Rain of Filth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rain of Filth


Until end of turn, lands you control gain "Sacrifice this land: Add ."

Barjack521 on Cheap deck always wins.

1 month ago

I realize I'm something like 10 years late to the party but have you considered adding Slaughter Pact? it could be useful for dealing with things that shut down commanders like Drannith Magistrate and since it's technically zero CMC it won't matter for the Ad Nauseam life loss. Plus spot removal can come in handy lots of ways if someone is playing creature stax pieces or something less subtle like a Platinum Angel. The other suggestions I had were Rain of Filth and/or Bubbling Muck which can each be used to go off earlier. I copied this deck and added a Skirge Familiar and an Exsanguinate and a Torment of Hailfire rather than use the zombie swarm cards as my alternate win con. If they stop the sickening dreams / dark sphere I can use the familiar to discard the rest of my hand to drain them out.

Azoth2099 on The Necrobloom

8 months ago

You found space for Scapeshift! Nice. Have you considered Rain of Filth? Way better than Harrow here lol

jamochawoke on Uurg eats everything

1 year ago

This is a super fun little combo deck! But it can get shut down pretty easily. I'd suggest putting some key Commander pieces in that you're missing... and thankfully there's a TON of things that work with a land-based deck archetype like this in those colors.

First off, you need to complete your Cultivator combo with Splendid Reclamation for getting all those lands out of your own yard in a very big way (Cultivator probably becomes the biggest thing in your game at this point)!

Centaur Vinecrasher or Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar are superb alternate or additional beatsticks for Cultivator with tons of synergy with your commander that also dig themselves out of the graveyard after they get immediately removed like in my games!

Terravore is nice if you never hit Cultivator in your games (or it gets hated out).

Constant Mists basically you get eternal fog in a deck like this whenever you want if it doesn't get countered.

Entish Restoration, Dig Up, and Beseech the Queen for synergistic tutors.

Kagha, Shadow Archdruid, Elvish Reclaimer, Grisly Salvage, World Shaper, Circle of the Land Druid, Stinkweed Imp, Winding Way, Life from the Loam, Scapeshift, and Satyr Wayfinder for digging through the deck faster while also rotating lands. Life From the Loam is ESPECIALLY GOOD for its dredge ability in this deck so you can keep casting it. Scapeshift is the single most powerful cycler you could run but it's very $$$ and doesn't synergize completely with this deck (it's more for landfall decks, but it can still work with this too).

The utility lands Witch's Cottage, Mortuary Mire, Memorial to Folly can help get your creatures back out of the 'yard.

The utility lands Witch's Clinic, Rogue's Passage, Ghost Quarter, Strip Mine, Wasteland, Field of the Dead, Thespian's Stage, Restless Cottage, Boseiju, Who Endures, and Takenuma, Abandoned Mire would all help your deck's overall resilience and ability to deal with threats.

Either Abundance or Rishkar's Expertise could be a game-ending bomb for you. Rishkar's is great if your commander has enough power. You can draw a ton of your deck, likely hit a tutor you cast for free, then if your hand is flooded with lands you discard down to 7 putting all those lands in your 'yard making your commander even bigger! Abundance isn't as synergistic, but is basically a creature tutor spell for Cultivator Colossus if you decide to not run any other beaters or utility creatures.

Assassin's Trophy for instant-cast targeted removal of EVERYTHING.

Tear Asunder and Abrupt Decay are less-good Assassin's Trophy but at least Decay can't be countered.

Casualties of War for when you need to get rid of a lot of different pests that turn.

Return to Nature for instant-cast targeted removal of Enchantment/Artifact or Graveyard card.

Drown in Filth for a land-synergistic targeted removal that gets around indestructible.

Terror Tide for land-synergistic boardwipe that also gets around indestructible.

Nurgle's Conscription, Froghemoth, and Bojuka Bog for some enemy graveyard hate.

Rain of Filth for a MASSIVE spike in mana for that turn.

Worm Harvest for generating a TON of tokens off of the lands in your 'yard.

Titania, Protector of Argoth or Rampaging Baloths for much, much bigger tokens.

Gitrog, Horror of Zhava and The Gitrog Monster for super frog-land-pseudocycling synergy!

Brawn since you're putting things in your 'yard anyways you might as well give your commander and other beatsticks Trample for free! Trample has saved me so many times in games. No reason not to run it in this deck tbh.

Erinis, Gloom Stalker, Ayula's Influence, and Old Rutstein for more synergy with your commander's ability.

Life / Death for making an army out of your lands or pulling something out of your 'yard.

The planeswalkers Nissa of Shadowed Boughs and Vraska, Golgari Queen can give you alternate win-cons while also being synergistic with your commander.

If you don't need more combo stuff and just need another big beatstick alternate for the Colossus it's hard to go wrong with Yargle and Multani's power (plus the stained glass alt-art is sick!). But unfortunately it doesn't come with the cool yard recovery abilities of the other beatsticks I mentioned and doesn't have trample or evasion, but it does have more power than Emrakul!

capwner on

1 year ago

Very cool budget list. One thing that I find handy in Dreams combo lists is to include a Lightning Greaves and a Walking Atlas so that you can drop the Chasm the same turn you cast Ad Naus and use your land drop so you can go off a turn earlier. This is easy when you have access to a ton of mana but the budget aspect holds you back here of course. Including one $10 card such as Culling the Weak, or maybe $6 Rain of Filth could help enable this without TOO much extra cost!

Azoth2099 on So basically dimir Talrand

1 year ago

Hey man! You're gonna need a higher density of card draw, ramp and tutors if you want this bad boy to he more consistent, there's no way around it. Fortunately you're in , so that's no big deal. I'd recommend the following options:

Tutors: Demonic Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Grim Tutor, Beseech the Mirror, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Solve the Equation, Fabricate Spellseeker, Merchant Scroll & Lim-Dul's Vault.

Draw: Talion, the Kindly Lord, Necropotence, Black Market Connections, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage, Night's Whisper & Ad Nauseam (if you can lower your mana curve).

Ramp: Talisman of Dominance, Dimir Signet, Fellwar Stone, Springleaf Drum, Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Culling the Weak, Bubbling Muck & High Tide. Maybe Rain of Filth.

Other synergistic value: Praetor's Grasp, Bribery, Acquire, Entomb, Reanimate & Mnemonic Betrayal.

Other than that I'd probably say add more cheap counterspells and instant speed removal so you can control the board and bolster your own. Let me know if you need help with cuts, I'm seeing a lot of them.

Azoth2099 on March of Mordor

1 year ago

Cheers m8, happy holidays!

So having tested Sauron, the Dark Lord into the dirt since his release, I think you're gonna need to get him on the board waaay faster than this list is currently doing if you really want to be mean like that. I'd recommend a few of the following "means" lol:

Rocks: Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Creativity, Talisman of Indulgence, Dimir Signet, Rakdos Signet, Izzet Signet, Fellwar Stone & Springleaf Drum

Rituals: Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Culling the Weak, Burnt Offering, Sacrifice, Rain of Filth, Bubbling Muck, High Tide, Rite of Flame, Infernal Plunge, Pyretic Ritual, Desperate Ritual & Seething Song.

Cost Reducers: Nightscape Familiar, Sapphire Medallion, Jet Medallion, Ruby Medallion, Cloud Key & Urza's Incubator.

And then there are other value pieces like Conqueror's Flail to go along with The Reaver Cleaver to help you get out of hand once he's summoned, & Faerie Mastermind to draw you cards while your commander builds your board from your opponents actions. Mystic Remora is also great in this sense and is still pretty cheap compared to Rhystic Study. Teferi's Ageless Insight is another banger post-commander that should be considered imo, especially since you can't run Necropotence as efficiently as other decks can.

For more villainy, consider Dauthi Voidwalker, Opposition Agent, Praetor's Grasp, Mnemonic Betrayal, Bribery, Acquire & maybe even something like Empress Galina to really peeve your pod.


iMechanic on Rutstein Raz Reanimator (cEDH PRIMER)

1 year ago

It's just a good 1 cost counter to cards likeArchelos, Lagoon Mystic and more, paired with World Shaper they enter untapped. You have Rain of Filth I was curious if they would be a good fit

TijuanaBachelorParty on Date Night with Phage

1 year ago

Thank you SufferFromEDHD, I appreciate the comment. I have enjoyed piloting the deck and feel like it is really close to where I want it. The addition of Hall of the Bandit Lord would be great.

Greed is a little slow, but I have enjoyed using it in games and will happily pay a black mana and two life for cards until I die.

I have not used Street Wraith in a game, though I hope to see it will play well as a swampwalking body or one less card in the deck. To be determined if it will stay.

Crucible of Worlds has not found a place in the deck without any other land-graveyard synergies. I would consider it if I ran Rain of Filth or the fetches.

I have wondered about more effects like The Golden Throne or Lich's Mirror. One of which is slightly less detrimental....

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