Barkhide Troll

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Barkhide Troll

Creature — Troll

Barkhide Troll enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it.

, Remove a +1/+1 counter from Barkhide Troll: Barkhide Troll gains hexproof until end of turn. (It can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)

StoryArcher on Woodland's Wrath

1 year ago

Small tweak, but I'd include 4x of both Experiment One and Pelt Collector and only 2x Young Wolf, unless there is another card you like better there - maybe an extra Rancor and another Barkhide Troll, for instance.

Apollo_Paladin on Steroids Taste Good

1 year ago

Nice build!

This reminds me of a Green/White deck which I built specifically to run off of +1/+1 counter generation.

I myself went with Hardened Scales as a primary 1-drop & I think it could fit well with your build, as I also use Luminarch Aspirant as a means of building things up.

My method was to use Hardened Scales as a first-turn drop (sometimes even second turn drop, since I run 4 of them) as well as 4x Conclave Mentor, and then play creatures which come in with counters already (See: Servant of the Scale, Barkhide Troll, Ochre Jelly, Mikaeus, the Lunarch).

Few other thoughts:

  • Hydra's Growth can make for a nice finisher in any +1/+1 counter-based deck
  • Snakeskin Veil is a better alternative to your Arbor Armament since it can protect a creature with many counters already on it
  • Basri's Solidarity combo's amazingly well with Hardened Scales and Conclave mentor, and overall is more powerful than some of the other Sorceries that you're currently running.
  • Incubation Druid provides silly amounts of mana early-on provided you can get a counter on him (easy combo for mana ramp)
  • Charge Through is a nice workaround for decks which have many blockers, as without Trample, even the strongest creature can still be blocked. This fires at Instant-speed as well, so it can be used as a finisher against an opponent hoping to block a large creature with a weenie blocker.

legendofa on my mutating pony [SUPER BUDGET]

2 years ago

midee I'm going support the Gladecover Scout (budget) and/or Slippery Bogle (more flexible). They're one mana and they always have hexproof, and the stats can get overwritten later by the Trumpeting Gnarr or Auspicious Starrix while retaining the constant hexproof. The Barkhide Troll is a good backup, since it includes the self-buff, but it can still be sniped by instants.

owenger on my mutating pony [SUPER BUDGET]

2 years ago

Why not instead of the Dive Down's just take a hexproof creature to mutate onto? Like Slippery Bogle or Gladecover Scout, Invisible Stalker, Barkhide Troll or Paradise Druid. This might leave you more cards for removal or card draw :)

wallisface on mono green beatdown

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • mono green stompy wants to come out fast, and come out swinging. My main concern is that your deck is quite slow & clumsy, with lots of mana dorks and lots of very-high-costing cards which are going to gum up your hand.

  • Some cards, like Colossal Dreadmaw, are just bad. Regardless of how casual you’re playing, this card is never worth it.

  • I would suggest ditching all 12 of your mana dorks, as well as Dreadmaw, to get some more aggressive low cmc creatures into the deck. I would also suggest dropping Stonecoil Serpent (it’s not great for stompy/aggro), and limit yourself to no-more than 2-copies each of Ghalta, Primal Hunger and Khalni Hydra (drawing multiple will make for bad, hard to play hands)

  • Creatures you should consider replacing the above with include: Avatar of the Resolute, Barkhide Troll, Experiment One, Pelt Collector, Steel Leaf Champion, Strangleroot Geist, and Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig

  • Overwhelming Stampede is too slow a card, and often overkill. I would suggest running Aspect of Hydra instead, as it can get you wins much, much faster, and more reliably. You should also consider Rancor as another noncreature option.

  • Stompy/aggro has no real reason to run Utopia Sprawl imo. Also, 24 lands feels very excessive. Most mono-green stompy decks are generally looking to run around 18 (maybe 20 at a push).

There are a lot of existing decks built in modern for mono-green-stompy, including budget-builds. Have a google of “modern mono green stompy” should yield a ton of results to help you with your brew

PhocusEnergy on Steel-Leaf Company

3 years ago

I hadn't seen this spoiler before, absolutely 4 of easy, like you said a 3/3 that gives us GG devotion early, starts drawing us cards (a major shortcoming of this deck), and becomes a bit bigger with trample when our Castle Garenbrig s or Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx start to come online. This most likely just replaces Barkhide Troll , and probably knocks Avatar of the Resolute down to 3 since it doesn't trigger Avatar's pump ability the way Troll did. WotC giving this list some incredible love with this card.

TriusMalarky on Budget Mono Green Agro for FNM

3 years ago

I definitely prefer Aspect of Hydra over the 2 Blossoming Defense , to be honest. While Defense isn't bad, Aspect is just so good, and it can easily add 5 or 6 damage for a single mana, which can give you some really quick kills.

I'm not a fan of Wrap in Vigor , I don't think you ever want to be holding up two mana to prevent a wrath when you can instead just not play any more creatures. Realistically, 5+ power on board is scary to anyone, and they're forced to either find a way to stop combat or kill your creatures.

Also, when building your sideboard, think of what you're cutting for each card. For example, you'd probably cut Champion or Avatar to pull in 2 Scooze and 2 Weather against an aggro list. With that in mind, I'd rather have Reclamation Sage as your artifact/enchantment hate because it switches for Steel Leaf perfectly, and continues your board state building while other cards won't.

Or Thrun -- you don't have any other 4 mana card maindeck. As such, he's not great to side in. Dungrove Elder , Great Sable Stag , Barkhide Troll , Bassara Tower Archer are all better options, but they depend on your meta. You'd run Dungrove on default because it grows, Stag if counterspells, merfolk decks, or black creature decks are a problem, and the other two(which slot in for stuff like Avatar instead of Champion) if you need them to come down earlier.

Those are my thoughts for now, but I gtg so I guess I'll talk more later.

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