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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Scarecrow


(2), Untap: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.

Mortlocke on water proof deck (v.3.0)

1 month ago


I can see that you are starting a Primer, in case you don't have them I suggest the following resource: Epochalyptik's Do you want to write a primer? I've found it useful and hope you do as well. So, first things first I have some questions:

  1. What decks do you intend to play with using this deck? Do you want to play in a High Powered pod with degenerate spells like Mana Drain, Force of Will, Winter Orb and the like? Or is this a pod with lower power?

  2. What's the budget with this deck? Is it to be in the same mold as an upgraded precon?

  3. How do you want to win?

I saw your comments on the Advertise your deck forum, and I can see that you wish to add more draw and more control. In regards to draw I can see that Rhystic Study was suggested before and you have budgetary concerns - there is always the option to proxy. If your playgroup allows it of course.

Possible subthemes/Wincons to consider outside of Voltron: - A flicker (exile a permanent then return it to the battlefield end of turn) subtheme may be an interesting direction to go with this deck. There are numerous options to go with in blue and including creatures such as Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, Scourge of Fleets, Archaeomancer, Spark Double, and Spellseeker to use and abuse their enter the battlefield effects.

Honorable Mentions for fun Control/Card Advantage effects:

  • Aven Courier - this guy helps your commander do more of what it likes to do. You should try and slot him in.
  • Stormtide Leviathan - this guy can stop combat damage from reaching you for a time
  • Faerie Mastermind - fun little taxing effects like this are great because it guarantees card advantage
  • Wavebreak Hippocamp - given your deck has a lot of interaction it's likely you could keep up your tempo with this guy out

Kozelek on Trazyn the infinite combo guy

3 months ago

@capwner thanks for the props on Farmstead Gleaner I know most people rely on Pili-Pala for infinite mana but I wanted something that most people would not automatically realize was part of the win-con, as well as redundancies in case of graveyard removal I have back up plans to my back up plans. Disciples of Gix is awesome for this deck regardless of reanimation or not

Dabsolux on Pauper and PDH combos

9 months ago

I would like to create a list of all Pauper and PDH deck combos. Most of them are created by NateDiggity7 (Moxfield) and PenguinPete (MTG Salvation). Here some:

BG - Golgari

BR - Rakdos

C - Colorless

G - Green

RG - Gruul

UBG - Sultai

UB - Dimir

UG - Simic

URG - Temur

U - Blue

WB - Orzhov

WG - Selesnya

WR - Boros

WUB - Esper

WU - Azorius


BR - Rakdos

BG - Golgari

U - Blue

UR - Izzet

G - Green

UG - Simic

W - White

WG - Selesnya

Quickspell on Build a Deck with Me …

10 months ago

I’m thinking about what other cards can combo with Ghired.

A combo usually has the drawback that it’s single pieces don’t do anything by themselves. So ideally you want combos that work with your Commander and are synergetic by themselves.

Here is an idea.

Pili-Pala can tap with Ghired to copy any token, and for you can untap it to gain one mana of any color.

Illusionist's Bracers will copy any activated ability as long as it doesn’t create mana. In this deck especially, this card is great as it works with your Commander and any other creature that has received your Commander‘s ability to basically act as a token doubler.

Now, if you equip Pili-Pala with the Bracers, and if you made a treasure and a clue token this turn (which isn’t inconceivable in this deck), you can now do the following:

  1. Tap Pili-Pala to create two copies of the treasure.
  2. Use those treasures to untap Pili-Pala and gain one mana of any Color
  3. Repeat this process any number of times to gain any number of coloured mana.
  4. Move on to tap Pili-Pala to create two copies of the Clue token.
  5. Use your infinite floating mana to untap Pili-Pala (and generate more mana).
  6. Repeat this process to create any number of Clue tokens.
  7. Use your infinite floating mana to crack those Clues and draw your entire deck.
  8. Use your infinite floating mana to cast any number of spells from your hand.

I just came up with the combo while waiting for my food, but I think should work.

You could also use Ashnod's Altar. This card usually is great in creature token decks, as it, too, is useful by itself.

In this case you can use Pili-Pala to create a copy of a creature token. Sac that token to the altar to get . Use this mana to untap Pili-Pala and generate one mana of any color.

Repeat this to generate an infinite amount of mana. Then proceed to copy a Clue token. Since you have infinite mana in your pool, you can keep untapping Pili-Pala and keep creating Clue tokens. You can then go on to crack them and draw and cast everything.

NV_1980 on Xander's Nightmare Roulette

1 year ago

So next to the milling and destruction themes there also seems to be somewhat of a combo subtheme in this deck with cards like Diregraf Colossus, Gravecrawler, Pili-Pala, Master Transmuter, etc. I'm wondering how effective this is going to be. For instance, by themselves the cards Gravecrawler, Phyrexian Altar and Diregraf Colossus aren't going to do that much for you. You need ALL of them to pull off an infinite zombie (and mana) combo. Is this the only reason why all three are in here? It would make more sense to me if one of the major themes in your deck was zombies. Then each of these cards would synergize well with the remainder of your deck.

For a similar reason, I don't understand what Akroma's Memorial is doing in here. Your deck isn't very creature- and/or token focused. Wouldn't an additional mill-spell or mill-benefit be more effective (or both, like Breach the Multiverse)?

king-saproling on Uncle Unctus

2 years ago

Urza, Lord High Artificerfoil could work well considering Unc can turn creatures into artifacts. He pops off with Pemmin's Aura and Freed from the Real.

Other cards that might be worth considering: Pili-Pala, Grand Architect, Illusionist's Bracers, Clock of Omens, Gush, Isochron Scepter, Drake Haven, Opposition, Wharf Infiltrator, Ashnod's Altar, Teferi's Ageless Insight

Delphen7 on The Technomancer 【Trazyn, the Infinite CEDH】

2 years ago

zAzen7977 Glad you like it :D

In my testing thus far, barring interaction, it usually plays Trazyn t2-t3 and wins the following turn.

  • Between the lines being somewhat unintuitive and being able to win on top of interaction, the deck is hard to interrupt.

In general

  • Interaction before we're set up hurts, but there are so many ramp effects we can usually pay command tax once or twice before getting truly stuck.
  • Counterspells/removal on nonTrazyn cards usually don't matter as it just sets us up better to combo (ie an opponent counters a Mana Vault while we're sitting on a Pili-Pala kind of thing).

That said:


  • These are pretty bad if they're aimed at Trazyn, but between discard, spells that draw counters (like Oppo Agent) and a lack of knowledge about his power, I usually see them deployed on the wrong cards.
  • I play online (and thus against random people), but if you wanted to run this in a dedicated pod, more hand check would probably be good over Rocket Launcher and a couple other duplicate combo pieces to help clear the way for Trazyn once others know what's up.


  • Stax is an interesting matchup. They can usually shut us out of comboing pretty quickly, but Trazyn is a 4/6 deathtouch, and the deck runs many big critters, so I can usually beat them to death and immediately win at instant speed.
  • If anyone ever kills the stax pieces stopping us Trazyn can combo over anything opponents could do given we have Farmstead Gleaner or Pili-Pala. Even if we don't it's unlikely anyone has multiple piece of removal after removing stax pieces.
  • It is worth noting that Drannith Magistrate and Collector Ouphe completely shut us down, but other common pieces are blank cardboard (like Grafdigger's Cage).


  • As it's CEDH you don't really see much removal, but Patchwork Gnomes, Welding Jar and multiple haste effects mitigate what little there is
  • If he is removed, it's usually pretty easy to recast Trazyn given how many ramp cards in the deck.


  • This is probably the worst matchup. If an opponent goes off before Trazyn is set up, there's nothing we can do about it. I usually hope that another opponent has interaction.
  • Amusingly, Brain Freeze wins us the game if Trazyn is on the field, but Thoracle lines usually end poorly.
  • When using discard to fish out counterspells, I try to target blue black players over other blue players to try and mitigate the risk of dying to Thoracle/Consultation if casting Trazyn goes poorly.

I think of the couple dozen games I've played thus far, my only losses were to a t2 Thoracle/Consultation, Gitrog with Collector Ouphe on the battlefield, a Chisei, Heart of Oceans playing way too many counterspells, and a wild game where no one drew anything until t30ish.

The best comparison for this deck is probably Turbo K'rrik. On average this list is slightly slower than K'rrik, but more resilient and less familiar, which gives us a slightly better game against interactive decks.

This was a lot, but I hope it answers your question!

mrwilson6488 on Ever Adaptive Artifacts

2 years ago


No worries at all! I’m terrible at the game sometimes too, which is why I turn to you guys for help! :)

So after generating infinite mana with Pili-Pala and Grand Architect one can then summon and sacrifice Breya and one of her thopters infinitely to either deal infinite damage, -4/-4 to creatures or gain 5 life infinitely.

I think Phyrexian Altar could be great if an only if I include Training Grounds so I can pull off the combos. I thought about Training Grounds and decided not to include it since it can’t reduce the costs to less than one; therefore only affecting Breya and reducing the cost by 1. Do you think it’s worth it to include Phyrexian Altar given that the combo can’t go off without Training Grounds? I suppose at worst, it’s still a great way to get mana out of thopters to get through the deck.

Lastly, when I have the time, I’ll try to turn this page into a Primer with instructions and possible combos to make it easier for others to follow and provide suggestions.

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