Abundant Growth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Abundant Growth

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant land

When Abundant Growth enters the battlefield, draw a card.

Enchanted land has ": Add one mana of any colour.

Darsul on Cultivating Enchantments

9 months ago

if you want to avoid Control Magic, Willbreaker is always fun with aura builds. I see you have Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice were is Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief? They always fun to have out together. Heliod's Pilgrim is always a good way to fine the aura you need. Infiltrator's Magemark just funny i love it (it's an aura with a global effect). Abundant Growth, Nylea's Presence both can trip but, don't ramp. Fertile Ground,Utopia Sprawl and Wild Growth ramp.

Metropolis39 on Esper-Reanimator

1 year ago

id probably play Abundant Growth over the Oaths. to help with blood moons and overall smooth put the mana

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Always aim to get your deck down to 60 cards. 66 might not seem like much over, but it's going to mess with your consistency and leave you with an overall weaker deck.

  • Abundant Growth doesn't really help you as it still only lets the land tap for 1 mana as it did before, and as you're only a 2-colour deck, you don't need the colour fixing.

  • Mirari's Wake and Canopy Tactician also feel too slow for ramp cards, and it's probably worth trying to find better options to fill these slots.

  • As your deck has a large percentage of lands, cards like Arboreal Grazer and Explore could do very well for you here.

  • Taplands are painfully slow, and i'm not sure its worth running either of Thornglint Bridge or Tranquil Expanse when you could just be running basics instead.

Tsesarevich on All Are One

1 year ago

Incoming cards:

Add these to your deck with the correct printing and foiling. I would advise for these switches, but they are purely recommendations.

Niko9 on How come we don't have …

1 year ago

I think that they are really hesitant to print things into enchant because almost every format has some enchantresses and the only reason they aren't totally broken is because enchantments in general are weak.

Enchantment lands+ Abundant Growth+ enchantresses+ Sanctum Weaver+ Rune of Speed+ Ancestral Mask+ Inkmoth Nexus would be an extremely dependable infect package, and I'm sure there are better effects than that, it's just the one I can think of right now : )

I mean, if there was a 2 mana creature that said "when an artifact enters the battlefield draw a card" everyone would be drawing their whole deck and we'd basically be playing YGO. If enchantments get a decent push, they would be too good, ironically.

vcannon on U/G Bogles

1 year ago

Could also try to fit a couple more Abundant Growths in. I'll see after playtesting what I can get rid of and if I do end up needing the card draw.

vcannon on U/G Bogles

1 year ago

yeah i think i'm missing some card draw here too. tried to incorporate some with Abundant Growth and Brainstorm but i'd much prefer some more consistent draw. i had Snake Umbra in a previous version (which went heavy on totem armor), which at least gives a little more value than Ophidian Eye for the cost, but it felt like this deck wanted a lower mana curve and by the time i get a few turns past a three cost, Ancestral Mask should be a finisher. that said, what do you think about the benefit of the extra 1/1 on Snake Umbra vs the extra creature for forced sacrifice fodder on Tandem Lookout? What about a transmute effect like Dizzy Spell to find a one or two mana? Kinda flexible single card seek for later in the game.

That's a lot lol sorry

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