Bloodmark Mentor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bloodmark Mentor

Creature — Goblin Warrior

Red creatures you control have first strike.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on

2 years ago

This is a really good looking build, I can see it being a lot of fun!

If you're looking to cut some cards, I think you could drop a Blaze or two. I view it as a finisher, so it probably doesn't need to be a 4-of. That being said, I know 'optimal' decks are a streamlined 60 cards, but sometimes more cards means more fun so if you want to keep it above 60 I fully support that too!

I've got a couple of suggestions that might fit nicely if you come across them on your travels. Goblin Piledriver can be a real threat, especially with the Bloodmark Mentors you have effectively negating the lack of a toughness boost in combat. And Mogg Fanatic and Goblin Grenade are some of my favourite goblin cards from back in the day :)

TheVectornaut on Mike's Goblinoid Attack Deck

3 years ago

Normally in a goblin deck, I'd just suggest running my lords like Goblin King , Goblin Chieftain , etc., and adding more copies of goodstuff like Goblin Grenade and Goblin Chainwhirler . However, to preserve the multiple tribe theme, I think focusing on warrior synergy would be the best idea. A good percentage of your creatures are already warriors and Blood-Chin Fanatic looks like one of the stronger cards in the deck.

Base Camp , Blood-Chin Rager , Kargan Intimidator , Boldwyr Intimidator , Lovisa Coldeyes , Obsidian Battle-Axe , and Raiders' Spoils are some warrior tribal cards in Rakdos, and Chief of the Edge , Chief of the Scale , Arashin Foremost , Herald of Dromoka , Kargan Warleader , and Mardu Woe-Reaper also apply when dipping into Mardu. I know most of these cards are just humans though, so here are some good warriors that fall under the goblinoid umbrella: Bloodmark Mentor , Goblin Bushwhacker , Goblin Cratermaker , Goblin Piledriver , Goblin Rabblemaster , Goblin Trashmaster , Krenko, Mob Boss , Pashalik Mons , Reckless Bushwhacker , Battle Brawler , Brutal Hordechief , Zurgo Bellstriker , Kazuul's Toll Collector , Ogre Battledriver , and Furystoke Giant . Which of these cards is best definitely depends on what your primary strategy is.

Anyway, good luck with your deck!

RiotRunner789 on Deadshot

4 years ago

Looking at some party cards, the problem I'm coming across is lack of synergy but I'll recommend some anyway. You really want your commander out early with as many ETBs as you have and being how aggressive he is.

Grenzo, Dungeon Warden: Rogue. Gives you a decent body with repeatable card advantage.

Grenzo, Havoc Raiser: Rogue. Either card advantage or point the biggest (or weakest utility) creature at another player.

Rankle, Master of Pranks: Another rogue. Less synergistic but he has three modes and haste. Plus, you can choose as many modes as you like.

Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion: Warrior. Red ramp and card fixing.

Priest of Forgotten Gods: Cleric. Potential card advantage and removal plus ramp.

Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs: Warrior. Provides plenty of deathtouch chump blockers with your commander.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed: Cleric. Allows all of your creatures to die once and come back. Plus, kills any human that gets through.

Gonti, Lord of Luxury: Rouge. Neat. Not the greatest in a vacuum but replaces himself, normally with something good.

Anarchist: Wizard. If you get more spells then maybe.

Cinder Seer: Wizard. Not the best pinger but a pinger nonetheless.

Coffin Queen: Wizard. Playable effect.

Dismissive Pyromancer: Wizard. Decent rummage affect and can take one guy out.

Embermage Goblin: Wizard. Not the best pinger but possibly playable. Hits any target.

Fervent Paincaster: Wizard. Hits creatures.

Fireslinger: Wizard. Best pinger so far at 2 cmc. Hits any target.

Nezumi Graverobber: Rogue/Wizard. Starts off as a graveyard hating rogue and turns into a grave stealing wizard.

Going through cards and the party subtheme seems a bit sad. Some of the above are decent but there isn't a ton to go on in my opinion.

On the first strke though, there are a million cheap red spells that grant first strike temporarily as an instant or as an enchantment. I would recommend running 1 or 2 of the instants to keep opponents on their toes when they think about blocking you.

As for creatures,

Soul of Shandalar: Mana wise, not the best. But can ping and has built in first strike.

Sparring Collar: Cheap first strike and can be attached instant speed to either dissuade blocks/attacks or murder something.

Sword of Vengeance: I don't think its as good as above due to not being able to move at instant speed, but it grants vigilance as well. It is nice to keep a first strike flying blocker up after it attacks.

Akki Coalflinger: Way to help out the team.

Legion Loyalist: Way to help out the team. (My favorite of the team helping bunch).

Bloodmark Mentor: Way to help out half of the team.

Akroma's Memorial. Expensive but a classic.

I think a couple or few first strike options would work out. As for cards that I think you could do better than,

Bloodgift Demon: Good card but his effect is a bit expensive for card advantage. Maybe try Theater of Horrors. Its essentially the same as phyrexian arena but for rakdos.

Endbringer: Potentially a great card but I wouldn't count on using his other effects with as little colorless mana sources that you have.

Master of Cruelties: Can be good but typically best if saved for kalia combos. He shuts down attacking with everyone else which limits you to dealing with one opponent at a time.

Rakdos Firewheeler: Not bad but repeatable effects may be better.

Massacar on Boggarts on a Budget

5 years ago

I would consider dropping Temple of the False God since it's a dead land if it's out too early and most of your deck really just wants red mana anyway. In the open slot consider adding Bloodmark Mentor . I know he's ~$1.30, but he gives all your goblins first strike and is 2cmc.

Another budget add would be Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin . Perhaps dropping Goblin Instigator or Reckless One to make room.

I love goblins myself, so hopefully this turns out for you.

chilbi on

5 years ago

Hi there, glad to see another Horde-Magic enthusiast around here! Suggestions would be Beetleback Chief , Bloodmark Mentor and Goblin General for once. How do you rule stuff like Siege-Gang-Commander by the way?

cdyrdr on Krenkin' Out Infinite Goblins!

6 years ago

@louisjrt Thanks. I really appreciate your suggestions. I have Goblin War Strike and Boggart Shenanigans in the deck already so they are certainly useful to me. Bloodmark Mentor was actually cut pretty recently, but I still think it's a decent option. Stingscourger is also pretty good in my opinion. Mogg Maniac and Goblin Taskmaster look like they could be fun to build around, in fact I'd never seen the latter before. Jeering Instigator is interesting, but you'd probably be better served using a cheaper option mana-wise like Kari Zev's Expertise. Final Fortune and Relentless Assault are certainly playable as well if you are so inclined, Aggravated Assault is another option if you favour repeatability.

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