Pain Seer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pain Seer

Creature — Human Wizard

Inspired — Whenever Pain Seer becomes untapped, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to that card's converted mana cost/mana value.

Balaam__ on Are you Mad!?!

3 years ago

Great call including Pain Seer for the draw power, I wouldn’t have thought of that.

Scytec on Tasigur cEDH Advice

3 years ago

@Caerwyn - I apologize, I didnt realize there were deck help forums for individual formats.

@Lanzo493 - Do you think Doomsday and Necropotence slot in here? Additional cards I pulled out of my collection with potential include: Pain Seer, Disciple of Deceit, Sphere of the Suns, Reason / Believe, Street Wraith, Raise Dead, Plunge into Darkness, Phantasmal Image, Siren Stormtamer, Commune with Nature, and Reclaim.

sboy4 on Pain Train

3 years ago

The lands weren't done properly. I believe this is the best iteration so far because of the Throne of the God-Pharaoh that is tutorable with Disciple of Deceit . The lands definitely need a rework but I think this is the best so far.
The main issue right now is this deck relies too much on Pain Seer , Any ideas on additional engines in the deck?

sboy4 on Pain Train

3 years ago

Thank you for the input. I will probably look into a good payoff for the ramp, potentially a dragon so its fetchable with Magda, Brazen Outlaw . Pain Seer technically isn't card draw for Chasm Skulker . Night Market Lookout is better than Servant of Tymaret but I did end up trimming and eventually cutting it. Oreskos Sun Guide could probably do in the sideboard against aggro but it dies to every removal spell in the format. Emmara, Soul of the Accord is better from a lifegain perspective. I don't think Lurrus of the Dream-Den really does anything in the deck I originally overlooked Disciple of Deceit because it would be too hard on the mana but considering the scuffed, 2-drop heavy curve and reliance on Pain Seer , it could work.

multimedia on Zaggers

3 years ago

Hey, good budget version of Zagras.

Dagger Caster is another Goblin Chainwhirler effect who's much easier to cast. Chainer, Nightmare Adept and Viscera Seer combine to repeatedly cast Caster or Chainwhirler or other creatures. Seer sacs the creature and then you can cast it again from your graveyard with Chainer. This interaction is also good with Taborax, Hope's Demise and Malakir Blood-Priest for repeatable draw/grow Taborax/each opponent loses life/you gain life each time Priest ETB. Hooded Blightfang is repeatable life loss for each opponent and life gain for you since it triggers for each creature with deathtouch who attacks.

Pain Seer, Oona's Blackguard and Goblin Cratermaker are good budget two drops for party. Seer and Cratermaker can really benefit when having deathtouch. Chaos Warp and Feed the Swarm are ways to remove an opponent's enchantment in Rakdos and Warp can remove any permanent which is very versatile instant removal.

Dark Ritual can help to ramp into a quick Zagras. Command Tower is a staple Rainbow land in Commander for multicolored decks and Path of Ancestry is another Rainbow land that can be repeatable scry when you cast a Rogue or Vampire with it.

These 13 cards can could be added for around $8 at TCGPlayer, see list

Some budget upgrades to consider:

  • Dagger Caster --> Viashino Fangtail
  • Chainer, Nightmare Adept --> Graveshifter
  • Viscera Seer --> Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
  • Malakir Blood-Priest --> Mogg War Marshal
  • Hooded Blightfang --> Judith, the Scourge Diva
  • Pain Seer --> Rushblade Commander
  • Oona's Blackguard --> Blackbloom Rogue
  • Goblin Cratermaker --> Banewhip Punisher
  • Chaos Warp --> Walk the Plank
  • Feed the Swarm --> Price of Fame
  • Dark Ritual --> Forked Bolt
  • Command Tower --> 1x Mountain
  • Path of Ancestry --> 1x Swamp

Good luck with your deck.

amicdeep on Budget Black Midrange (60$)

4 years ago

I like the concept. There are a couple of cards I'd add

Bad Moon. Solid anthem and viable with lurrus. I'd try this proberbly as a 2-3 of.

Kicker also allows you to semi cheat on the mana restrictions from lurrus Gatekeeper of Malakir and Nullpriest of Oblivion both work with lurrus (if now with unearth) (maybe a 2-3 of in total)

Another packages I would consider is Pain Seer + Smuggler's Copter Either apart or together they are a pretty serious draw package.

I think the land base could also be honed a little. The best 2 lands by a long ways are Ifnir Deadlands and castle lockwain I'd run 2 of each I would also include a couple field of ruin for land removal Barren Moor, Hagra Mauling  Flip and if your budget works with snow basics Frostwalk Bastion could all also be in the conversation.

Finally no matter the direction I would also include some of the cheaper and effective choice spells 1 cling to dust 1-2 Inscription of Ruin 1-2 never//return

Bloodchief's Thirst also makes a solid fatal push replacement.

If you where looking for something to cut foulmair Knight and 1-2 vampire of the dire moon would be my first choices.

multimedia on Zagras and the Dethtouch Party

4 years ago

Hey, you're welcome.

There's 12 rogues here for the party, but only 5 clerics, 4 Warriors and 1 Wizard. These ratios of party members will make it difficult to have much mana cost reduction for Zagras especially Wizards. My advice is make these numbers more even to give you more chances to have different party members on the battlefield at once. Changeling Outcast is a budget one drop party member who can be any creature type you choose for party and it's unblockable which has good interaction with several tribal combat damage effects.

Budget Wizards to consider adding:

There's some party members who could be upgraded to better budget creatures especially the Warriors:

Blood Beckoning could be upgraded to Nullpriest of Oblivion who is a two drop Cleric or if you cast with kicker you can reanimate any creature in your graveyard. Beckoning doesn't reanimate it recurs the creature/creatures to your hand which is a big difference. Searing Barrage could be upgraded to any Wizard party member because this removal spell is not needed as it's the least good and costs the most mana for what it does.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Pump spells that only pump one creature one time such as Infuriate are subpar in Commander especially when you can only cast them once. If the spell pumped all creatures you control, protected the creature from removal or it made the creature have huge power with evasion then that's different, but the pump spells here don't do that. More draw is more impactful than pump.

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