Murkfiend Liege

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Murkfiend Liege

Creature — Horror

Other green creatures you control get +1/+1.

Other blue creatures you control get +1/+1.

Untap all green and/or blue creatures you control during each other player's untap step.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Our turn!!!?? Dork Tribal

1 month ago

You might want to try out Murkfiend Liege and/or Drumbellower.

king-saproling on Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

4 months ago

This list looks great, definitely a good pairing of commanders. Personally I would make these swaps:

Tishana, Voice of Thunder -> The Great Henge
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite -> Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar
Masako the Humorless -> Errant, Street Artist
Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist -> Second Harvest
Selvala, Explorer Returned -> Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
The Second Doctor -> Patron of the Orochi
Rhystic Study -> Murkfiend Liege
Heroes' Podium -> Sakashima the Impostor
Swiftfoot Boots -> Sakashima of a Thousand Faces
Neoform -> Awakening
Beast Within -> Sundering Growth

Some others you might like: Wake the Reflections, Phyrexian Metamorph, Idol of Oblivion

Gidgetimer on I have a Cloudfin Raptor …

5 months ago

There is never a time that Murkfiend Liege is on the battlefield and Cloudfin Raptor is not a 4/5. So evolve will not trigger.

Rasaru on Merfolks Counting

8 months ago

If I were to only look at your pending deliveries, I'd make the following changes.

Empress Galina --> Lord of Atlantis

Kumena's Speaker --> Master of the Pearl Trident

Shaper Apprentice --> Realmwalker

Storm Sculptor --> Merfolk Skydiver

Rootwater Diver --> Svyelun of Sea and Sky

Lotus Blossom --> Hadana's Climb  Flip

Afiya Grove --> Utopia Sprawl

Thornwood Falls --> Flooded Grove

Vivid Grove --> Rejuvenating Springs

Littjara Mirrorlake --> Dreamroot Cascade

Quandrix Campus --> Windswept Heath

Battlegrowth --> Barkchannel Pathway  Flip

Once you make some additional updates and clean up your maybe list (I see some cards there that are also in your main board), I'll be happy to take another look! However, some other cards you should consider (that I don't see in either list) are Emperor Mihail II, Murkfiend Liege, Simic Ascendancy, Kindred Discovery, and Guardian Project. A more more expensive card option could be The Ozolith, but I'd wait on that to see if you like how the deck plays after some changes.

NV_1980 on Fish, Inc.

1 year ago

Would it make sense to add Seedborn Muse in here, as redundancy next to Murkfiend Liege? Great additional benefit of Muse is that she also untaps your lands.

enpc on Utopian Prosperity

2 years ago

So as a bit of a follow up from your forum post about tapped lands, I thought I would leave a comment here which will hopefuilly give you some insights into what I was talking about.

Looking at your list, your average CMC is (at the time of writing this) 3.85, which is rather high. But on top of that, if you look at hte shaper of the curve, you'll see that the deck is very light on before 3 CMC. This means that the deck doesn't really have much to do in the first few turns of the game which then means it's slower when you're trying to play bigger threats late game. Not to mention you're running a bunch of counterspells which in turn slows down your plays. Additionally, you have cards like Seedborn Muse and Murkfiend Liege which both thrive on playing as many sources that you can tap for mana as possible.

Then on top of that, you're running enough anthem effects (as well effects that put +1/+1 counters on creatures), meaning that lat game you can actually turn things like mana dorks into quite substantially threatening creatures. Combine this with the fact that you're running 38 lands, you could cut some of the more 'bait cards' from your deck as well as one or two lands (36 will be enough if you can pull your mana curve down) and add a few additional dorks. On top of that, you're using cards like Aura Shards which heavily rely on having lots of creatures to play. With only 25 creatures in your deck (which is not a high number), aura shards wil ldo less work overall than something like Return to Nature as Shards has more chance of being blown up before you even get to use it. Or you sit on it until you draw an additional creature which undermines its function.

Adding cards like Birds of Paradise, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Llanowar Elves and Noble Hierarch will help provide you with turn 1 plays which will in turn give you access to bigger creatures faster, meaning less reliance on playing stall cards while you establish a foothold. Additionally, cards like Rishkar, Peema Renegade will synergise nicely with both untap effects and +1/+1 counter effects. Cards like Thran Dynamo here are a trap - you have a lot of very hard costed cards and honestly this would do much more work as either something like Cultivate or Nature's Lore / Farseek. No, it's not as much mana but it's not colourless mana and again, it's ramp that's not competing with beaters for the same CMC.

Teferi is basically a better Vedalken Orrery as he has flash himself. Replacing Orrery with something like Eladamri's Call will add much more value to the deck, as you can get Teferi if you want flash but can get you a beater if you want something else.

Cards like Bow of Nylea will also do more work here than Elixir of Immortality. It gives you the same life triggers, but also leans into the theme of the deck much more. And unlike Elixir, bow can be used over and over. Don't get me wrong, I really like Elixir, but I find it's much more relevant in decks that want to play combo draw loops (think infinite mana Thrasios, Triton Hero).

If it's within your price range, cards like Dragonlord Dromoka are straight up going to do much more work than Treva, the Renewer. Treva's ability gains life, yes, but it constantly requires mana input and then requires you to have a boardstate, which puts it in the win-more category. Dromoka is just a really hard to stop beater and defends you on your turns. Additionally, if you're going to add non-lifelink lifegain effects, you probably want something you can activate over and over for small chunks of life rather than one big hit, as this synergises better with Archangel of Thune. Remember, lifegain for the sake of ligefain is usually not that good - you want to do something with said life so leaning into synergistic effects will help make the deck stronger overall.

Anyway, that's some thoughts on it. I can talk to the points more if you have questions however this should be a good starting point. As with all this advice as well, you have to build your deck how you want to, however there are some defininte things you can do to amke your deck a lot faster while still holding onto the same spirit of the deck.

multimedia on Im new to this

2 years ago

Hey, well done for being new, for less than $50 you put together a deck and included many untappers which are good with Garth. Interesting Wizard subtheme with Azami.

These are all staple budget cards in Commander and other than Sol the other cards are rainbow ramp/color fixing for five colors.

You lack a win condition, a game plan to win the game. Jeskai Ascendancy can combo with Retraction Helix + Sol Ring or Everflowing Chalice to make all creatures you control as big as you want, loot (draw/discard) as much of your deck as you want and Sol makes extra colorless mana.

When you control Ascendancy target Garth with Helix. If you control Sol then tap it to make two colorless mana and tap Garth to return Sol to your hand. Cast Sol for one mana which triggers Ascendancy to untap Garth and repeat. Use this combo to make Garth huge to attack. Regrowth cast from Garth can recur Helix to make this combo repeatable.

Unblockable is a powerful ability to give a high power Commander since you only have to do 21 Commander damage to a player for them to lose the game. Whirler Rogue's activated ability can make Garth unblockable and Whirler is a creature who benefits from blink to create more Thopters.

Consider expanding on blink with more repeatable sources? Teleportation Circle is good, but more repeatable blink will give you more chances to reset Garth and since you have so many untappers that's kind of important to get more out of Garth especially with Jeskai Ascendancy and Murkfiend Liege. Soulherder can repeatedly blink Garth at your end step. Brago, King Eternal can repeatedly blink Garth when it attacks and does combat damage to a player. When this happens Brago triggers to blink any amount of nonland permanents you control which includes Garth as well as any creatures who have an enter the battlefield trigger.

An effect that's good with Garth, blink and untappers is haste, to be able to tap Garth the same turn he enters the battlefield (ETB). Temur Ascendancy gives Garth haste as well as repeatable draw since Garth and Shivan Dragon have more than 4 power. With Ascendancy and blink from Soulherder right after Garth ETB then you can tap him to cast any one of the three instant options: Disenchant, Terror or Braingeyser. Only one of these three because you're blinking Garth at your end step which is not a main phase.

Brago, King Eternal's blink is different since it happens at the end of combat meaning that at your second main phase if Garth has haste he can tap to cast any of the options including the sorcery speed options: Black Lotus, Regrowth or Shivan Dragon.

If interested I offer more advice in another comment. Good luck with your deck.

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