Beetleform Mage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Beetleform Mage

Creature — Human Insect Wizard

{G}{U}: Beetleform Mage gets +2/+2 and gains flying until end of turn. Activate this ability only once each turn.

Alkadron on Exponential Growth

7 years ago

Vraska - Vorel can't double the counters on Planeswalkers. I still like Kiora in this deck, but the only way to user her -8 ability right after you cast her is Doubling Season.

Winterblast - All of your suggestions are terrible and you should feel bad. (Except Crystalline Crawler, that's fine.) Why do you hate fun?

Arikarin - Mostly I agree with Vraska; you need a lot more mana. Try to run at least 38 lands, and get some more mana rocks. The very best Mana Rocks for you are Everflowing Chalice and Astral Cornucopia, 'cause they can get really out of hand really fast with Vorel. I also run a Pentad Prism - it just a Crystalline Crawler without a body, it's pretty nice.

Also look into more utility Graft Cards. Vigean Graftmage is really silly with Vorel. Sage of Fables and Zameck Guildmage each do serious work for you.

Mostly I think you need to take out a bunch of cards that are... sort of just terrible?

Good luck!

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on WE ARE THE GLORIOUS FUTURE

8 years ago

Crafting your decklist with the evolve mechanic in mind is a great take on a Simic EDH deck. However, since Ezuri is very much a build-around-me commander, there are some specific questions you need to ask yourself for each and every card:

Question #1: Does it not also benefit from, but also synergize with, +1/+1 counters?

Technically, the evolve mechanic is counterintuitive to Ezuri's +1/+1 counter-stacking ability, but cards like Experiment One, Gyre Sage, and Simic Manipulator who have counter-related abilities benefit from the extra boost. Other cards that have silly combinations with +1/+1 counters are Sage of Hours (obviously), Fathom Mage, Mycoloth, Champion of Lambholt, Forgotten Ancient, Chasm Skulker, and Crystalline Crawler.

Question #2: If it has power 2 or less, does it have a relevant ability?

Just because it can trigger Ezuri's ability doesn't necessarily mean the card is fit for EDH. If it's an evolve creature, keep it for your deck's theme, especially if it has a powerful ability. Card considerations in this category would be Cold-Eyed Selkie, Hornet Queen, Blighted Agent, Mulldrifter, Vorel of the Hull Clade, Eternal Witness, Coiling Oracle, Trygon Predator, Mystic Snake, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Solemn Simulacrum, Reclamation Sage, and Thrasios, Triton Hero.

Underpowered cards to cut:Beetleform Mage, Bond Beetle, Frilled Oculus, Mist Intruder, Nimbus Swimmer, Palace Familiar, Reverent Hunter, Sandsteppe Scavenger, Scourge of Skola Vale, Sidisi's Faithful, Verdurous Gearhulk, Vinelasher Kudzu, Dromoka's Gift, Hydroform, Lead by Example, Unnatural Aggression, Slip Through Space, Bonds of Mortality, Retreat to Coralhelm, Cranial Archive, and Verdant Haven.

Beetleform and Oculus's abilities aren't relevant enough to keep, Reverent Hunter and Kudzu both suffer from the problem of vanilla big creatures that don't really synergize with Ezuri, Mist Intruder isn't good in traditionally multiplayer EDH, Swimmer and Scavenger are too expensive, Beetle is cute but doesn't do enough, Palace Familiar might be worth keeping if you absolutely need card draw, but it's pretty weak otherwise, and Sidisi's Faithful is too slow and bad in multiplayer. Skola Vale uses +1/+1 counters, but it's not terribly good. I ran Gearhulk in my decklist for a short period of time, but if you aren't running proliferation or ways to make the spreading out of the counters relevant, it's not worth it. Dromoka's Gift is too expensive for its lack of control, Lead by Example is too weak, Hydroform makes a land vulnerable to removal for a turn, Unnatural Aggression is too expensive, Slip and Bonds are alright but there are more powerful options (Aqueous Form and Arcane Lighthouse), Retreat doesn't help your gameplan, Cranial Archive should only be played if there is a mill or graveyard deck in your meta, and Verdant Haven is outclassed by better cards (Utopia Sprawl/Fertile Ground).

Powerful cards to add:Cold-Eyed Selkie, Mycoloth, Champion of Lambholt, Gyre Sage, Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, Hornet Queen, Blighted Agent, Mosswort Bridge, Forgotten Ancient, Mulldrifter, Eternal Witness, Trygon Predator, Prime Speaker Zegana, Mystic Snake, Swiftfoot Boots, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Simic Signet, Krosan Grip, Solemn Simulacrum, Chasm Skulker, Kodama's Reach, and Reclamation Sage.

Eilel on

8 years ago

Love your idea of the challenge you and your friend make. I'll be introducing this to my playgroup as well!

For your sideboard you may consider:- Bayou Dragonfly for some easy evasion. - Caustic Caterpillar as easy enchantment/artifact removal- Rust Scarab if it becomes blocked you have more removal

Beetleform Mage is a very strong card, but you'd need splash for blue.

Deadbridge Goliath is a solid body for it's mana cost and can do graveyard shenanigans in the late game.

Living Hive almost does the same as Giant Adephage but instead it makes small tokens

gMontanher on Simic Evolve

8 years ago

In my humble opinion I think you should replace Crookclaw Transmuter to Beetleform Mage. Why? Because the transmuter is too situational while the mage is a strong beater.

multimedia on

9 years ago

PumpkinMuffins, great deck with a really creative combo. +1

A card that I think would really help your overall strategy is Thousand-Year Elixir. Elixir allows you to use the Bracers + Tidewater combo the turn Tidewater is played because it gives haste to Tidwater. Letting you tap him for his ability. Elixir also can untap a creature which is also nice with Azami, Lady of Scrolls.

Doing a quick search here for Simic Wizards shows quite a few. I searched for Simic Wizards because they can do two things which are good for your deck. Triggering both Momir's abilities with one creature and having great interaction with Azami.

Here are the other Simic Wizards:

You're already using a side strategy with Hydras which care about +1/+1 counters while also including Lorescale Coatl and Nimbus Swimmer. Most of the Simic Wizards care about +1/+1 counters which can really strengthen this strategy.

Adding these Wizards as well as some other excellent Simic creatures like Mystic Snake, Trygon Predator and Bounding Krasis also makes Murkfiend Liege much more powerful as well as getting the best use of Momir's ability.

Good luck with your deck.

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