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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Roast deals 5 damage to target creature without flying.

Siosilvar on Let's Watch Modern Burn

1 year ago

I wouldn't run 4 Shard Volley maindeck, it's just a finisher because you're running few enough lands that you can't afford to blow one up until the end of the game. 2 is the most I would run, or replace them all with Skewer - it's not win-more when literally the entire deck is built to activate Spectacle. (Stage is, to a point, since if you need the impulse draw effect you don't have the cards to turn it on in the first place).

Lavamancer is a card I've tried a few times, and I never really wanted more than 2 in the deck because he's slow and doesn't play nicely in multiples. With Orcish Bowmasters and Fury in the format, I'm not convinced he's playable at all. Sure, cards get in the graveyard pretty quick when fetches are involved so he can go off every turn, but all the other playable 1-mana creatures (like Swiftspear or Soul-Scar Mage) also represent 2 damage a turn.

Don't forget Inspiring Vantage. I would run 3 or 4.

Roast is the better removal spell if you're thinking about Fry, since it answers Sheoldred and Fry won't typically be enough for a Murktide Regent anyway.

Thunderous Wrath shouldn't even be a maybe, you're more likely to mulligan it than to topdeck it.

Icbrgr on Naya Zookeepers (1st place RCQ)

1 year ago

well done and congratulations! I share your thoughts on Atarka's Command... I love the card but i feel like its a little forced in my decks but; I was surprised to see Roast go until i saw Witchstalker Frenzy that card looks amazing and i cant wait to get myself one.... im assuming this works as soon as you declare attackers ad you can kill Sheoldred, the Apocalypse before losing a creature?

Icbrgr on RDW vs Sheoldred

1 year ago

What is the most optimal removal spell available to RDW for handling Sheoldred, the Apocalypse?

I currently think my best options are

  • Roast... sorcery speed but gets the job done with only using 1 card to answer.

  • Lightning Axe... takes 2 cards to use but in theory can kill Sheoldred before the opponent can gain any life.

Does anyone have an opinion one way or another or perhaps have a better suggestion for Mono-Red

Licecolony on Gavin G.

2 years ago

Welcome! As suggested above, some cheap ramp would do the deck wonders. Farseek, Three Visits, Nature's Lore. Given you're running a dragon strategy, maybe run Crux of Fate As for cheap removal, Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are premium white removal spells which may be more flexible than Strangle or Roast

CoSM0 on TRON Lightning Rod

3 years ago

Harvest Pyre might be worth a slot in this deck. It can either just be a Roast with downside when you don't have a route to win or it can be a win-con if your nahiri's wrath didn't do it.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Boom! Surprise 20 Dmg

3 years ago

I'll try it out when I get the snow land, though I'm not sure how good it is. I was tried out cheap burn like Roast and Lightning Axe from an earlier suggestion, but found that it made Nahiri's Wrath much weaker and therefore harder to one-shot an opponent. I think Skred might end up the same way, but there's enough damage potential here for me to give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion Icbrgr =).

TheVectornaut on jeskai

3 years ago

My main suggestion would just be to look for versions of your cards that do similar things for less mana. For instance, Soul Sear could probably be Lightning Bolt , Blazing Salvo , Mizzium Mortars , Thundering Rebuke , Roast , or Tears of Valakut if you're expecting flyers. Similarly, Dissolve and Ionize might be better as Spell Pierce , Counterspell , Hindering Light , Izzet Charm , Mana Leak , etc. depending on what you need to counter when.

The only other card I'll suggest (and I admit that it's a pet card of mine so I might be biased) is Myth Realized . It triggers prowess itself, grows from the same triggers as prowess, provides a mana sink in the late game, and is a creature that can conveniently dodge your own boardwipes whether they be Pyroclasm , Evacuation , or Wrath of God .

9-lives on

3 years ago

If I have Lightning Helix with Soulfire Grand Master in play, I'll gain 6 health from a single Lightning Helix as well as deal 3 damage. If I use it with Firesong and Sunspeaker I'll gain 6 health, and do 9 damage. I like the lifegain aspect of it, as 6 is a ton of life, and will basically buy me time to get to what cards I need. Rollick of Abandon is not only useful with Blazing Volley but also The Akroan War . Do you know of any Jeskai cards that deal +P/-T to all creatures or just the opponent's creatures? Because I've looked through the cards and the only one that does this is Rollick of Abandon . I'll cut the sword and jeskai charm, as you have made good points about those. Roast seems good, although it only targets creatures. I'm not afraid of any creatures fighting me, as I have plenty of ways to get rid of them. The reason I chose Lightning Helix is not only because it is somewhat good on damage, but also has lifegain, and on top of that can target whatever. But Shock to me seems utterly pointless. I think I'll get rid of Blazing Volley because my intention was to use it aagainst a large amount of 1/1's but I realized that my opponent will probably buff them immediately so that Blazing Volley will be useless unless I cast Rollick of Abandon . And it's kinda funny because the meter says it's 78% competitive. Is this meter a good indicator of such?

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