Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord

Legendary Creature — Zombie Elf

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord gets +1/+1 for each creature card in your graveyard.

, Sacrifice another creature: Each opponent loses life equal to the sacrificed creature's power.

Sacrifice a Swamp and a Forest: Return Jarad from your graveyard to your hand.

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Apex Observatory
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DreadKhan on Edh options

1 month ago

He's not heavily played, but Kresh the Bloodbraided can do some absolutely nutso things when he's big enough, and the deck often has some control elements (especially vs creatures, the deck wants to kill off everything but Kresh typically). It can be built on a budget (for Casual play) or as a High Power deck. On a budget you run all of the Merciless Executioner effects you can find, and at higher power you'll still run a bunch of them, but you'll also have Dictate of Erebos effects. Rite of the Raging Storm by itself turns Kresh into a huge body, and it's easy to include lots of Flings/Chandra's Ignition/Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord to win, but you can also use stuff like Mandate of Abaddon to wipe the board and one-shot someone, there are a TON of cards that play very well with Kresh, and people probably aren't familiar with the deck at this point.

Another option might be Azorius Control, Azorius is a great pair for wipes, removal and countermagic, meaning you can deal with problems, both for yourself as well as the table. I guess you might go something like Shorikai, Genesis Engine and play any vehicles that don't suck? You can freely wipe your pilots without risking your vehicles, even without things like Teferi's Protection. The card draw Shorikai offers can really help you dig, and it synergizes with untap effects.

My final idea would be something like Sauron, the Dark Lord, Grixis gives you a lot of control options, and Sauron makes you a big honking army very readily, and fwiw you can make an evasive Changeling (like Changeling Outcast) your Army in place of a token. Grixis struggles a bit vs certain types of permanents, but you can certainly pressure people and have input as to what stays around.

Oh yeah, just thought of a bad idea I've never gotten around to testing, but you might be able to build Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip with all the Jeskai wipes you can find? Optimus can 'survive' a wipe, so as long as you can give him Haste somehow you can swing each turn vs a cleared board, wiping whenever anyone gets anything relevant out. Would it be obnoxious? Incredibly so. But I think it could work, especially since you have Red for various good Haste sources. You probably need lots of things to protect Optimus from Swords effects, including a smattering of Blue counters that are either free or cost {U} so you can hold them up.

Taking a look at other people's ideas, I support Karazikar and Breena, both seem like great fits!

SaberTech on The Charnel Army

1 month ago

I also like the idea of having Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Yargle and Multani in the deck to go along with the Lord of Extinction. It gives the deck a backup win condition outside of commander damage to help close out the game through a clogged up board.

I think another card worth considering is Titanoth Rex. Draw a card and permanently give your commander trample for just 2 mana while putting an 11 power body into the graveyard.

A lot of your creatures have 3 or more toughness so Elemental Bond/Tribute to the World Tree would be effects ways to draw more cards. Greater Good would also be a strong choice.

If you end up adding more sac effects as you develop the deck then Ghouls' Night Out might be a card worth considering. Being able to get up to 4 creatures for 5 mana is a good deal, even if they don't stick around after attacking with them. Sac them off for value or just don't attack so that you can make use of their abilities. If you end up reanimating Sepulchral Primordial as the card from your graveyard then that would end up being up to 7 creatures total for just 5 mana.

Noire_Samhain on The Charnel Army

1 month ago

That wasn't originally how I thought about using Entomb but I definitely would now lol. I imagine a lot of people focusing a lot on voltron-ing Coram getting through to deal damage. Most definitely on casual tables for sure. But both of those are very fun card ideas- thinking about it, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord would work as well alongside Flinging effects, since he just drains everyone.

baddabiiing on Prossh's Dastardly Bastard Children - Group Slug

7 months ago

Sweet deck! I like the mass drain strat, seems like it would be very effective if the table lets you live past turn 5. I know mine wouldn't! I highly recommend Furystoke Giant, Birthing Pod, and Phyrexian Altar, the first of which especially for your style of deck, the amount of damage you can get off that giant is pretty unreal especially if you're not pumping tokens to attack, which seems accurate for this deck. I also think you underrated Vicious Shadows, though it might be more redundant in your deck it can push out tons of damage and is great for taking out those pesky blue players. Orcish Bowmasters and Cryptolith Rite have also been all stars in my deck, I'd highly recommend at least testing them out. Hatred could also be a super fun way to get a surprise win off something like Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord. Thanks again for your comment on my deck, Prossh EDH Tokens/Sac, and I hope you like the suggestions!

legendofa on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

For my breakdown here, I'm focusing on characters who are villains in their story arc and characters who don't have much specific backstory. Pretty much any legendary creature can be flavored as a villain in front of the right deck. I'm also not focusing on the Forgotten Realms sets, I'm broadening the net.

What's available:

: Eldrazi or artifacts. Most of the artifacts are either hero-aligned or not an independent threat, like Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut. If you want a challenge, Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate, but I wouldn't, just for lack of depth.

: Villains are oddly centered on Old Kamigawa. Konda, Lord of Eiganjo is a near-immortal emperor and master duelist. Hokori, Dust Drinker is destroying resources and the land. And, of course, there's the apocalyptic, unrelenting evil that is Hazduhr the Abbot.

: Heidar, Rimewind Master is an elementalist fanatic. The manipulations of Orvar, the All-Form or Kami of the Crescent Moon could cause problems, as could a big sea creature like Tromokratis or Charix, the Raging Isle.

: Pretty much everyone. It's easier to count the people who aren't outright villains.

: Relatively few actual villains, but a bunch of manipulators, dragons, and angry people that could fill the role.

: A bunch of wild animals and nature types. No scheming villains, but a good selection of rampaging monsters. Meng Huo, Barbarian King would be a unique choice (if you're willing to.proxy or drop $150+).

: Polukranos Reborn  Flip is the most (only?) villainous character in these colors.

: Lots of options, from the behind-the-scenes manipulation of Lazav, Dimir Mastermind to the illithid Captain N'ghathrod, Gisa and Geralf's necromancer army, whatever Umbris, Fear Manifest is, and a lot more.

: A few options, but lots of depth in them. Insane biologist Momir Vig, Simic Visionary and his magnum opus Experiment Kraj, nature's avenger Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, or maybe Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait is flooding the area.

: A very deep and wide pool for villains. Vampires, demons, dragons, demon dragons, warlords, torturers...

: Grakmaw, Skyclave Ravager joins the ranks of the big scary monsters. A more calculating BBEG would probably be one of the death lords like Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord. Vhati il-Dal or Old Rutstein or probably more storyline villains than BBEG material.

: A very shallow pool. Storvald, Frost Giant Jarl, Rubinia Soulsinger, and maybe Falco Spara, Pactweaver or Katilda and Lier (mostly because of Lier) are the best options for an Archenemy villain. I'd throw Kros, Defense Contractor in, but goading is kind of limited when you're the Archenemy.

: This color set will probably be either a cold, distant, merciless villain or a manipulative puppet master. Raffine, Scheming Seer and Oloro, Ageless Ascetic fall into the first category, and Sen Triplets and The Ever-Changing 'Dane in the second. Varina, Lich Queen is another option for a zombie army.

: Big, angry, and violent, with some good dragons. Xira, the Golden Sting and Vazi, Keen Negotiator break out of this mold, but they strike me as more lieutenant-types, not arc villains by themselves.

: Not much; these tend to be either heroic or big smashy monsters. Uril, the Miststalker could work.

: Queen Marchesa is a classic, as you mentioned, and Edgar Markov is right there, too. Actually, this color set has some good depth and variety for an Archenemy. Some are more overtly villainous, and some are just very martial. My top picks would be Edgar, Licia, Sanguine Tribune, or Tariel, Reckoner of Souls.

: Mostly either weird esotericism or "nature's avenger" types. I don't think any of these are outright villainous in-story, but most of them have loose or vague stories. With the right deck, this could be a unique and interesting villain. Riku of Two Reflections is my top pick.

Four-color sets in general: Any of them would work, except for a couple of the .

: Use this color set if you want a truly apocalyptic feel. saluma mentioned Tiamat, which is a very good choice, and finding a way to get through Progenitus or O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami is a story of epic scale.

onlyjoking on Weak Sauce Graveyard

1 year ago

Consistency and Card Draw: Consider adding more ways to draw cards and increase the consistency of your deck. Cards like Sign in Blood, Night's Whisper, or Read the Bones can help you dig through your deck and find the pieces you need.

Graveyard Interaction: Since you're interested in utilizing the graveyard, consider including cards that interact with the graveyard directly. Cards like Grisly Salvage or Mulch can help fill your graveyard and provide additional resources.

Removal and Interaction: It's important to have ways to interact with your opponent's creatures and disrupt their strategy. Cards like Murderous Rider, Fatal Push, or Eliminate can help you remove threats from the board.

Mana Base: Ensure that your mana base is consistent and allows you to cast your spells on time. Consider adding dual lands like Overgrown Tomb, Woodland Cemetery, or Blooming Marsh if they are within your budget.

Synergistic Cards: Look for cards that synergize well with your strategy. Cards like Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord or Golgari Grave-Troll can help you further utilize your graveyard and provide additional threats.

Deck Size and Card Choices: Consider reducing your deck size to 60 cards for increased consistency. This will help you draw your key cards more frequently. Evaluate each card in your deck and ensure that it directly contributes to your strategy.

Dumannios on [Primer] Slimefoot and Squee's Corpse Catapult

1 year ago

Hey UltimateRoxas40!

I had the same thing, I just kept looking for that Jund deck that could scratch my graveyard itch. I tried Ziatora first but it was a bit lackluster, though in this deck it's an absolute beast. The deck has been an absolute blast to play since it just works out differently every time. The other day I killed the table with 18 damage from Cavalier of Flame dieing. Another game I won with the classic Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Lord of Extinction doing 48 damage. And another I just won with Bladewing, Deathless Tyrant and zombie tokens swarming the board.

Like it says in the primer my group has kind of avoided infinites for the most part. I've even ended up cutting Dockside Extortionist since it almost always could go infinite when it appeared. But if you intend to run some infinites I'd pitch Dockside Extortionist, Sprouting Thrinax, Pitiless Plunderer, Ruthless Technomancer and maybe also include Ashnod's Altar in addition to Phyrexian Altar(Which is already in) for infinite mana. Though for infinites I'd almost lean more into an aristocrats build rather than the stompy creatures since there's so much value to be had there.

I've considered Etali, Primal Conqueror  Flip briefly but it never made the cut because stealing wasn't something I was after with this deck (I already have 2 decks with quite a few steal effects in them) and I felt that the flip cost was too expensive compared to throwing in something big and dumb like Ghalta, Primal Hunger. Though admittedly I might give Etali a look again because Ghoulcaller Gisa has been kind of dissapointing, so the new Etali might get to fill that slot instead.

legendofa on Using ChatGPT to generate a …

1 year ago

To address this primer specifically:

"This is my Commander deck with a focus on utilizing the high power of the Commander to trigger effects that scale with a creature's power. The deck strategy revolves around four main themes:"

  • This is a good capture. The first sentence is a little unwieldy, but that's a style point rather than a content point.

Token Generation: The deck includes cards that can generate tokens based on the power of a creature. Examples include Fungal Sprouting and Ghoulcaller Gisa.

  • I count five cards that create tokens, and one of them doesn't create scaling tokens. In my opinion, four cards isn't a "main theme."

Card Draw: There are cards that allow the player to draw cards equal to a creature's power, such as Disciple of Bolas and Momentous Fall.

  • This is an okay comment. While it ties into the power scaling, the act of drawing isn't a main theme. It's card advantage, but it doesn't rely on drawing the way Queza, Augur of Agonies does.

Power/Toughness Manipulation: Some cards create creatures whose power and/or toughness are based on the power of another creature. For example, Miming Slime creates an ooze token with power and toughness equal to the power of the creature with the greatest power among creatures you control.

  • This comment is somewhat inaccurate. It gets the closest to the core "power matters" theme, but P/T manipulation as I interpret it isn't present. P/T isn't being manipulated, just tracked. The rest of this point is redundant with the first "main theme."

Life Gain/Loss: Some cards in the deck, such as Essence Harvest and Rite of Consumption, can cause a player to gain or lose life equal to a creature's power.

  • This is a fine capture, if somewhat underdeveloped.

This deck also has a good amount of recursion and removal cards, along with cheap ramp to ensure that the commander can come out as early as turn 4. For instance, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Hell's Caretaker can bring creatures back from the graveyard, and Beast Within and Sever the Bloodline can deal with problematic permanents on the opponent's side of the field. For ramp, the deck includes staples like Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, and a suite of mana dorks (Elvish Mystic, Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves) and land fetch cards (Sakura-Tribe Elder, Wayfarer's Bauble).

  • The formatting in this section is good, but Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord's ability is misinterpreted. Again, the substance is kind of missing, basically saying "These are cards that are in this deck" without describing how or when to use them. What is a "problematic permanent" for this deck? What creatures would you want to recur?
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