Furystoke Giant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Furystoke Giant

Creature — Giant Warrior

When Furystoke Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control gain "Tap: This creature deals 2 damage to target creature or player" until end of turn.

Persist (When this creature is put into a graveyard from play, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to play under its owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)

YourNeighborhoodGhost on [Primer] Slimefoot and Squee's Corpse Catapult

4 months ago

Brass's Tunnel-Grinder  Flip is a great card for slimefoot and squee. did some great work at mine. also Furystoke Giant is such a bomb

baddabiiing on Prossh's Dastardly Bastard Children - Group Slug

1 year ago

Sweet deck! I like the mass drain strat, seems like it would be very effective if the table lets you live past turn 5. I know mine wouldn't! I highly recommend Furystoke Giant, Birthing Pod, and Phyrexian Altar, the first of which especially for your style of deck, the amount of damage you can get off that giant is pretty unreal especially if you're not pumping tokens to attack, which seems accurate for this deck. I also think you underrated Vicious Shadows, though it might be more redundant in your deck it can push out tons of damage and is great for taking out those pesky blue players. Orcish Bowmasters and Cryptolith Rite have also been all stars in my deck, I'd highly recommend at least testing them out. Hatred could also be a super fun way to get a surprise win off something like Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord. Thanks again for your comment on my deck, Prossh EDH Tokens/Sac, and I hope you like the suggestions!

RinceRaven on krenko

2 years ago

Alright alright so I got asked to give a bunch of suggestions so here we go. Hoo boy. Gonna try to keep most suggestions low on budget but will include the best slightly expensive cards. Should also mention I got a lot of things I know from this primer, cheers. https://deckstats.net/decks/82803/752805-competitive-krenko/en

First the draw pieces you missed: Rundvelt Hordemaster, Dark-Dweller Oracle, Skullclamp, Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner, Reforge the Soul, Conspicuous Snoop, You Find Some Prisoners. The only actual good ones you got in this draft are Idol of Oblivion and Wheel of Misfortune imo, though most are servicable.

Tutors: these beauties can find your best wincons or draw pieces or whatever else you might need most of the time. Goblin Engineer, Goblin Matron, Goblin Recruiter. And are surprisingly affordable.

Next up ramp: Mana doublers are too slow for a deck as fast as Krenko, and you don't have the card draw to support such cards in mono-red. Not really. Also with the 4 mana commander having 2 mana ramp becomes much, much more valued. Cheering Fanatic, Liquimetal Torque, Generator Servant, Wily Goblin, Infernal Plunge, Fire Diamond (Yes I know, I think it's fine here).

Haste: Giving Krenko (and his tokens) haste literally puts you a turn ahead over not having it. Crashing Drawbridge, Ashling's Prerogative (Even gives tokens haste too), Generator Servant (multipurpose? Whoa), Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Motivator, Lightning Greaves, Mass Hysteria, Thousand-Year Elixir (tad pricey but repeatable Krenko seems good) Bloodlust Inciter.

Wincons: gotta end the game somehow. Combo's are good: Breath of Fury, Staff of Domination, Thornbite Staff, Umbral Mantle are the best combo lines for Krenko afaik. If not/next to combo, we have good old damage: Coat of Arms, Eldrazi Monument, Impact Tremors, Obelisk of Urd, Skirk Fire Marshal, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Shared Animosity, Devilish Valet, Quest for the Goblin Lord, Throne of the God-Pharaoh.

If we let our opponents do whatever they want we'll have trouble winning, even with our speed. Luckily red has quite some options. Don't forget Liquimetal Torque can turn things into artifacts so we can shoot them easier. Abrade, Chaos Warp, Gempalm Incinerator (great removal spell, terrible creature), Goblin Assassin (wipes the floor with creature decks), Goblin Bombardment, Goblin Cratermaker, Goblin Sharpshooter, Goblin Trashmaster, Goblin Welder (hits opponents too), Mogg Salvage, Pashalik Mons, Skirk Fire Marshal (your board survives this with Coat of Arms or Eldrazi Monument), Furystoke Giant, Shattering Spree, better than Vandalblast, Wild Magic Surge.

Best Utility Lands: Great Furnace, Buried Ruin, Path of Ancestry, Castle Embereth.

I'm tired and my brain is dying so here's a dump of things I forgot or for didn't have a place to mentioned yet :)

Heirloom Blade, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Blood Moon, Brash Taunter, Impulsive Pilferer, Jeska's Will, Goblin Chirurgeon, Goblin Sledder, Mogg Raider, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Tibalt's Trickery, Mogg War Marshal, Legion Loyalist, Legion Warboss, Brash Taunter, Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip, Hobgoblin Bandit Lord, Muxus, Goblin Grandee (idk at what math this is good I'm sure someone did it already somewhere on the internet), Siege-Gang Commander, Zo-Zu the Punisher, Goblin Ringleader, Goblin Piledriver, Arms Dealer, Grotag Night-Runner, Goblin King (get 5th or 6th edition art btw).

Good luck on figuring things out. I'm off to bed

TheVectornaut on Mike's Goblinoid Attack Deck

3 years ago

Normally in a goblin deck, I'd just suggest running my lords like Goblin King , Goblin Chieftain , etc., and adding more copies of goodstuff like Goblin Grenade and Goblin Chainwhirler . However, to preserve the multiple tribe theme, I think focusing on warrior synergy would be the best idea. A good percentage of your creatures are already warriors and Blood-Chin Fanatic looks like one of the stronger cards in the deck.

Base Camp , Blood-Chin Rager , Kargan Intimidator , Boldwyr Intimidator , Lovisa Coldeyes , Obsidian Battle-Axe , and Raiders' Spoils are some warrior tribal cards in Rakdos, and Chief of the Edge , Chief of the Scale , Arashin Foremost , Herald of Dromoka , Kargan Warleader , and Mardu Woe-Reaper also apply when dipping into Mardu. I know most of these cards are just humans though, so here are some good warriors that fall under the goblinoid umbrella: Bloodmark Mentor , Goblin Bushwhacker , Goblin Cratermaker , Goblin Piledriver , Goblin Rabblemaster , Goblin Trashmaster , Krenko, Mob Boss , Pashalik Mons , Reckless Bushwhacker , Battle Brawler , Brutal Hordechief , Zurgo Bellstriker , Kazuul's Toll Collector , Ogre Battledriver , and Furystoke Giant . Which of these cards is best definitely depends on what your primary strategy is.

Anyway, good luck with your deck!

2deathscythe3 on Drakuseth mono red infect

4 years ago

objective get Drakuseth, Maw of Flames out as quick as possible tutor for Grafted Exoskeleton and win with infect damage you can also attach exoskeleton onto Balefire Dragon.

many little tricks in this deck Furystoke Giant with all your infect creatures is just a fun combo

having at least one or two of your damage doubling enchantments out will basically win you the game

many ways to play this deck

i am always up for upgrading and improving this deck

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mushroom

5 years ago

Thanks for the comment Byuante.

So this deck isn't really about attacking, which is why I have left out some of the more obvious finishers like Overwhelming Stampede and Craterhoof Behemoth . Though adding in one mass pump spell isn't a bad idea if my primary win-con fails.

Speaking of which, Furystoke Giant and Aerie Ouphes are part of this deck's win condition. This deck is all about using the persist mechanic to go infinite. Each creature with persist creates an infinite loop with a free sac outlet and either Grumgully, the Generous or Melira, Sylvok Outcast on the battlefield. I run all of the persist creatures simply because there aren't many of them to begin with.

Add in any of Purphoros, God of the Forge , Impact Tremors , Altar of Dementia , Blasting Station , Warstorm Surge , or Stalking Vengeance to close out the game. Though now that I see all of the finishers listed next to one another, I may cut Stalking Vengeance or Warstorm Surge . 6 payoffs is likely too many.

Woodfall Primus is a special case because it is both the best persist creature, and yet due to its ability, it is the worst for the combo. It can't go infinite because it must destroy a noncreature permanent. That means it will eventually have to start targeting my own things. I almost left it out of the deck because it basically reads: "your opponent's can't play for the rest of the game". However, it is just a very good card on it's own so I left it in the deck.

You are totally right about Phyrexian Altar , sadly I only own one right now and it is already in another deck. Spawning Pit is currently filling it's role.

Broken Bond is an interesting card that I really should try out. I always see it, but because it's sorcery speed I have never tried it. Plus it's another card that deals with Torpor Orb which automatically makes it something to consider.

Decisive on Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mushroom

5 years ago

I don't know if you have a budget, so hopefully these card's seem reasonable

Phyrexian Altar - Always nice having another sac outlet

Keeper of Fables - Another non-human benefiting card

Craterhoof Behemoth - A good finisher

Overwhelming Stampede - Another one

Triumph of the Hordes - Just a suggestion...note: I am not responsible for lost friends if you play this card XD

Broken Bond - Removal and ramp

In terms of things that are a bit lackluster:

Woodfall Primus - I, personally, don't think this is that good of a card, it just seems so expensive for removal

Furystoke Giant - Seems bad

Aerie Ouphes - Seems limited in its scope

Regrowth - You have Eternal Witness, maybe a bit redundant?

Spawning Pit - Depending on your personal experience, this might be a bad use of a sac outlet. Up to you

Hope this helps in some way!

apohl13 on Grenzo, Dungeon Warden - The Slot Machine of Value

5 years ago

After some thought I slotted in sling gang lieutenant over Furystoke Giant . They provide a similar role, but I haven't loved furystoke in the past

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