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Zur Cycle Control 2.0

Commander / EDH*




Refining the deck:

Right now I want add 1-2 cycling cards for consistency's sake. I just realized that the cycling dual lands Irrigated Farmland and Fetid Pools have the basic land types. This makes Shoreline Ranger that much better. The 2nd cycling card I want to add is Rebuild to at least have a single option against weird artifact combo decks. Another idea is actually cutting some cyclers and rely more on card draw to find my cycling spells. For now I think the deck will lose a lot of its flow and become clunky and harder to manage than this version, but it is worth a shot to learn more about how this deck functions.

Other great blinkers to add to the deck are Duplicant and Fiend Hunter, though Fiend Hunter is only good when Astral Slide is out.

Cycling spells that cost 1 mana to cycle are way stronger in this version of the deck than 2 mana cyclers, even though the might not have a 2nd modus. Worst cyclers in this deck are probably Expunge , Lay Claim, Forsake the Worldly , Jhessian Zombies , Miscalculation , Radiant's Judgment , Rapid Decay . There are also two cyclers that rarely are cycled in Decree of Pain and Decree of Silence.Their main modus (non-cycling modus) are pretty strong though, and may warrant their inclusion in the deck. If I am going to cut any 1 mana cyclers it would have to be the ones with no other application what so ever. Those would be: Backslide , Compelling Argument and Censor.

When it comes to ramp cards, there are additional rocks this deck could use to get Zur out earlier. The rocks I am thinking about adding to the deck are: Coldsteel Heart, Mind Stone, Thought Vessel, Worn Powerstone, Thran Dynamo, Hedron Archive and Gilded Lotus.


2nd Zur Cycle version. This deck will focus more on having more flexible and/or cheaper cycling cards. Found a card for the first deck Twilight's Call.

Gonna have some fun with Arcane Laboratory, which is really good in this deck, and Jace, Unraveler of Secrets .

Cycling enablers:

Zur Package:


  • There are some rune cards that give protection as well as creatures with protection against spesific colour that also have cycling. These are possible additions to keep in mind.
  • Cyclers that cycle for lands will in the long run end my cycling chain. The need good reason to stay in the deck. Cards like Shoreline Ranger and Twisted Abomination which has little other use than for cycling should probably be replaced.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 7 Rares

23 - 6 Uncommons

30 - 16 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.73
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Bird 1/1 W, Drake 2/2 U, Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Oketra's Attendant 3/3 W, Soldier 1/1 W, The Monarch, Zombie 2/2 B
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