Angelic Gift

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Angelic Gift

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

When this enters the battlefield, draw a card.

Enchanted creature has flying.

TheBearKat on Ultimate Basri Theme Deck

1 year ago

This looks great! Love the suggested Glorious Anthem and Gideon Blackblade. I would say Castle Ardenvale would fit right in aswell, Basri is a planeswalker after all. Angelic Gift, Defiant Strike, and Mindless Automaton all seem better to me than Oblation but I just have a thing against sacking my own things. I have a 60 card I'm looking to turn into an oathbreaker deck, so this helps a ton! Thanks!

Jupiter_Ascendancy on Selesnya Auras 2.0

1 year ago

Good deck so far!

I think if you decide to splash a color, I would go with blue. Having Cartouche of Knowledge, Staggering Insight, Combat Research and counterspells seems quite useful to me. It would help you replace a lot of the less-powerful cards you're running (like Angelic Gift) while staying true to the theme of the original deck. If you'd rather keep the deck Selesnya then 100% do that, but I think in this case Bant would be more powerful than Abzan.

If you're staying Selesnya, I would recommend you look into Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr  Flip and Sky-Blessed Samurai, I have had a lot of success with those two cards.

This is a good outline so far either way. Nice job!

legendofa on Boros Legion

2 years ago

EDH evaluation isn't really my strong point, but here's what I got.

Daru Warchief is reliable Soldier tribal support, and Cenn's Tactician offers another 1-drop creature.

I'm not really seeing the purpose of Eldrazi Conscription. It's a good card, but it doesn't offer much to the go-wide, strength in numbers approach that Soldier tribal decks usually take. I also don't see a way to get it out quickly and reliably, so it's just kind of there.

Related to this, any effect that pumps a single creature probably isn't worth it. Sanctuary Blade, Angelic Gift, Eternal Thirst, and Gift of Orzhova in particular don't seem right for this deck.

I see a lifegain subtheme, which is fine as long as it works. How often does Angelic Accord trigger? Unless it's going off every turn, that's another one that can be taken out. Outside of that, I don't see any other payoffs for the lifegain. If you don't have any reason to include it other than "not losing," I would also drop Take Heart; there are better combat tricks.

Duress seems out of place, and doesn't really contribute anything to your soldiers. Champion of the Parish would be better served in a more Human-focused deck, since many of your creatures and almost of your tokens don't have the Human subtype.

Makeshift Battalion and Skymarch Bloodletter are generally pretty weak creatures.

For upgrades and replacements, you have some budget room, so I'm going to try to use that up. Rootborn Defenses should be Heroic Intervention, to save mana and get hexproof for your stuff instead of another 1/1 token. Switch Navigator's Compass for another mana rock that can provide mana instead of just changing it, like Fellwar Stone. Unless you regularly see regeneration, like multiple times every match, Dreadbore is better than Terminate.

Your lands are generally pretty slow, and I don't recommend the bounce lands (Rakdos Carnarium and friends) without a specific purpose beyond simply mana fixing. If you can, get the shocklands (Blood Crypt and friends) in their place. There are other land cycles as well for every level of budget. Look for ones that give the option to enter untapped. Clifftop Retreat is a good start. The Luxury Suite cycle (I forget what the nickname is) can get expensive, but if you can afford the investment are definitely worth it.

When looking for cuts, keep one question in mind: "How does this help advance my strategy?" If the answer is only "Because it's a Soldier" or "Because it gains me life," it's probably cuttable. Soldiers in particular are a very synergistic tribe, and ideally every card should help support every other card.

Hope this helps!

9-lives on Big Weaklings [Budget Azorius Jank]

2 years ago

Oh hahha! I didn't realize this was your deck, Corrosive_Cat! XD One of the reasons why I chose Gauntlets of Light was so that I could tutor it with Moon-Blessed Cleric along with High Alert, Detention Sphere, Rest in Peace and Angelic Gift. But, of course, I'd rather tutor High Alert instead of Gauntlets of Light...

Sammycy1 on Equip/Aura Galea

2 years ago

Hey nice deck! The way i see it you can focus more one one direction of this deck and use the other for support: either auras or equipment. Aura Focus: Add: Archon of Sun's Grace Ashiok's Erasure Boon Satyr Copy Enchantment Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Hydra's Growth Gift of Paradise Hypnotic Siren Ichthyomorphosis Idyllic Tutor Kenrith's Transformation Plea for Guidance Psychic Impetus Unflinching Courage

Remove: Masterwork of Ingenuity Puresteel Paladin Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Catti-brie of Mithral Hall Resolute Archangel Valiant Endeavor Serum Visions Brainstorm Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Cold-Eyed Selkie Military Intelligence

Equipment Focus: Add: Balan, Wandering Knight Behemoth Sledge Belt of Giant Strength Golem-Skin Gauntlets Kemba, Kha Regent Mask of Memory Mirrormade Paradise Mantle Prying Blade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel

And if you dont want to focus on one this would be a more Varied apporach incorporating a little from both Both Focus: Add: Fleecemane Lion Geist of Saint Traft Kiora's Follower Mirrormade Spirit Mantle Staggering Insight Utopia Sprawl Curiosity Beast Within Archon of Sun's Grace Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Idyllic Tutor Unflinching Courage Behemoth Sledge Kemba, Kha Regent Mirrormade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak Kenrith's Transformation

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Abundant Growth Goldvein Pick Cream of the Crop Three Dreams

LynxGoddess on Mighty Morphin' Aura Rangers Battlecruiser

2 years ago

Cool concept! It's clear you're telling a story with your deck and I think you've done really well in representing it through your card choices. I'm not to familiar with the Power Rangers myself, so I'll give some advice but I'll also expect you to only listen to what makes sense to you! ;)

Your plan seems to be to get Siona on the table and start playing big auras to suit up several creatures and make them scary threats - fitting the theme you're going for. That's gonna be pretty hard and costly in many games since you will need to spend a lot of mana to play these auras and won't have much resources (mana, cards, protective spells) to keep your rangers alive, while those rangers dying to a kill spell will cost you several cards if you've played the auras on them. I'd look on a few options to give your rangers more chances to shine.

  1. Cheaper auras that you can play earlier. They will not have as much of an impact, but they will give you everything you need most of the time and will do so many turns earlier. (Angelic Gift, Alpha Authority, Daybreak Coronet, Gryff's Boon, Bonds of Faith etc.)
  2. Auras that don't lose you resources. By drawing a card on entering the battlefield, letting your creature draw cards or returning from the graveyard you can keep your momentum goingeven if a ranger bites it (this also makes it less attractive to kill them in the first place). (Rune of Might, Rancor, Conviction, Keen Sense etc.)
  3. Introducing more interaction, mainly in the form of protection. (Veil of Summer, Heroic Intervention, Rootborn Defenses etc.)

Perhaps losing the bigger spells would feel like the deck loses its identity - and then they should stay in. But if it feels like they arrive too late or get stuck in your hand, then maybe the card in your hand should be some other card that does more for you when you need it? Try things out and see what sticks, perhaps something I said has caught your eye! :D

carpecanum on [$] Killian, Bulk Duelist [$]

2 years ago

Blessing of Leeches maybe? Daybreak Coronet? Spirit Loop to double your life gain.

Virtus the Veiled could be a secondary target for all those enchantments, especially the evasion cards.

Benevolent Blessing could replace Pentarch Ward. That Flash is as good as a counterspell sometimes.

I'd take out Angelic Gift (drawing a card is nice but you NEED to draw a card to make it equivalent to almost any other enchantment you're running). Same with Grisly Transformation.

There has got to be better card draw than Tome of Legends.

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