Skyhunter Skirmisher

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skyhunter Skirmisher

Creature — Cat Knight

Flying, double strike (This creature can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach, and it deals both first-strike and regular combat damage.)

Optimator on FIGHT ME COWARD!

1 year ago

Conventional wisdom is 36-38 lands is where you wanna be. I almost always do 36.

I would cut Reckless Crew, Rune of Sustenance and Rune of Speed.

One thing I thought of, when putting my list together, is that creatures with doublestrike are extra good because of the damage bonus Bruenor gives. Reyav, Master Smith helps with that, but it's only one card. In the maybeboard of my deck I listed a bunch of doublestrikers. I think Mirran Crusader, Aven Sunstriker, Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, Blade Historian, Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder, Boros Swiftblade, Heavenly Blademaster, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas, Skyhunter Skirmisher, and Oketra the True are some stand-outs. It's hard to fit them all in but a few might be good.

I really like your selection of creatures though! Got all the good ones. Nice and cheap, too. Swiftblade Vindicator is an excellent inclusion.

Well I'll be a Bearded Gnome is my deck

zapyourtumor on Kot / Ketinky - Insane Selesnya aggro

2 years ago

If you truly want it to be aggro I would lower the curve a bit. Skyhunter Skirmisher isn't that great and pretty slow, I recommend Adorned Pouncer. It's only two mana, and has an eternalize ability to get a 4/4 double strike late game.

I highly recommend splashing red, for the best one drop aggro cat of all time Wild Nacatl. It also gives you access to 4x Lightning Bolt which you probably want, and maybe some other classic zoo cards like Atarka's Command.

Conclave Tribunal is most definitely not what you want to running for removal in an aggro deck. The card is quite slow, and tapping your creatures to cast it means you can't attack with those creatures. If you stay in GW i recommend Path to Exile, and if you splash red I'd run Prismatic Ending to supplement bolt.

The manabase needs work. 25 lands is a lot, even for control decks. Definitely way too many here. I recommend around 22. You probably want more duals as well. I don't know what your budget is, but here are some reasonably priced duals: Overgrown Farmland, Branchloft Pathway  Flip. If you're trying to keep the deck pretty budget I wouldn't bother running snarl lands and would run these two duals instead.

If you don't have a budget I'd go ahead with the red splash and run fetchlands like Windswept Heath and Arid Mesa, along with 2 other shocks Sacred Foundry and Stomping Ground.

MegaMatt13 on Odric Keyword Tribal

3 years ago

Thought I'd come over and check out your deck! Looks like a fun version of Odric to play.

I'd suggest prioritizing Flying and Double Strike as abilities as your creatures will hit harder and be able to get through. Fortunately White has a ton of flying and double strike creatures to choose from. You have a lot of First Strike which is an ok ability, but not as impactful as others in Commander.

I would only use equipment for Haste and card draw, two abilities White really struggles with. Lightning Greaves, Haunted Cloak, Mask of Memory, and Skullclamp are all great. The problem with using equipment for abilities that White already has is that you are actually having LESS damage on the board. A Skyhunter Skirmisher is better than Fireshrieker because it's actually a body doing some damage as well as being more mana efficient (no equip cost).

Hope this helps!

BlackoutX on The Cat Returns

4 years ago

Greater Good is a better draw engine than Ajani, Mentor of Heroes (also cheaper with the reprint).

Grafted Exoskeleton, Sword of the Animist and Shadowspear are just good especially in this deck.

Hungry Lynx is overpriced and can really hurt you. Jareth, Leonine Titan is quite slow. Seht's Tiger doesn't do much for its cost. Edge of Autumn, why?

no Lost Leonin or Skyhunter Skirmisher?

BlackoutX on Kot / Ketinky - Insane Selesnya aggro

4 years ago

Feral Prowler over Generous Stray, even better would be Skullclamp but your deck seems to be budget. Arahbo, Roar of the World is to slow (great in commander). Skyhunter Skirmisher is almost always better than Leonin Skyhunter. Kaheera, the Orphanguard should be more than a one of in main board, also even after companion was killed as a mechanic it should still probably be run as a companion since you already meet the requirement. Guardians' Pledge is just bad, there are better versions of it.

Secluded Steppe should never be run in a 60 card non singleton format, Stirring Wildwood could be run as a two of if you really want to but I wouldn't run more than two of them. Temple of Plenty and all other temple's are to slow, just run basics or throw in the money for shocks/sac lands.

Not sure why your making a budget vintage deck, chances are whatever you want to run will be modern legal. (note Skullclamp isn't modern legal)

Epicurus on KNIGHTS of the Ardenvale-Benalia-Gavony Metro-area

4 years ago

Skyhunter Skirmisher and Sword of Vengeance are two cards that fit the theme and synergize with Odric. Other than that, Honor of the Pure and Benalish Marshal would be good additions, but you wouldn't want to pull your curve up to far.

multimedia on Precon cats with some Things

4 years ago

Hey, good job upgrading the precon.

You could cut several higher CMC cards to reduce the avg. CMC which can help to speed up the deck. An advantage of Kaheera is it's a three drop anthem effect for Cats therefore more one drop and two drop Cats you can get on the battlefield before you play Kaheera the more attacking you can do. Lower CMC Cats are also better with lots of equipment since easier to have mana to equip to the turn you play a Cat. Arahbo is the high CMC Cat you want to cast and it's easy access in the Command Zone.

Cats to consider adding:

Cats with double strike become real threats when their power is increased. Entity is a Cat since it's a changeling; it's also a mana sink to make all Cats high power/toughness until end of turn. When you activate Entity it changes the power/toughness of each Cat you control, then any other effects that increase the power/toughness of Cats are also applied to each Cat. Nacatl and Loam can benefit from dual lands that are both a Plains and a Forest: Temple Garden, Canopy Vista, Scattered Groves. Farseek and Nature's Lore can search for one of these lands.

Other cards to consider adding:

  • Sigarda's Aid: can cast equipment at instant speed and can equip to a creature you control for no mana cost when equipment ETB.
  • Eladamri's Call: instant creature tutor.
  • Open the Armory: tutor for an equipment.
  • Talisman of Unity
  • Selesnya Signet
  • Elemental Bond: draw when a 3 or more power Cat ETB. If there's effects that increase the power/toughness of Cats then these effects are applied as the Cat ETB. If these effects give the Cat 3 or more power then you can draw when it ETB. Works with tokens also.
  • Duelist's Heritage: give a Cat double strike until end of turn.

Cards to consider cutting:

  • Elfhame Palace
  • Vivid Grove
  • Vivid Meadow
  • Jareth, Leonine Titan
  • Jedit Ojanen of Efrava
  • Rout
  • Nissa's Pilgrimage
  • Hero's Blade
  • Moonsilver Spear
  • Sigiled Sword of Valeron
  • Loxodon Warhammer
  • Icon of Ancestry
  • Frondland Felidar
  • Huntmaster Liger
  • Jazal Goldmane
  • Zendikar Resurgent
  • Door of Destinies

Good luck with your deck.

Valius on Kitten Crusades

4 years ago

Leonin Skyhunter

Skyhunter Skirmisher

Also, Sabertooth Nishoba got erratad to be a cat if you want a really nice beater.

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