Planar Cleansing

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Planar Cleansing


Destroy all nonland permanents.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Combats as One

10 months ago

Hi there! Have you had a chance to play the deck at all irl yet? I was also wondering what's the general focus you wanted to take your Isshin deck? Given his wording, he can do a lot with attack triggers, and from looking at your deck it looks like you're trying a bit of everything that he's capable of. If you're open to them, I have some suggestions:

  • Your mana curve is pretty top heavy, and without much ramp/mana acceleration beyond Sol Ring, Aracane Signet, Sword of the Animist, Capt Lannery Storm, Chromatic Lantern, Smothering Tithe, & Goldspan Dragon. If you wanted to speed up your play a bit, I'd recommend getting in a few more 2 mana rocks like Orzhov Signet & Talisman of Conviction, & some of the others in Mardu colors.

  • If you wanted to lean more into a token creature generation route, I'd recommend adding in Myrel and Brimaz, which are already in your Maybeboard, & maybed swapping them with Pathrazer of Ulamog & maybe one of your other high CMC creatures. I think trimming some of your higher CMC creatures ties in a bit to my suggestion from my bullet above.

  • Ankle Shanker could be a potential swap for Blade Historian, mostly because the death touch & first strike combo will make your board difficult to block.

  • I'd recommend cutting Cunning Rhetoric and swapping it with Rising of the Day or Fervor. Cunning Rhetoric was a card I cut fairly early on from my Isshin deck, and found the Haste anthems to be a lot more helpful for starting my aggro swings faster. Cunning Rhetoric is also in a kinda awkward spot where you kinda want to dissuade attacks, but it's not really enough of a deterrent; at least it wasn't in my meta.

  • I think you could swap Planar Cleansing for another board protection effect like Clever Concealment. Isshin really benefits from maintaining as much aggro momentum as possible, so it helps to keep your board as intact as possible. Additionally, Planar Cleansing is very single-color heavy for a 3 color deck.

  • On the topic of board protection, I'd highly recommend adding in Reconnaissance, as it's one of the best cards for any Isshin deck. The wording on Reconnaissance acts as a pseudo-Vigilance anthem, and can save your creatures from combat. This article from EDHREC better elaborates on the timing and how it works. This would really round out your board protection you already have with Dolmen Gate & Iroas.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Would be happy to offer additional suggestions or ideas if you would like them. Best of luck with your deck, Isshin is a lot of fun!

chivalruse on Voltron Serra

1 year ago

I like the idea, but the deck is very vulnerable to Farewell / Planar Cleansing type effects. And you're not buildling around Serra's self-protecting effect, which means you're depending on mainly equipment to protect her, which is unreliable. Brain Freeze, Glimpse the Unthinkable, Emry, Lurker of the Loch - that's not much self-mill, which means you're not getting hardly any value out of Silas Renn, Seeker Adept, at least not consistently.

I'm just wondering how you plan to overcome so many problems.

legendofa on Self Mill deck mana help

2 years ago

Welcome to the club, wschlobohm!

The win conditions here are Laboratory Maniac and Spider Spawning, is that correct? If so, you're going to want more than one of each. I recommend 3-4 of each.

As Balaam__ says, there are a few cards here that aren't in many self-mill decks, and some of them are pushing your average mana value up. Craterhoof Behemoth, Rune-Scarred Demon, and Resolute Archangel in particular are probably not going to help that much. This deck has almost no way to generate mana quickly, so those cards are going to be sitting in your hand for a long time before seeing use. Cutting them and replacing them with less mana-hungry cards will be a strong first step.

Archaeomancer isn't really living up to its potential here, with a total of five instants and sorceries. It can come out and be saved for a more spell-centric deck.

Third thought, you have only two white cards in here, and I already suggested cutting one of them. If you take out Planar Cleansing as well, that should tighten up your mana immensely.

This point will require a higher budget, but take a look at multicolor lands that enter untapped. Anything from Llanowar Wastes to Drowned Catacomb to Breeding Pool will accelerate your deck, since you can use lands the turn they're played.

My final thought for the moment is to take a close look at every card and ask, Does it put cards in my graveyard? Does it take advantage of cards in my graveyard? Does it directly win me the game? If the answer to all of these for any card is no, then that card can probably be taken out and replaced with a card that does advance your game plan.

Look to get four copies of the cards you want to use most. This will increase your odds of drawing those cards.

If you want to look into more competitive decks along these lines, check out Dredge and Reanimator decks. Both of these strategies are based around filling your graveyard as quickly as possible and using it as a new resource. Alternatively, Laboratory Maniac and its friends Thassa's Oracle and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries are the centerpiece of a common instant-win Commander strategy, if you prefer that angle

And above all, have fun!

RelinquishedAttempts on Killian's Kitty

3 years ago

why don't you have Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots ? I'm sure they'd be useful in this deck. Also, I think the cost of auras are reduced with Killian, so you should add some auras. I'm not too familiar with auras, but a good one is Spirit Mantle . Grateful Apparition would be pretty great in this deck I think, seeing as to how you are using +1/+1 counters to make your dude strong. Something like Glimpse the Sun God would be good in this deck too. Also, Hour of Revelation is just a better Planar Cleansing . Finally, since you are doing a voltron strat, you should add Rogue's Passage since it would give your big swinger unlockable.

Anyways, I hope this helps a bit.

DrunkManSquakin666 on Kaalia of The Vast

3 years ago


Didn't see the arena, lol. That said, if I ever need a Planar Cleansing effect, I like using Hour of Revelation in the deck. It's a very underused card in my opinion. Food for thought, just in case. =3

RiotRunner789 on None

3 years ago

White does have the best mass removal.

Wrath of God, Day of Judgment, Cleansing Meditation, Fumigate, Planar Cleansing, Austere Command, Cleansing Nova, Settle the Wreckage, Winds of Abandon.

Is Blasphemous Act a good board wipe? Absolutely. But white consistently gets good board wipe compared to the one or two good creature board wipe that red has (which are also all damage based).

plakjekaas on What, Exactly, is Wrong with …

3 years ago

What's white known for?

Lifegain? Green and black are as able as white at gaining life, while also progressing the game/board while doing so.

Removal? Black deals with specifically single target creature better than white can. Enchantments and artifacts are removed as easily, if not more so, by green. Oblivion Ring effects? Not a permanent solution, often suboptimal. Boardwipes? Damnation , Toxic Deluge , Blasphemous Act and Cyclonic Rift are more popular than Wrath of God . But Planar Cleansing is a purely white effect right...? Hello Boompile , Oblivion Stone and Nevinyrral's Disk , which are playable in every deck.

Tokens then? But Doubling Season and Parallel Lives are green cards. White has the best non-tribal anthems, like Glorious Anthem , but most commander decks that actually win by those effects, usually are tribal, and have plenty of lords that synergize better with the deck.

So what does a deck need to actually be functional? Most will say you'll need a decent amount of carddraw and ramp. White ramp is actually catching up lately, but almost all white ramp is dependent on artifacts or your opponents ( Knight of the Reliquary effects). Smothering Tithe helps though. White carddraw is either the Monarch, which every other color has cards for, or it's Mentor of the Meek and Bygone Bishop , which impose fairly heavy restrictions on your deck, to play low-impact creature cards in your 99. There is no white Rhystic Study , Outpost Siege , Guardian Project or Phyrexian Arena .

And finally, what else is white lacking? A (big mana) spell that can win the game on the spot. Like Torment of Hailfire , Craterhoof Behemoth , Insurrection or Thassa's Oracle . White splashy spells will create an imposing boardstate, but you'll need to actually untap to attack and win the game, giving your opponents a full turn to respond. The closest white has is Approach of the Second Sun which you can see coming 7 cards in advance.

So there's no real unique reason to play White in your deck. White only shines in being annoying, with Rule of Law , Drannith Magistrate , Ghostly Prison , Thalia, Guardian of Thraben , Blind Obedience and Armageddon , which not everyone (understatement) likes playing against. So if you'd ask me, the lack of carddraw, unique strategies & finishers, and the play-stax-or-lose image, are the main problems white is dealing with right now.

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