Solemn Recruit

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Solemn Recruit

Creature — Dwarf Warrior

Double strike

Revolt — At the beginning of your end step, if a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn, put a +1/+1 counter on Solemn Recruit.

dnthymamai on Burakos's Crew

1 year ago

Crow_Umbra , wow, I really haven't been paying attention to the new Lost Caverns of Ixalan! I love Preacher of the Schism! Thank you so much!

There are so many good cards. For example, Solemn Recruit that can get big by sacrificing a Treasure each turn, and Tarrian's Soulcleaver, that can make the unblockable Changeling Outcast a good attacker. But, I think you are right about him, as there isn't enough space for a cycle of "Swords" to make great use of him. So many options... Thank you for the suggestions!

And I'll definitely put Preacher of the Schism in the Mainboard!

Supersaulty on Teleportation Circle interaction with Solemn …

2 years ago

Using Teleportation Circle to blink Solemn Recruit. Does Solemn Recruit's revolt trigger after blinking it WITH Teleportation Circle?

zapyourtumor on Orzhov Warrior White/Black Deck

3 years ago

I know it's a retired standard deck, but I think there are some decent budget options in modern that you could upgrade the deck with (don't get me started on modern manabases though ugh).

For warriors, there are a few decent options in BW colors. Gatekeeper of Malakir is a removal option. Hero of Precinct One makes soldier tokens instead of warriors unfortunately but it could be built around in a build with more multicolored spells. Korlash, Heir to Blackblade is one of my all-time favorite black cards but would require you to build a more expensive manabase. Resplendent Marshal is an interesting lord. Solemn Recruit can get big.

For hand control, if you want discard I think it's worth swapping out Duress for 4x Inquisition of Kozilek (around $3 each). Honestly, I don't think discard is needed in this deck since it's more aggressive and less of a midrange deck.

For removal, there are definitely better options. Fatal Push isn't that expensive, and neither is Path to Exile. Vindicate and Vanishing Verse are some higher costed removal choices.

triproberts12 on Odric, All Is Fair When We Share

6 years ago

THE most important card in Olric is Concerted Effort . Gotta have that redundancy for a commander-theme heavy deck.

In terms of "eating your vegetables," this deck really needs ramp and card draw. Marble Diamond , Knight of the White Orchid (goes well with the knight stuff I mention below, Mentor of the Meek , Mind Stone , Endless Atlas , Alms Collector , Sword of the Animist , Emeria, The Sky Ruin , Solemn Simulacrum , Boreas Charger , and Isolated Watchtower would all be good, here.

I would cut a lot of the first strike and add in more double-strikers. If you have both, first strike is useless to share. Arashin Foremost is cheap, and it's serviceable, even without the tribal synergy. Aven Sunstriker , Sylvia Brightspear , and Skyhunter Skirmisher come with flying. Silverblade Paladin can get you attacking the turn before Odric comes out. Solemn Recruit is nothing special, but it beats Master at Arms, at least.

Mirran Crusader would be one of the more expensive cards in your deck, but it's very good, and it's a knight, in case you want to add in some knight synergies, since you're heavy on the tribe. Kinsbaile Cavalier would be the best choice to support that, kind of as a backup Odric, although Valiant Knight is also pretty okay. In fact, I really like Heavenly Blademaster with Odric, too, so I wouldn't hesitate to go all in. Also, Gallant Cavalry , Call the Cavalry , and Righteous Confluence all start doing some major work by adding vigilance and making 4/2's once you account for double strike.

In terms of keyword soup, Zetalpa, Primal Dawn is good. Same for Akroma, Angel of Wrath . That one is a bit expensive, but haste is hard to come by in mono-white. I could say the same for Lightning Greaves , or at least Swiftfoot Boots . Riftmarked Knight could also have a place if you go knight tribal. I suppose Sword of Vengeance could also be okay? Deathtouch is very hard to come by in mono white, although if you've got a little extra in your budget, Basilisk Collar is very good with first/double strike and gives lifelink, to boot.

CRKFIEND on Rising from the dead.....for help

6 years ago

I would start by cutting some of the cards that do incremental scrying on creatures. In my testing, they have not shown their worth in the deck. Omenspeaker, Augury Owl, Suture Priest, Kor Skyfisher, Solemn Recruit all look like creatures you could do without. You should try using cards which grant draws like Cloudblazer, Mulldrifter, Oath of Jace and Demonlord Belzenlok. I'd take out both Oblivion Ring and Detention Sphere and in their places run Act of Authority, Oath of Liliana or maybe Reality Acid. I would drop Chromatic Lantern and Crucible of Worlds entirely. You have enough mana rocks without the lantern, and quite frankly your commander can act as ramp with it's -1. I would cut the Entreat the Dead as you have other reanimate outlets. I'd probably also cut a couple of cancels and pseudo-draws. a Sensei's Divining Top would be pro right here. Sorin, Grim Nemesis is an over-performer in this deck if you can net one of those as well. Ob Nixilis Reignited also works great. Both planeswalkers allow for multiple removals if Animatou is out. Good luck with your Aminatou deck. It shows a lot of promise!

UmbrotheUmbreon on

6 years ago


Mirror Image and Windfall can be added for sure. I actually knew about Phantasmal Image and originally had it in here, but the fact I cannot blink him without having to sacrifice him made me remove it. I never really liked the card either, but Mirror Image functions the same without the needing to sacrifice him, so that will be in for sure.

I feel recurring the miracle cards may be a bit much, esp since I forgot Temporal Mastery.

As for the cuts, I wish to keep Solemn Recruit as it is a target for Sun Titan that can quickly become a threat. Obzedat's Aid I have just realized doesn't have many targets outside of creatures to immediately bring back for value, so I will make that cut. I feel Boomerang is just too useful of a utility and control card to remove, and with a cheap cost as well. It's also tutorable by Spellseeker and can be an immediate answer to a threat or save a permanent of mine from a threat. I'd rather remove the more expensive 4 mana board wipe, Damnation. This will be easier on cost and I already own a WoG. I can remove Increasing Devotion as I wanted more utility out of being able to use my graveyard, but 15 1/1s at most over that long of a time frame isn't helpful as I originally thought.

@FiveEightFiveBC: It's a very useful tool because of that reshuffle, at a cheap price too! Ah, Commit to Memory is a very useful card, but not for this deck, so I didn't include it.

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