Kasmina's Transmutation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kasmina's Transmutation

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature loses all abilities and has base power and toughness 1/1.

SaberTech on Zurtron

9 months ago

If you are going for a Voltron style of Zur there are a few auras that are often seen in those sorts of lists:

Darksteel Mutation and Oubliette complement Imprisoned in the Moon as ways that neutralize commanders. They make it difficult for your opponents to immediately get their commanders back to recast if they don't have enchantment removal. Darksteel Mutation is much better than Kasmina's Transmutation because the indestructible that the Mutation gives means that the enchanted commander will live through a board wipe and not go back to its owner's command zone. Oubliette could replace Pendrell Flux.

There's a bit of a call to make between Flaming Fist and Battle Mastery. Flaming Fist won't trigger the turn Zur puts it into play because Zur will have already been declared as attacking at that point. However, Flaming Fist does stick around if Zur happens to die since it's not an aura. Battle Mastery will let Zur hit with double strike the turn it enters but dies with Zur. It's a call to make depending on how aggressive you want to be. Duelist's Heritage is also generally better than Flaming Fist but not if Zur has shroud from a card like Diplomatic Immunity, so that depends on what auras you choose to run in the end.

If you aren't running Stony Silence as a silver bullet to shut down opponents' artifacts then it could be worth considering Nettlecyst as another creature/pump effect in the deck, even if Zur can't tutor it up. It could potentially replace Gray Merchant of Asphodel since the current list doesn't look that geared to reliably get a big hit off the Merchant's ability.

One of Zur's biggest strengths though is that he can tutor up Necropotence, so that's a card you should aim to add as soon as you can get your hands on one.

Rest in Peace is a strong card for messing with decks that utilize the graveyard.

Back to Basics can punish decks with greedy mana bases.

Stroke of Midnight is better than Expose to Daylight.

Seal of Cleansing or Aura of Silence are targets for Zur to tutor up to get rid of enchantments and artifacts.

Sevinne's Reclamation and/or Sun Titan could be worth considering for getting key permanent cards back from your graveyard.

moo1234 on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Archfiend of hunger

Creature - Demon Hydra


  • Enters the battlefield with x +1/+1 counters on it

When * enters the battlefield put X -1/-1 counters on all other creatures


A very powerful card, I don't know if it's overpowered because it's symmetrical to both players, but love demons

Anyway next challenge

Frogs always get a bad press in magic, it's seen as a bad thing to become a frog Kasmina's Transmutation. Anyway create a frog wizard commander that turns as many creatures into 1/1 frogs on the battlefield as possible (maybe it boosts ones on your side as well)

Jack32226 on Rot and Ruin (Muldrotha EDH)

2 years ago

Thanks for commenting, Lord_of_Cardboard!

This deck would do exceptionally well against a Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger deck. This is for the same reason that cards like Jace's Archivist do so well in the deck: if you have have Muldrotha on the battlefield, any cards you discard might as well still be in your hand cause you can simply replay them from your graveyard. If anything, an opposing Kroxa player is almost helping you by disrupting your other opponents' hands.

As for a budget version of the deck, here's some advice on budget options and replacements. Just note that this is advice specific to my Muldrotha deck, i.e., advice for the big mana and big X-spell strategy. If you'd rather play a more typical creature-based, swing-to-kill type deck, there may be better Muldrotha lists to look at.

The mana base makes up a large portion of the deck's budget, and I would leave that mostly up to your own discretion. Just keep in mind that fetch lands like Evolving Wilds and slow fetches like Bad River are good for being replayed every turn with Muldrotha. Also, for a budget version of the deck, it's important to run more basics than I do since you'll probably need to fetch more with your ramp. Cycle lands like Lonely Sandbar, Tranquil Thicket, and Barren Moor are fantastic, especially with Life from the Loam. Some other good options:

Which brings me to another point: if I had to pick one somewhat expensive card that's worth putting in a budget Muldrotha deck, it's this one. It's a one-card value engine, giving you card draw, mill, and lands. And depending on what utility lands you choose to run, it can do a whole lot more. And if you're worried about Kroxa in your meta, Life from the Loam is a great counter to it, allowing you to fill your hand with lands to discard.

Now to address key cards for the deck's "big mana" strategy. Important cards for generating a lot of mana include Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Cabal Coffers, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Crypt Ghast, and Nyxbloom Ancient. You could just replace these cards with normal ramp; casting X-spells for X=10 is still good and easy to accomplish without these cards. If that's unsatisfying for you, you could consider options like Zendikar Resurgent and Mana Reflection. Unfortunately there aren't many great cheap options for producing a lot of mana. This is an important part of the deck though, so it's up to you if it's worth spending some extra money on it.

To avoid this comment being any more lengthy than it already is, here's an extensive list of some budget alternatives for the deck. The great thing about Muldrotha is that being able to replay removal makes a lot of sub-par removal actually pretty good, so it's pretty budget friendly.

Win-Conditions: What's in the deck isn't too expensive, but here's some cheaper options.


Draw / Mill:



Control and other good stuff:

If you have any other questions about budget options, let me know. I'm always happy to help!

Sheldaconda on Froggy Smackdown

2 years ago

Kasmina's Transmutation is another great removal spell for a frog tribal deck.

Unenlightened on Cheapskate Talrand ver. 1.5 ($100)

3 years ago

So I've been working on integrating most of the cards from your version of this deck with my version, and there are a few I was using or considering that you might not have thought of.

First, some of my favorite spells for Commander are what I call 'erasure' spot removal auras. These are mostly found in W/B/G, with most in Blue. The blue ones that I use are: Frogify , Kasmina's Transmutation , Ichthyomorphosis , Deep Freeze and Imprisoned in the Moon . As you can see, these don't just kick a commander off the field, they completely neuter it. With the exception of Imprisoned, they're also dirt cheap. The only catch is they don't cantrip. Notably, Deep Freeze and Imprisoned in the Moon both remove a commander's ability to attack, where the other three do not - a Frogified commander is still a commander and can still kill you if it does enough damage. Fun fact: the whole 'imprison the evil goddess in the moon' plotline is the premise for the first two episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. MTG totally ripped off MLP.

Squelch , Stifle and Trickbind are all counter-ability instead of counter-spell. Stifle and Trickbind might be out of budget range for this deck, though Trickbind is worth noting because it has Split Second.

Clear the Mind is a nice failsafe in case our win conditions wind up in our GY and it cantrips!

Mystical Dispute only costs as long as it targets a blue spell, i.e. a hostile counterspell or Cyclonic Rift. Daze is a nice ambush counterspell because you can cast it with no open mana. Was wondering why you didn't include that one.

Unsubstantiate can effectively counter un-counterable spells by bouncing them to the caster's hand. Narset's Reversal is a fancier version of this which lets us theoretically defend our combo spells. If an opponent tries to counter our Mass Polymorph or Synthetic Destiny, we can copy it, forcing them to counterspell it an additional time (the copy) and then another time on the next turn (when we recast it from hand) if they want to stop it. Narset's Reversal I see might be out of budget though.

I was wondering why you weren't running Temple of the False God .

I thought Rise from the Tides would be an interesting card in this deck, though it might be the kind of thing you use only when desperate...

Finally, Mystic Speculation seems like it might be useful, and same for Soothsaying . The latter lets you dig through your library as long as you have mana, and shuffle it at will, though that second part is expensive, mana wise.

I look forward to seeing your thoughts on these. I need to figure out which cards to cut, so don't be shy about ripping into them if they seem bad.

DemonDragonJ on Does WotC Even Care About …

3 years ago

VampDemigod, I have no problem with Kasmina's Transmutation, because it is an aura, which means that a player can destroy it and restore the creature to its original form, but an instant or sorcery that does that cannot be undone, so that does not feel blue, to me.

user:MCat1999, thank you, very much; this issue has been bothering me for some time, so I wished to make a thread about it.

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