Ad Nauseam

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ad Nauseam


Reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost. You may repeat this process any number of times.

vic on 96 Swamp Deck

3 weeks ago

I think you also need Spellbook. Otherwise you can't make it work until Turn 7, when you can cast both Ad Nauseam and Sickening Dreams on the same turn. With Spellbook (or Reliquary Tower), you could keep your large hand and then win on Turn 6 instead of 7.

You could also make it work by fetching Dark Ritual on Turn 4, then Ad Nauseam on Turn 5, then doing everything on Turn 6.

nuperokaso on Win Turn 0 vs Yu-Gi-Oh

1 month ago

If you actually playtest the deck, many times your hand is not that great.

  1. 8 of your tutors put the card only on the top of your library rather than into your hand. I suggest you play Demonic Tutor rather than Imperial Seal.
  2. You have problems with color fixing. You end up being unable to play your cards because you don't have right combination of mana. If your plan is solely to play only one turn, then Lotus Petal is better than Mox Jet or Mox Sapphire.
  3. With Dark Ritual and 8 Lotuses, It's reasonable to get to 5-6 black mana. Some 2 Ad Nauseam and/or Yawgmoth's Bargain would improve your consistency.
  4. Ceremonious Rejection looks bad. If your only plan is to play for one turn, play Pact of Negation. You'll save 1 mana and have more possible targets. It's better if you start the game. If your opponent starts the game, Ceremonious Rejection only works if you have Leyline of Anticipation. And if you have that, you should able to win even with Pact of Negation trigger.
  5. Play 4 Gitaxian Probe and 4 Street Wraith. Your deck doesn't care for life, and you need to get your relevant cards.
  6. If you are allowed to play 4 Black Lotus and 4 Blacker Lotus, then I assume anything is playable. If so, you forgot to include the most powerful card in the entire history - Contract from Below

Niko9 on Favorite EDH Cards

3 months ago

Gleeock You know, being doomed by Wand of Wonder sounds like a really fun way to lose a match, so still a good time : )

Honestly, I'm not really sure how "commits a crime" works yet, but good to know that it might be something fun to explore. I was trying to get back into the game a bit and then the Princess Bride cards kind of broke my brain, so not really sure if I will check out the new sets right now. It's kind of weird that they don't have reminder text for these effects. I mean, I guess I should know what these effects do, but I really kinda don't.

And yep FormOverFunction the original Terror was such a creepy card, but in the best way. Part of me misses those legitimately scary cards, but then part of me thinks it went maybe a little too far with something like Ad Nauseam, so I don't know, but I love the original terror!

Azoth2099 on Healing Therapy with Mr. Oloro

4 months ago

Necropotence & Ad Nauseam love high life totals! Stuff like Approach of the Second Sun & Test of Endurance are interesting too. Cheers!

SufferFromEDHD on Sidisi 1CMC Glass Cannon

6 months ago

41.5% of this deck has CMC 0 for a reason. I'm all in on Ad Nauseam. Fantastic suggestions but I have to be very mindful of CMC total. Right now it's at 55 but maybe I'm overthinking it?

Grim Monolith had to double check my list. Was very surprised it is not in. Guessing CMC 2 scared me away but it would allow me to go off a turn earlier.

Necropotence Ad Nauseum #2. Back ups are important. Will slot in.

Snuff Out and Force of Despair I know this deck needs more removal but 7 CMC is a lot of life. Slaughter Pact is truly free. These are guaranteed sideboard cards for certain match ups.

Of your anti blue tech Mind Twist is a great suggestion. Old school power. Conqueror's Flail is a great "can't" but involves too much setup in a creature lite list.

AudderPop on Dream Nauseam ($50⁰ ɕƐðɧ)

6 months ago

Snuff Out and Force of Despair unfortunately work the opposite way of how we want; although they're cheap to cast in reality, their CMC is high, so they hurt us a lot to draw off Ad Nauseam. Cavern of Souls and Cabal Ritual are both solid options to proxy in for the cEDH sideboard, as they're both useful but way outside of what I'd actually spend money on. Defense Grid is in the middle sweet spot where it's not a super expensive card and I can see how it improves our combo; it probably limits the number of counterspells our opponent can hit us with while we're comboing off to two max, which is nice :)

Thank you for the suggestions!

Azoth2099 on [KFC] Kaalia Friended Chickens

6 months ago


Hey dude, Happy New Year! Hope you're 2024 started in a great way.

I'm stoked that you found a more personalized build that you really love, man! Let's talk about it.

If you're big on Bolas's Citadel, pairing it with Sensei's Divining Top & Aetherflux Reservoir seems natural to me but if you don't want to run combos I understand lol. The Reservoir is also just an awesome value piece here, though. I was really surprised to not see Angel of Destiny in the list, though! More ways to use your life as a resource like Ad Nauseam or Defiler of Faith might be worth considering here too. You're gaining so much life here, I might even consider crazy stuff like Plunge into Darkness, Peer into the Abyss & Spoils of the Vault if you're feeling froggy like that.

I can't remember if I saw Boon Reflection & Rhox Faithmender in the list, but...they exist too lol.

Good hearing from you!

Azoth2099 on So basically dimir Talrand

7 months ago

Hey man! You're gonna need a higher density of card draw, ramp and tutors if you want this bad boy to he more consistent, there's no way around it. Fortunately you're in , so that's no big deal. I'd recommend the following options:

Tutors: Demonic Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Grim Tutor, Beseech the Mirror, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Solve the Equation, Fabricate Spellseeker, Merchant Scroll & Lim-Dul's Vault.

Draw: Talion, the Kindly Lord, Necropotence, Black Market Connections, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage, Night's Whisper & Ad Nauseam (if you can lower your mana curve).

Ramp: Talisman of Dominance, Dimir Signet, Fellwar Stone, Springleaf Drum, Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Culling the Weak, Bubbling Muck & High Tide. Maybe Rain of Filth.

Other synergistic value: Praetor's Grasp, Bribery, Acquire, Entomb, Reanimate & Mnemonic Betrayal.

Other than that I'd probably say add more cheap counterspells and instant speed removal so you can control the board and bolster your own. Let me know if you need help with cuts, I'm seeing a lot of them.

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