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Followed Footsteps
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
At the beginning of your upkeep, put a token into play that's a copy of enchanted creature.

Rakious07 on
Upkeep Upkeep get your upkeep here
10 months ago
Some Suggestions Blood Tyrant, Court of Ambition, Court of Ire, Dominus of Fealty, Dragonmaster Outcast, Followed Footsteps, Twilight Prophet, Wildfire Devils, Plargg and Nassari, The Ruinous Powers, Nassari, Dean of Expression Flip
Rhadamanthus on Does copying Moritte of the …
1 year ago
If the original Moritte of the Frost didn't copy anything (and you're keeping it alive with a Gaea's Anthem or something), yes. If the original Moritte entered as a copy of something else, then no.
A key thing to know is that if something is a copy, the results of that copy effect will become the copiable values for that object if something else wants to copy it. This means, for example, if you use Clone to copy Runeclaw Bear, making another copy of that Clone will give you another Runeclaw Bear, not another Clone.
In your example, if Moritte didn't copy anything as it entered the battlefield, then its copiable values will still be all of its printed text, and any copies created by Followed Footsteps etc. can use the printed abilities to become copies of other things as they enter. However, if Moritte copied a Runeclaw Bear, then its copiable values are being a Runeclaw Bear that's a "Legendary Snow Creature - Bear" with changeling and base P/T 2/2 (having +1/+1 counters isn't copiable). Any copies of that will be the same thing, and you'll run into the legend rule since you'll end up with multiple legendary permanents with the same name.
BlotBokt on Does copying Moritte of the …
1 year ago
I'm wondering if I have a copy of Moritte of the Frost on the battlefield just as a creature, and I have something that copies it, say, a Followed Footsteps or another clone effect, because I can have Moritte enter as something else, would I be able to copy another permanent I control without falling under the legend rule?
lagotripha on
2 years ago
Forsaken monument and sun are exactly the kind of payoff cards that you should be looking for - stuff that cares about your creatures, draws cards and makes more mana.
Myr propogator is a weird one - I've run cloning effects with Followed Footsteps and Cogwork Assembler type effects, which can be strong, but they mostly need something else to make them great.
Propagator is a little slower than them due to the tap + cost, but also a little more resilient due to both myr having the tap effects. If you were shooting for a Myr Galvanizer combo deck propagator will works as a payoff, with a backup where you were sacrificing tokens to trade for cards on a stalled boardstate, or perhaps were generating tons of mana with a myr Priest of Titania (if they print more myr support) it might be great, but it just needs a lot of other cards to work - haste for the tap cost, 3 mana for the price, ands its still a 1/1.
Short of shenaigans with something like Dollhouse of Horrors Necrotic Ooze or Mindlink Mech, I'm not a fan. It just takes a lot of cards to make paying 3 mana for a 1/1 artifact token to be good.
GregariousG on
You Wouldn't Download A Spell | *Primer*
2 years ago
To MonsterMacRat,
Thanks! As for Progenitor Mimic, it was in the first list. However, Clones has the problem of being a "feel bad" card if there is nothing valuable to clone. I've found myself cuttting clones for more impactful cards. Just like Followed Footsteps, Mimic is one of the better clones that can get out of hand. However, I'm not sure if this is what I want to be doing at . Progenitor Mimic is in the conversation, though.
Tsukimi on Feedback Requested! Tsukimi Moon's Mirror
2 years ago
FormOverFunction Yes like Croaking Counterpart which is also in the deck! This is a great idea, and I love the flavor.
enpc Couldn't agree more, had a lot of those same thoughts myself about how few things can populate AND make a token. The ability needs to be weaker to feel more fair/fun and copying only my creatures is a good start.
The reason I hesitate is because it is a bit of a "steal by making my own copies" deck with clone cards, and making token copies of my clones, or there's a few cards that can make tokens of any creature. (Formoverfunction was right on the money with the Croaking Counterpart reference, also Rite of Replication, Followed Footsteps, and cards like Progenitor Mimic and Theoretical Duplication ) This helps the deck have more randomness/variety/less linear gameplay instead of just playing my own strong pieces and copying them.
Progenitor Mimic was actually the card that originally inspired this whole deck. I am brainstorming ways to make this card a bit more fun and maybe less strong. I like both of your ideas, but I am going to mess around with some other ideas and repost. I want to see if I can keep the populate ability and maybe mess around with Embalm or Encore, maybe life gain when creatures ETB... but keep it bant. Something more fun and maybe less strong- but I wouldn't be surprised to come back to this design though.
WebbofLies on
Hurricane: The Swirling Storm (Kairi EDH)
2 years ago
KBK7101 I’m glad you like it!! I’ve gotten in a few games with it and it’s definitely a blast to play!
Keiga, the Tide Star was on my original list, and I’m definitely considering slotting it in. Voltron is also a quite viable strategy here, and I am definitely finding a spot for Runechanter's Pike! It works perfectly with the theme and artifact synergies. Thank you for the idea!
The newer cards from Capenna are certainly intriguing, and I like that Extravagant Replication is a better Followed Footsteps, but it’s a bit clunky here. The same is true for most Clones. Blue has a really hard time getting creatures and enchantments OUT of the yard, and once they are milled or killed they’re basically gone for good.
That said, these cards are certainly viable for a Kairi list, and the sheer number of clone effects makes this deck crazy easy to adjust to fit different power levels and themes.
Deathstroke2791 on
Tomorrow, the Dark Toad
2 years ago
When does Followed Footsteps really ever become relevant? It seems to me like you have so much draw, you should never be out of cards in hand to be able to activate this. If you're in that posistion, I dont think Followed Footsteps is going to help all that much. Looks like a fun build. I also feel like there are better things than Sphinx of Lost Truths that would still be on theme for you.
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