Slumbering Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Slumbering Dragon

Creature — Dragon


Slumbering Dragon can't attack or block unless it has five or more +1/+1 counters on it. Whenever a creature attacks you or a planeswalker you control, put a +1/+1 counter on Slumbering Dragon.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Well Slumbering Dragon already exists and was the basis of my bunny, so I think the cycle is complete now ^-^

But just to be safe~

Slumbering Mogg

Creature - Goblin


When you attack with 10 or more Goblins, Slumbering Mogg loses defender.




TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Slumbering Bunnies

Creature - Rabbit



When Slumbering Bunnies enters the battlefield, prevent all damage until end of turn.

The Battle of 1,000 Days was stopped, all because everyone agreed to be quiet and let the little bunnies rest.


Slumbering Dragon

Make another slumbering creature.

Zobeth on Atla Palani, Dragon Tender | Primer

1 year ago

crismissingtheh I really like your deck! The play group that I'm in only plays at high power so thats where I'm trying to keep the deck at but I really appreciate it! I also appreciate that you follow my deck. I'm still waiting for the "all magic dragon combo." The only one ive found is Cloudstone Curio + Lathliss, Dragon Queen + Ganax, Astral Hunter + Slumbering Dragon + Scourge of Valkas//Terror of the Peaks but at that point I should just play a different commander that could achieve that faster. I think once they eventually (hopefully) make dragons that combo off of each other for infinite damage then ill switch over to that.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

1 year ago

Hi KBK7101, I think your deck looks pretty solid to start off. I do have some suggestions on cards I think you can eventually upgrade. First few cuts I think you can make safely are:

  • Sigil of Valor, Akki Ronin, Peerless Samurai - These can likely be cut since they only care about a singular Samurai, Warrior, or Creature attacking alone, and I think that goes against the Go-Wide token theme you want to implement.

  • Slumbering Dragon, Blood Reckoning, & Search the Premises - These are for sure meta calls. I cut Pillow Fort effects from my deck because my play group would remove Isshin, then tank through standard triggers, or they'd leave me alone, and I wouldn't get any of the benefits. Your mileage may vary depending on your meta.

  • Velomachus Lorehold Maybe. Mostly because they look for Instants and Sorceries. I do like that they have Haste, so you don't have to wait. Ultimately up to you.

I think all of the stuff in your maybe-board could be swapped in pretty safely. Hopefully once Commissar Severina Raine and Inquisitorial Rosette get some In-Universe printings, you can add them to your consideration.

I'd also highly suggest Plumb the Forbidden, Deadly Dispute, and maaaaybe Liliana's Standard Bearer as some more potential draw options in a token strategy.

Both Purphoros, God of the Forge and Mishra, Claimed by Gix  Meld are excellent damage finishers in a token strat (but are definitely expensive upgrades).

amarthaler on EDH Ganax, Astral Hunter & Tavern Brawler

1 year ago

A note on Slumbering Dragon:

7/1/2012 Slumbering Dragon's second ability counts all +1/+1 counters on it, not just the ones added by its third ability.

7/1/2012 The +1/+1 counter is put on Slumbering Dragon before blockers are declared. This may allow Slumbering Dragon to “wake up” and block the creature that attacked and caused its ability to trigger.

7/1/2012 Slumbering Dragon's third ability will trigger once for each creature that attacks you or a planeswalker you control.

TheOfficialCreator on Dominaria United Spoilers

1 year ago

Karn feels incredibly meh, which sucks because all of his cards in the past have at least had some use. I just don't feel like he brings enough to the table in this form. Maybe I'm wrong.

I'm going to agree on Plaza of Heroes. Definitely going to pick up one for my Slogurk once I build it irl, and it's gonna go in a lot of my online decks too.

Monstrous Warleech might have a place in my Scarab God deck. I don't know how well it scales in normal play, though. Seems a bit flimsy in anything competitive, but a good casual creature for sure.

Dragon Whelp taking up an uncommon slot again kinda miffs me, because I thought we were past that. It would be a flex on Wizard's part to print it at common, to show how the game has progressed and power-crept. But it's a thematic reprint, and I enjoy that it's in the set.

Enlist creatures, especially Keldon Flamesage, seem pretty good with cards like Slumbering Dragon. You kinda get to cheat some extra power in without putting in actual effort, which I'm a big fan of :)

Jaya seems pretty strong, as does Ajani. I'm really liking the Compleated mechanic that these planeswalkers have.

Shanna is just Well of Lost Dreams on a creature card. I don't know that it's going to take off, but it doesn't necessarily need to. Then again, Yarok, the Desecrated is a very popular commander despite just being Panharmonicon, and Shanna comes with an upside on cost and self-sufficency.

Sheoldred gets better every time I look at it. I love that she's now the cheapest Praetor they've printed, and yet it stands up strong to the rest. This one also doesn't seem to have the color pie breaking quality of the other Praetors, which I enjoy.

I don't see the draw of Shivan Devastator as compared to something like Voracious Hydra or Mistcutter Hydra, but then again it's red and I can't be unbiased about it because of that.

Sol-kanar's design is neat. Not mythic neat in my opinion, but neat.


Is it just me or is Sphinx of Clear Skies just... not good?

I really like the creativity of the World Spell and the whole idea of the Read Ahead mechanic. It's about time Sagas got another level of flavor after Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty's flip-Sagas and this is it.

Reprinting the pain lands, eh?

Zur could actually be a Shrines commander now. Just saying. I know it's not five colors, but you'd still have access to nine Shrines-

Archangel of Wrath makes me smile. It's just so creative.

Astor, Bearer of Blades is another pretty good Equipment commander. Nothing exceptional, but a warm, friendly commander, and maybe something in Standard? Who knows?

The new Braids is World Queller on a stick with advantage. I really like it. I really could not care less about the fact that it "breaks the color pie". Black should have access to difficult enchantment removal. drops mic

I love the blue and green Defilers (the green one is a definite spot for my Vorinclex deck), and cannot wait to see the rest of the cycle.

I'm honestly just tired of seeing Phyrexian Sleeper. I see it every time I look through the spoilers lol

Guardian of New Benalia gives me Adanto Vanguard flashbacks. I'm afraid.

Squee, Dubious Monarch has escape, but because of rules it doesn't officially has escape. :(

I know I said I didn't care about color pie breaks earlier, but the Phasing of Zhalfir is an ungodly, terrible atrocity and it should immediately be banned in every format

Cut Down is very, very interesting. I forsee it being a Commander staple. I mean, it can take out most creatures in competitive formats.

Sengir Connosieur has the clause "This ability triggers only once per turn", therefore, I do not like it.

"Making the frost ability into 'stun counters' is very fun and balanced. This message brought to you by the Atraxa gang."

I don't know why, but the cycle of common off-color kicker cards make me feel... queasy. I guess I'm just not a big fan of color identities being largely determined by other pips in the text of the card.

Take up the Shield has Ajani being a bro on it, which makes me feel sad, ergo, I do not like it.

This set has a bunch of really cool and interesting designs! I'm excited for the rest of the spoilers to come ^^

legendofa on Dragons

2 years ago

Welcome to the club!

First thing I see here is a high average mana cost and relatively few lands and ramp. The Dragon Arch and Quicksilver Amulet help a little, but I suggest cutting a few Dragons and adding more lands and cards that find lands like Sylvan Scrying or Expedition Map. The color balance looks good, you just need more of it. You probably need at least 37-38 lands, if not more, and I would take a hard look at any cards above mana value 6, and cut the ones that don't measure up. Lower-cost dragons, like Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant or even Slumbering Dragon or Korlessa, Scale Singer will also help reduce costs.

My next thought is to take advantage of the legendary-ness of a lot of your dragons. Time of Need, Bard Class, and Mox Amber can all help, depending on how much money you're willing to spend.

Kazierts on Budget Izzet Dragons

2 years ago

Love to see people trying to brew dragons. They seem such a fun tribe but can be a bit too heavy to play.

Before I suggest something, I have to say I loved the idea of Call to the Kindred. It's probably a bit slow, but the idea of enchanting the smalller dragons to cheat bigger ones seems really fun.

Now, onto my suggestions.

  • I've both had friends who tried to build dragons and trying to build dragons myself. From these experiences, I can say, for sure, that Dragonlord's Servant is a trap. A much better option is Orb of Dragonkind. It does almost the same thing while allowing you to potentially splash one or two dragons that don't fit the color identity and can serve as a "tutor" for another dragon late game.
  • Dragonmaster Outcast, despite being capable of summoning a token, is more of a buildaround card. It's literally gonna take at least six turns for his effect to become, but seven for it to have a chance to activate. Since you already have Slumbering Dragon, I'd suggesting increasing it to three copies and cutting the Dragonmaster.
  • While I initially wanted to build a Dragon deck with in it because of Silumgar's Scorn, Counterspell is just better in every situation.
  • I don't know how it would affect your budget, but Shivan Reef would do wonders for this deck.
  • Pyroclasm is just better Cinderclasm.

If anything would increase your budget too much, let me know and I'll try to find better options.

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