Sword of Sinew and Steel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sword of Sinew and Steel

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from black and from red. ((Remember the acronym debt.) This can't be damaged, enchanted, equipped, blocked or targeted by anything black or red. Anything black or red attached to this immediately falls off.)

Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, destroy up to one target planeswalker, and up to one target artifact.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

DemonDragonJ on Ranking the Swords of X …

1 year ago

It has been almost a month since my previous post in this thread, but I now am ready to post my new list, to include the final sword, as follows:

10: Sword of Forge and Frontier

9: Sword of Once and Future

8: Sword of Body and Mind

7: Sword of War and Peace

6: Sword of Truth and Justice

5: Sword of Light and Shadow

4: Sword of Sinew and Steel

3: Sword of Hearth and Home

2: Sword of Feast and Famine

1: Sword of Fire and Ice

First, I ranked the final sword, Sword of Once and Future, as ninth place out of ten, because its abilities are so narrow that it requires that a deck be built specifically to take advantage of them, a trait that it shares with Sword of Forge and Frontier; if it surveilled more than two cards or could cast a spell with a mana value higher than 2, I believe that it would have been far more versatile. Second, I switched the places of Sword of Body and Mind and Sword of War and Peace, because I now realize that SoBaM is nearly as conditional as are the two lowest swords, as very few decks focus on both milling and creating tokens, where as SoWaP is actually more versatile and not nearly as conditional as I originally judged it to be.

What does everyone here think of my new rankings?

DemonDragonJ on Ranking the Swords of X …

1 year ago

With the upcoming release of Phyrexia: All Will Be One, I have added Sword of Forge and Frontier to my list, as seen, below:

9: Sword of Forge and Frontier

8: Sword of War and Peace

7: Sword of Body and Mind

6: Sword of Truth and Justice

5: Sword of Light and Shadow

4: Sword of Sinew and Steel

3: Sword of Hearth and Home

2: Sword of Feast and Famine

1: Sword of Fire and Ice

I put the new Sword of Forge and Frontier at the bottom of the list, not because it is weak, but because I feel that it is too risky and unpredictable to be reliable, and Sword of Hearth and Home is far better at giving the player additional lands than is the new sword. I also switched Sword of Sinew and Steel with Sword of Light and Shadow, which greatly pained me, as Sword of Light and Shadow is my favorite sword in this cycle, but it simply does not have sufficient impact on a game for me to keep it higher in the ranking; if only it had an ability other than gaining life, I could have ranked it higher.

Gleeock, if Sword of Sinew and Steel destroyed creatures, rather than planeswalkers, I likely would have ranked it as third, but, as prevalent as planeswalkers have become, creatures still outnumber them quite severely, so I cannot rank that sword any higher than I have currently ranked it.

Gleeock on Ranking the Swords of X …

1 year ago

One consideration is also how nicely the swords play in a voltron setting (where several are likely to see play in the same deck). In the same vein of thought would be; how nicely do they play with double strike? - a common goal with voltron & swords. Sword of Fire and Ice remains a chart-topper with a suited-up double striker.

I put Sword of Sinew and Steel higher on the list personally. I love repeat removal on artifacts (one sword that is more bonkers with double strike), typically pretty relevant. The planeswalker removal is neat when it comes up, but yeah, it can be a dead ability. I also like pro-red as I've been known to use quite a few dmg-based boardwipes.

Sword of Light and Shadow kindof has a curse for me where I almost never care about the graveyard-to-hand in the decks where I want a sword & usually I just want to make a lifelink-beefcake for lifegain. Though pro is a really nice protection combo. & I do love Orzhov, kindof my current labor of love.

New sword is: Sword of impulse & ramp. It is decent.

DemonDragonJ on Ranking the Swords of X …

1 year ago

Crow-Umbra, that is not too bad, but not exactly game-breaking, either, which I imagine was a deliberate decision by WotC.

It is far too early to add sword of forge and frontier to this list, so I shall wait until I have had time to see it in action, firsthand. I also am very glad that the sword is pointing upward in the artwork, maintaining Sword of Light and Shadow's status as the only sword that is pointing downward in its art.

However, I need to make another revision to this list, since I have, indeed, decided to make the change that I considered, above, so my list is now as follows:

8: Sword of War and Peace

7: Sword of Body and Mind

6: Sword of Truth and Justice

5: Sword of Sinew and Steel

4: Sword of Light and Shadow

3: Sword of Hearth and Home

2: Sword of Feast and Famine

1: Sword of Fire and Ice

I switched the places of Sword of Light and Shadow and Sword of Hearth and Home, because, as much as I like the former sword, it simply does not have sufficient impact on a game for me to rank it any higher, whereas I have realized hos good the latter sword is; putting an additional land on the battlefield is always good, and, even if the creature that is "flickered" does not have a triggered ability, the flickering can still remove unwanted auras and counters from it. I am sad that my favorite sword is now at only fourth place, but fourth out of eight (soon to be nine) swords is still fairly impressive.

DemonDragonJ on Ranking the Swords of X …

1 year ago

I just realized that I put the wrong numbers on my list, above, so the proper numbering is now as follows:

8: Sword of War and Peace

7: Sword of Body and Mind

6: Sword of Truth and Justice

5: Sword of Sinew and Steel

4: Sword of Hearth and Home

3: Sword of Light and Shadow

2: Sword of Feast and Famine

1: Sword of Fire and Ice

I am very sorry for that mistake, but I have now corrected it.

DemonDragonJ on Ranking the Swords of X …

1 year ago

Mark Rosewater has revealed that Phyrexia: All Will Be One shall have a new sword of X and Y, which means that I shall eventually need to add it to this list, but, for the present, I have a revision to make (again, this list is purely my own preference, not based of any statistics or data), so my new listing is as follows:

  1. Sword of War and Peace

  2. Sword of Body and Mind

  3. Sword of Truth and Justice

  4. Sword of Sinew and Steel

  5. Sword of Hearth and Home

  6. Sword of Light and Shadow

  7. Sword of Feast and Famine

  8. Sword of Fire and Ice

I moved Sword of Body and Mind to seventh place because its abilities are so different from each other that it is very difficult to build a deck that can truly take advantage of both of them, and I shall admit that I am actually contemplating switching Sword of Hearth and Home with Sword of Light and Shadow, because I am starting to think that the former is actually quite useful, but I shall leave those two as they are, for the moment, since the latter is still my personal favorite of the swords.

I also have put a link to this thread on my user profile, since I shall eventually revisit it when the final two swords in this cycle are printed.

What does everyone else here think of my new ranking?

Andramalech on Dingus Tribal

1 year ago

Found some!

Formatting won't allow me to show the retro frame, but all of these do various bits to your end, and have a retro-framed alternative printing. And minus Force of Vigor, most of these are relatively cheap. I hope it helps!

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