Ghor-Clan Rampager

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ghor-Clan Rampager

Creature — Beast


Bloodrush, Discard Ghor-Clan Rampager: Target attacking creature gets +4/+4 and gains trample until end of turn.

nuperokaso on Trample Tribal

5 months ago
  • Since you are playing Arbor Elf, Old-Growth Troll and Utopia Sprawl, you need to be 100% sure that you have Forest in your opening hand. You are now playing 12 Forests, which don't guarantee that. I would suggest that you go up to 16 at least.
  • Aspect of Hydra is not a good card in your build. It works well only in a mono-green deck. Remove them. Ghor-Clan Rampager is a better pump and also a good creature with trample.
  • Commune with Nature is a bad card. If you want a better alternative, play Once Upon a Time, but best would be to play none of it - it's only relevant in combo decks.
  • Trample works well with Deathtouch, since you need to assign only 1 damage to each blocker and the rest to the player. Try 1 Bow of Nylea and 1 Basilisk Collar.
  • Return to Nature is a situational card which may end up dead in your hand. Such cards are not to be played in main deck, only in sideboard.
  • Don't play Thrill of Possibility. You don't have any synergy with it. Instead of spending 2 mana to get to cards you want, play cards you want.
  • Colossal Rattlewurm is a 6/5 trample for 4 mana with some upsides. Play some 2 Ramunap Ruins instead of a Basic Mountain to support it.
  • Explore is questionable. I suggest you remove them. Add extra Arbor Elf and you have one free slot.
  • As was already mentioned, 1 Stonebrow, Krosan Hero should make it into the deck.

Icbrgr on Break out

6 months ago

I have been away from magic for a bit and just popped back in and discovered the card Break Out. It just seems really really nice for Aggro decks or any small zoo deck.

My first thought is to compare this card to Collected Company... the sorcery speed kinda gets offset by giving a 2MV creature haste and can still just put higher mana value creatures like Ghor-Clan Rampager in hand.

Has anybody been trying out this card? It just seems pretty nutty to me.

BlobHobbit on Kucklebeast Beatdown *Help Wanted*

1 year ago

I think the first thing to do is simply state that Pioneer is a faster format than Standard and most decks are also much more powerful because you have a broader range of access cardwise, so there would be certain cards I would recommend taking out and replacing just so the deck can keep up. Secondly, the best themes in your deck seem to be activated creature abilities along with "Ferocious" creatures and abilities. Not all the cards in the deck necessarily suit this theme.

Cards I recommend putting in: Training Grounds - This card recently had a reprint and it works extremely well with Knucklebeast as well as other cards like Shaman of the Great Hunt.

Ghor-Clan Rampager - Essentially an improvement on Boon Satyr with better stats and a better keyword as a creture with the ability to effectively buff a creature by addinng it's keyword and stats to it. The ability is also 3 mana cheaper.

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip - It's an expensive card moneywise but worth it. For an explanation read the card XD.

Ilysian Caryatid - A newer version of Rattleclaw Mystic that improves when you have a "Ferocious" creature on field.

Lovestruck Beast - Fits the power 4 or greater theme perfectly and the one drop effect can help you curve out better. Good replacement for Heir of the Wilds

Migloz, Maze Crusher - 4/4 with lots of extra utility.

The Akroan War - An improvement on Yasova Dragonclaw in my opinion as it can also help thin or even wipe your opponents board.

Honorable Mention: Llanowar Elves - Could play four more one drop mana dorks but this deck might not want to given it's playing 2 other colours.

There are probably more possible options but these are ones that stick in my mind

Cards I would definitely take out: Ashcloud Phoenix - this is too expensive mana-wise for what it is and there a more useful cards you can play in the slots it's taking up.

Boon Satyr - Just to expensive generally for this format and there is an obvious better option.

Polukranos, World Eater - It's a four drop that outside of what is effectively a sacrifice ability has no function but being a 5/5, a role than can be filled by Lovestruck Beast

Crater's Claws and Icy Blast - X cost interaction of this kind has it's uses but generally never is played in Pioneer because it's normally worse than useless against Control decks with counterspells. Playing Stubborn Denial in your main deck feels so much better as it goes from a slightly worse spell pierce to a one drop Counterspell just by you playing the deck.

Rattleclaw Mystic - Tri-colour mana dorks are outdated nowadays really and the Morph ability doesn't make up for this, there are just better cards.

Another thing is that the mana base really would need some improvement because the speed of Pioneer is not very favourable towards anything more than two colours without playing some combination of shock, fast or pain lands along with a few basics.

I hope this is helpful for you and wish you the best of luck in any games you play

Icbrgr on What is Gruul to you?

1 year ago

If I could describe Gruul in one card it would be Ghor-Clan Rampager.

  • Beefy beater threat.

  • Aggressively costed.

  • Trample as its form of "evasion."

  • Combat trick utility.

I know colors facilitate other strategies but to me it always makes me think of a creature based aggro deck... simple and effective and I love it and always find myself coming back to these colors/strategy for one reason or another.

ndame24 on Counter Deck

2 years ago

Rebullet I have been trying to find something like cockatrice so thank you for that. I get what you’re saying about control decks. Makes complete sense. I just don’t want to stray too far from the original plan of the deck by building up massive creatures with +1/+1 counters using Kalonian Hydra and just being too powerful. Then again, if Kalonian Hydra and Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch enter early, those two cards alone would allow for massive damage early on.

420MensRightsActivist same thing I said above. I completely get what you’re saying and will definitely consider making those changes. I just don’t want to get too far away from the main focus of the deck which is to have massive creatures on the board using Kalonian Hydra’s ability. So I would be good with removing cards like Gore-House Chainwalker and Ghor-Clan Rampager but I don’t think removing Experiment One or Rakdos Cackler is a good idea cause it takes away from the main idea of the deck. But, if removing those cards makes the deck competitive in tournaments/free-to-play nights at my local store then I am strongly considering them. What cards would you suggest removing and replacing? Like what would you do to replace the lands, Corpsejack Menace and Champion of Lambholt?

Skulblakasven00 on

3 years ago

Omniscience_is_life - As much as I adore Kargan Intimidator, and have been interested in building a pseudo-warriors tribal deck including him, I’m not sure this is the place for him, because my other warriors: Pelt Collector & Gruul Spellbreaker already have trample. I do wonder if maybe he has a place in modern with Wild Nacatl? I’m also hesitant of Adorned Pouncer, only because it doesn’t grow my 1-drops on curve. Maybe an Embercleave deserves a slot though?

I really appreciate your attention brought to Ghor-Clan Rampager and your suggestion of replacing it with CoCo. I’m surprised I didn’t think of it myself, lol. Thank you so much for your feedback!

Stardragon on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Clan of Bloodbraided 2

Legendary Enchantment-MR

Creatures you control gain +2/0 and trample

Whenever you creature you control destroys a creatures it gains a +1/+1 counter and than cascades

: Target creature you control fights another creature or planeswalker you don't control (Planeswalker power and toughness are equal to their loyalty)

This is for a Kresh the Bloodbraided Precon. It takes inspiration from both Kresh himself and Bloodbraid Elf in that thier clan gets stronger by killing (Kresh) and can cascade (Elf) but they have to kill other creatures to gain both. This helps Kresh in two ways make your creatures bigger so when they die he get more counters and cascade can add more creatures giving him more bodies and fuel

Using the flavor texts from these cards Burn Bright, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Gruul War Chant, Skylasher make creature called Kroshkar, Gruul Shamen (the flavor text is to help you if need it)

rjife on Pummel - Verb: Strike Repeatedly

3 years ago

Ghor-Clan Rampager is very good in this deck, and I think Collision / Colossus is better than invigorated rampage. Collected Company is a must-have, especially to dig for pummeler. Love the deck!

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