Plea for Guidance

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Plea for Guidance


Search your library for up to two enchantment cards, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your library.

Triton on Sex-Proof Selesnyabians

2 years ago

I’d highly recommend cards like Ghostly Prison, Solitary Confinement, or my favorite, Elephant Grass! It helps dropping them after an alpha strike to avoid crackback.

As far as the combo with Solemnity goes, I’d recommend adding in Plea for Guidance to tutor for the enchantments. I love it in my Tuvasa deck and it hinders a lot of strategies!

Bobthebirdman on David Hasselhoffri

2 years ago

well Mr. king-saproling The Bloodsower, I was stuck in the house for a week and what started out as a pile of cards, a generous gift (Anointed Procession), and a couple frivolous purchases, I came up with this. The final cards came today so I haven't play tested it yet.

The main strategy is using the Gain Control cards and, with Hofri Ghostforge's ability, using Sacrifice cards to make bigger versions of those cards and return fire.

Vicious Shadows could be a good "bleed 'em out" win-con. Use Moon-Blessed Cleric and Plea for Guidance to get Viscious Shadows, Anointed Procession, and Sneak Attack for devastating effects.

There are a lot of weird card interactions with this deck. Too many to mention. However, one that stands out is the Panharmonicon > Anointed Procession synergy. Then, throw in Cavalier of Dawn and sacrifice itself.

Once again Mr. King, thank you for taking the time to analyze and provide suggestions.

king-saproling on Hippo Buddies Ideas

2 years ago

Ooo Keruga as the companion is a great idea!

I think having less lands than normal is a bad suggestion, in fact since Phelddagrif is a mana sink it doesn't hurt to run extra lands. Even if you get flooded with lands, you can at least pay into Phelddagrif. Since your curve will be high due to Keruga's restriction, I think 40 lands would be best. I agree that including a bunch of 3-cmc ramp pieces is a good idea though.

These might be useful for assembling your unique combos: Bring to Light, Supply / Demand, Drift of Phantasms, Plea for Guidance

Seems like you have a lot in mind here! Can't wait to see the finished list

Sammycy1 on Equip/Aura Galea

2 years ago

Hey nice deck! The way i see it you can focus more one one direction of this deck and use the other for support: either auras or equipment. Aura Focus: Add: Archon of Sun's Grace Ashiok's Erasure Boon Satyr Copy Enchantment Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Hydra's Growth Gift of Paradise Hypnotic Siren Ichthyomorphosis Idyllic Tutor Kenrith's Transformation Plea for Guidance Psychic Impetus Unflinching Courage

Remove: Masterwork of Ingenuity Puresteel Paladin Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Catti-brie of Mithral Hall Resolute Archangel Valiant Endeavor Serum Visions Brainstorm Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Cold-Eyed Selkie Military Intelligence

Equipment Focus: Add: Balan, Wandering Knight Behemoth Sledge Belt of Giant Strength Golem-Skin Gauntlets Kemba, Kha Regent Mask of Memory Mirrormade Paradise Mantle Prying Blade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel

And if you dont want to focus on one this would be a more Varied apporach incorporating a little from both Both Focus: Add: Fleecemane Lion Geist of Saint Traft Kiora's Follower Mirrormade Spirit Mantle Staggering Insight Utopia Sprawl Curiosity Beast Within Archon of Sun's Grace Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Idyllic Tutor Unflinching Courage Behemoth Sledge Kemba, Kha Regent Mirrormade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak Kenrith's Transformation

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Abundant Growth Goldvein Pick Cream of the Crop Three Dreams

KayneMarco on Queen Marchesa the Enchantress

2 years ago

For a mardu enchantress build I’m surprised I don’t see Ghen, Arcanum Weaver in here. Plea for Guidance and Resurgent Belief would also be good additions to the deck. One final card to think about is Mirage Mirror. It can become a copy of any enchantment you would want multiples of. Anointed procession and ghostly prison comes to mind as examples.

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