Designed mostly to combo out. Possibly considering a push to either more control, tutoring, or pillowfort cards. Also will be improving the land base.

Game Ending Combos

To paraphrase someone else's description - this deck is about assembling the cogs and gears to create whatever machine you desire to win. Mostly you'll be putting an infinite combo together that either takes out the tables's life totals, or mills everyone out. The nifty bit is there are a myriad of ways to do this, and you can create whichever combo you choose, based on what you draw.

For each combo, you generally have three components: The combo enablers, a mana generator or fuel source to make it go infinite, and the kill cards that allow the combo to finish off the opposition.

Engines (Combo Enablers)

These are the basic mechanics of your combos. In general they will create artifacts or creatures that you will then sacrifice to generate mana to repeat the process over and over.

Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek - Sacrifice the Sword to the Foundry. The Sword goes to the graveyard, then the Foundry creates it's token and gives you one life. This triggers the Sword's ability allowing you to return it to the battlefield attached to the token. You can now sacrifice the token to one of your fuel sources, gaining . Use one of these to sacrifice the Sword to the Foundry, starting the cycle again. Each time you run through the cycle, you net and one more life. Gaining infinite life and mana alone can go a long way towards wining you most games. Add a kill card and it's GG.

Saheeli Rai + Liquimetal Coating/Memnarch/Mycosynth Lattice - This one is nice as it does not require one of the Fuel cards to make the combo go infinite. The downside is unless you have a Kill card on the board, running the combo doesn't actually do anything for you. Generally I've found that this works best by casting Saheeli last, as she will raise a red flag with a lot of players as soon as she hits the table. The other cards have other uses besides just comboing out. Once both pieces are on the board, you want to turn Saheeli into an artifact with the other card in the combo (with Mycosynth on the table, she's already an artifact). Once she is an artifact, you can activate her -2 ability, targeting herself. When the copy lands on the board and you have to sacrifice one, due to the planeswalker rules, sac the original. The copy comes in as an artifact, so you can again use her -2 to copy herself and repeat this over and over as much as you desire.

Breya, Etherium Shaper/Myr Battlesphere/Whirler Rogue/Marionette Master + Nim Deathmantle/Eldrazi Displacer - This combo essentially works by taking a creature that creates two or more tokens when it enters the battlefield, sacing those tokens to your Fuel sources, then using that mana to either bring the creature back after sacing it if you are using the Deathmantle, or just blinking it if you have the Displacer. Any combination of the cards can net you infinite mana, which you can then use to create infinite tokens, and of course if you have a kill card out, just straight up kill your opponents outright. A few notes:

1) You don't need a kill card with Breya to win outright, just use the infinite mana and tokens to activate her ability for 3 damage to an opponent over and over again.

2) Whirler Rogue and Marionette Master only work with Ashnod's Altar as fuel as they are not artifacts themselves.

Fuel (Sac for Mana Outlets)

These are probably the single most important cards in your deck. Without them, most of these combos simply won't work. Keep them safe. Your combo enablers basically provide artifacts or critters for you to sacrifice to these in exchange for , allowing you to take the combos infinite. Needless to say, if you get one in your opening hand don't mulligan it away.

Ashnod's Altar

Krark-Clan Ironworks

Functionally the same, one works with critters, the other artifacts. Since pretty much every token we use for the combos will be both, either card will work.

Fire (Kill Cards)

These are cards that trigger abilities when your tokens and creatures enter the battlefield or go to the graveyard.

Purphoros, God of the Forge - Doesn't work with non-creatures, but gets the job done with most of the combos in the deck, and is a bit harder to remove.

Marionette Master/Disciple of the Vault - Both provide the same basic effect - direct damage to an opponent's dome every time you sac an artifact.

Altar of the Brood - This one mills your opponents every time you put a permanent on the field. This is a personal favorite as it's quite annoying for them just by itself, and the look on their face when their own combo pieces go to the yard is priceless.

Exsanguinate - Use the infinite mana generated with one of the above combos and just nuke everyone.

Other Ways to Win

Aside from the various infinite combos, there are a few other ways to end games.

Token Swarm - The most basic is going wide and creating a ton of thopters with your token producers to swarm your opponents. Without more support for buffing or multiplying tokens, unless you use one of the combos listed above to create a giant mass of them, this strategy will generally take too long.

Mechanized Production/Hellkite Tyrant - A little easier to achieve than direct damage, these cards auto win the game when you achieve a certain number of artifacts. Eight artifacts of the same name for Mechanized Production (fairly easy with token production, and these don't have to be the same artifact that Mechanized Production is making copies of), and twenty of any combination of artifacts with Hellkite Tyrant (with the number of artifacts in the deck and token production, not too difficult and is even easier if you are using the Tyrant to steal your opponent's artifacts). Almost any card that has " win the game" printed on it is going to be given the highest levels of target priority by most opponents so be prepared to protect these cards and time their casting at the most opportune moment.

Blightsteel Colossus - Various playgroups have different house rules for poison counters on players, but if your group plays them unmodified, this guy will one-shot anyone he connects with. This is good, but we can do better. Create a bunch of flying thopters and attack everyone with them at the same time while the Colossus is on the board but does not attack. Make sure you have enough to get a few through to each opponent. After blockers are declared, when you gain priority, cast Mirrorweave, targeting the Colossus. All the thopters that got through the opponents defenses now turn into copies of the Colossus and drop a ton of poison tokens on everyone. This should kill everyone else at the table.

Infinite Turns

Thopter Assembly + Time Sieve - Put Assembly down the turn before you want to start this. At the beginning of your next upkeep, you'll put 5 thopter tokens on the board and return Assembly to your hand. Then play Assembly again, followed by Time Sieve. Sac the 5 tokens to activate Time Sieve, leaving Assembly to activate again at the beginning of the next turn, restarting the cycle.

Infinite Mana

Basalt Monolith/Rings of Brighthearth - One of the classic infinite mana generators.

Stealing Everybody's Stuff

Hellkite Tyrant/Mycosynth Lattice/Mirrorweave -


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87% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.65
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Emblem Daretti, Scrap Savant, Myr 1/1 C, Servo 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 U
Folders Fiendish's Decks
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