Guardian Seraph

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Guardian Seraph

Creature — Angel


If a source an opponent controls would deal damage to you, prevent 1 of that damage.

ThroughTheBlaze on Giada, Font of Hope

1 year ago

airsoftsniper91 Coincidentally enough, I was planning to do an update on this later today. A couple of the cards in the deck were swapped this weekend. We did some more testing of the deck this weekend as well. It worked significantly better than the previous times due to getting more mana and ramp. The wins that I did manage to get were via combat with the Angel tokens and the compounding +1/+1 counters from Giada. Additionally, I do have some cards on their way from CardKingdom. My intended plan was to replace as follows (I may have already replaced some of these this weekend, and just forgot. That will be in the update I put together later today): Treasure Chest -> Bishop of Wings; Arcane Signet -> Emeria, The Sky Ruin; Marble Diamond -> Near-Death Experience; Everflowing Chalice -> Thespian's Stage; Plains -> Vesuva

The following are also on my "buy when possible" list: Authority of the Consuls, Sephara, Sky's Blade, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Emeria Angel, Guardian Seraph, and Angel of Condemnation. I am adding all of your recommendations to my "buy when possible" list, and will make updates as I go.

Considering the life gain is required for making the Angel tokens, Angel of Grace, Angel's Grace, and Near-Death Experience are counter productive. These may end up being the replaced cards instead of Treasure Chest and Plains, and then I just won't add Near-Death Experience at all. At the very least, they are on the list to be replaced.

Do you have any thoughts, suggestions, concerns, recommendations with the current plan until I can get more of the cards from my list? Thank you for the input!

airsoftsniper91 on Giada, Font of Hope

1 year ago

Saw that you were looking for help and this commander seems pretty cool. Not sure what your budget is, but I'm going to make some suggestions at different price points.

Here's some cards I'd cut: Angel's Grace, Cleric Class, Angelic Accord, Treasure Chest, The Book of Exalted Deeds, Panharmonicon, Arcane Signet, Marble Diamond, Campfire, Mass Calcify, Brave the Elements, Cleansing Nova, Everflowing Chalice, and Gift of Estates

I can provide more explanation on why, but generally these cards are low impact, less helpful than they may seem, or off theme a bit. Some of these are life gain or ETB payoffs but they don't have many ways to trigger them.

I'm seeing a wincon through combat with the deck as is. Giada is Ramp in the command zone but only for Angels, and the starting list only has 17 Angel spells. Turn 2 Giada and hitting all your land drops means we can send out 4 CMC angels turn 3.

I recommend Emeria Angel, Guardian Seraph, Angel of Condemnation

A lot of the Angel's are high CMC but you're running a lot of cost reducers. Due to this I think you need more lands and more Draw. Arch of Orazca, Geier Reach Sanitarium, Sea Gate Wreckage and War Room are all utility lands you can run in mono color that tap for colorless mana and help you draw.

That leaves seven more cards to add back in. I'd go with Karmic Guide, Twilight Shepherd, Battlegrace Angel, Angelic Sleuth, Herald of the Host, Dawnbreak Reclaimer, and Aegis Angel

DragonSliver9001 on Why Do Demons in this …

3 years ago

Mind Ablaze: the flavor text in Guardian Seraph says its a she.

Optimator: i'd say being in planar chaos is pretty irrelevant. planar chaos was a color pie break, not a break in how creature types are portrayed.

MindAblaze on Why Do Demons in this …

3 years ago

Guardian Seraph is pretty male looking to me, however that’s just my perspective.

Also, to speak to the OP, I think the art direction point brought up is valid. Unless the artist was specifically directed to make them blend in, my assumption would be WoTC would want them to look intimidating and they tend to have lesser demons with plane specific appearances (Amonkhet again is a good example.) This is probably to do with demons being creations of the mana from the plane as was brought up.

Tonymeister on Mono White Holy Army (Avacyn, Angel of Hope)

5 years ago


I think I will cut Guardian Seraph in favor of Exquisite Archangel. I like Angel of Glory's Rise because during one of my plat tests last night, I was able to bring back a bunch of humans such as Paragon of New Dawns and Grand Abolisher right before I played Avacyn, Angel of Hope

But ya, you should totally build Angel Tribal! I am thoroughly enjoying this deck so far.

Icaruskid on Mono White Holy Army (Avacyn, Angel of Hope)

5 years ago

Maybe Guardian Seraph? They are both defensive creatures but in my experience Exquisite Archangel is a must-answer card that has greater impact on your life total.

Alternatively, maybe Angel of Glory's Rise? How often are you bringing back humans from your graveyard and are they worth it? It's also the same mana cost so you wouldn't be adding to your curve by swapping.

I think I may have to build an Angel tribal deck after seeing this list! The cards are powerful, have gorgeous art, and they can pack a punch!

cornpie987387 on Kangee's Bird Buddies

6 years ago

The more protection the better! Whenever I say swap, feel free to add. I am just assuming that you want a card with a similar effect and offering cards that I think are better.

While I am at it, I swapped Daxos of Meletis for Augury Adept in my commander deck, mostly because it basically has unblockable. If you are running Illusionist's Bracers and Rings of Brighthearth you also want to consider Medomai the Ageless. With one of those, you could take two extra turns!! Come to think of it, you might want to consider changing your commander to one of those two cards. Huh.

If your detaining stuff use Lyev Skyknight its a really good blue white card for that.

I would recommend a Whispersilk Cloak for both hexproff and unblockable, both seem useful for your deck.

It does not look to me like you have enough fliers for Pride of the Clouds to be worth it. Unless you are planing on using Dovescape with it. If your looking for a flying heavy hitter I would use Akroma, Angel of Wrath, Baneslayer Angel, Iridescent Angel. If you are looking for something flying related try Stormtide Leviathan. If you are looking for something cheap for use in the early game try Deft Duelist or Judge's Familiar. Deft Duelist can be really nice against those pesky death touch thingers and Judge's Familiar can counter something later in the game.

On the off chance that you want to keep pride of the clouds and go for the Dovescape lockdown thing. Throw in a Guardian Seraph and a Godhead of Awe as well as a Lightmine Field. Voila, complete lock down.

Also, with your Illusionist's Bracers and Rings of Brighthearth, Admonition Angel is a really good fit.

cornpie987387 on

6 years ago

I like Guardian Seraph, Lightmine Field and Dovescape.

Guardian Seraph would prevent all damage dealt while Godhead of Awe is on the field. Additionally it has flying, so it is the perfect fit.

Alternatively, you could use Lightmine Field, so only creatures with toughness above two can attack. If you where going that route, I would add Cathedral of War for the exalted.

Dovescape counters those pesky sourcerys and would render them useless assuming you have either a Lightmine Field or Guardian Seraph.

I would consider putting in a Archetype of Imagination just as a win con, but thats up to you..

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