: Ivy Lane Denizen + Scurry Oak Infinite +1/+1 counters on Scurry Oak, infinite creature tokens, and infinite ETB

Herd Baloth + Ivy Lane Denizen Infinite +1/+1 counters on Herd Baloth, infinite creature tokens, and infinite ETB


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98% Casual


Date added 5 months
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Rares

31 - 0 Uncommons

27 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens Beast 4/4 G, Pest 1/1 BG, Squirrel 1/1 G
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